OPERA Open PLC European Research Alliance 6TH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Author: Luis J. Legorburu Date: October 14 th 2004 OPERA-COPRAS Brussels October 14th.


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Presentation transcript:

OPERA Open PLC European Research Alliance 6TH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Author: Luis J. Legorburu Date: October 14 th 2004 OPERA-COPRAS Brussels October 14th 2004 Possible Collaborations

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 2 Project Scope (I) Objectives OPERA Project is a four years project (divided in two phases of 24 months, the actual phase covers two years up to December 2005)… Where the main actors in PLC area are participating… To offer low-cost broadband access service to ALL European citizens using the most ubiquitous infrastructure, Power Lines… By means improving & standardising the PLC Technology in order to reduce costs and to be able to use it as a broadband technology in a massive deployment.

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 3 Project Scope (II) What is PLC? PLC (Power Line Communications) is a telecommunication technology that allows to take profit of the existing electrical grid for high quality and broadband data transmission. This means that in each domestic electrical socket, the customer has availability, in addition to the electrical energy, of: –Broad Band Internet Services –Telephone connection –Advanced services of Video and High definition TV (on test) All these services are available without having additional connections, antennas or new cables in house. An additional advantage for the Power Distribution Company is the avoidance of the “last mile” installation, the cable routings, and the ditches across our streets.

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 4 Telecom Operators Auna (Spain) ONI (Portugal) PPC (Germany) Utilities EDF (France) ENDESA (Spain) ENEL Distribuzione/WIND (Italy) IBERDROLA (Spain) LinzAG Strom (Austria) MVV (Germany) UniónFenosa (Spain) Technology Providers Ascom (Switzerland) DS2 (Spain) Itran (Israel) Main.net (Israel) Universities Open University (England) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland) University of Dresden (Germany) University ofDuisburg- Essen (Germany) University ofKarlsruhe (Germany) Universityof Thessaloniki (Greece) UniversityPolitécnica Madrid (Spain) University ofComillas (Spain) Developers and Manufactures ADD (Spain) Dimat (Spain) Schneider Electric Powerline Communications (France) Eichhoff (Germany) Elsys Design (France) Mitsubishi (Japan) Robotiker (Spain) Telvent (Spain) Engineering and Consultancy Companies Eutelis Italia (Italy) Enditel (Spain) IberdrolaIngeniería y Consultoría (Spain) Inesc / Nov (Portugal) Other Organisations PLCForum Association Project Scope (III) Participants

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 5 Technologies, specifications, other outputs that are intended to be European or global standards or may contribute to standardisation work Our Project have into its objectives to contibute to the Standardisation of PLC sys-tems for the following issues: –Functional requirements: topologies of PLC networks and system requirements (performance, QoS, network management, electric safety specifications, dimensions, target cost). –Access system specification: PHY layer, MAC layer, coexistence indoor-access, MIB for NMS, PLC network/services interfaces. –PLC equipment specification: specification of requirements of PLC equipment. –EMC: there are only standard & compliance at national level and the objective is European level. –Interface with narrow band PLC System. Those specifications will be taken to standardisation bodies and will be the basis for the manufacture of (standard) new generation PLC systems to be used in the deployment.

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 6 Specific WPs addressing activities required to interface with standards bodies Workpackage 5: “Specification & standardisation” –Objectives To specify the requirements of the new PLC Integrated Network that will be the reference for the work of all workpackages. To drive the PLC standardisation in the competent organisations. –Budget: 170 Man/months (both for Specifying and Addressing)

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 7 Coordinating standardisation related activity with other IST projects Up to this moment, our only process to coordinating standardisation related activity with other IST projects either in FP6 or other Framework Programmes is the present one: –COPRAS

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 8 Coordination with standards bodies/industry consortia, concerned activity & involved organisations Standards body or industry consortium; Forecasted Contacts: –CENELEC SC205A working Group 10 on PLC standardisation –Work Group WG3 of the committee CISPR/I (EMC of Information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers) which are developing a standard on product EMC Activities Involved: Workpackage 5 –Our deliverable D59 consists in the Deliverables updating to transform them to proposal documents (final drafts) for the standardisation bodies. –The Contacts have not started yet. Our Proposal documents for the standardisation bodies will be released at month 24 (End of 2005), as stated in our milestones.

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 9 Standardisation Issues Addressing Specific Areas (I) Expected results that may concern standardization issues.: –Specification of requirements of PLC System. –Specification of requirements of PLC Equipment. –PLC EMC aspects: measurements, disturbance voltage, radiation, immunity, approval testing… –PLC de facto standard. –Proposal documents for the standardisation bodies

Brussels, October 14th 2004OPERA-COPRAS Possible Collaborations 10 Standardisation Issues Addressing Specific Areas (II) Detailed Tech. & Spec. and Standards related Outputs (Deliverables): –D45 Specification of PLC system requirements. –D46 General specification of PLC PHY layer –D47 General specification of PLC MAC layer –D48 Specification of common MIB for all PLC equipment. –D49 Solutions for coexistence between Access and Indoor systems –D50 Specification of standard interfaces. –D51 Specification of requirements of PLC equipment: Access network PLC equipment Customer premises equipment User’s terminals –D52 Specification for EMC measurements to be performed. –D53 Report on disturbance voltage measurement method. –D56 Specifications for PLC type approval testing. –D57 Specification of interfaces between home automation and PLC and between AMR and PLC systems. –D58 Report on the progress of PLC standardisation. –D59 Deliverables update to transform them to proposal documents (final drafts) for the standardisation bodies.