Agenda Start up admin: roll call, approve agenda, appoint minute takers, approve last meeting minutes Review and approve latest draft of spec Issue discussion: Issues with proposals to vote – 6, 9, 52, 81, 103, 15, 87, 89, 110, 134, 137, 123, 129, 115, 2, 91, 97, 99, 107, 126 (note, this is ordered so that the issues that have been open for a while with the votes deferred will be done later). The last 5 issues will be done on Wed. issues with draft proposals: –135, 139 (I think these are the only ones left that haven't been "promoted" to proposals to vote - let me know if I missed any). Review all remaining issues by category (alphabetical order). Schedule Thurs morning we will discuss the schedule and proposed new checkpoints – A suggestion has been made that we should require future proposals to vote to include all require spec language changes. –We may also want to discuss the suggestion that at some point we will want to start closing issues that have aged to a certain point without any activity and when we might project putting something like that in effect. –Note: As we've done in the past, we will break every 2 hours to take a checkpoint on the agenda, update roll on the phone, switch minute taker and hold votes as required.
Sept 21 Summary Latest working copy of spec approved. Monica, Danny and Vinky will send with some minor comments Issue discussion: Issues with proposals to vote –6 – extensive discussion. Satish will continue to work the proposal –9 – Yaron will write a new proposal that reflects discussion –52 – closed with no change to the spec –129 – closed with the proposal from Chris –134 – proposal adopted –Danny will open a new issue having to do with defining fault a for language problems. If received during the f2f, the vote on opening it will happen immediately. –137 – closed as an editing change. Spec editing team to work on final wording. –89 – closed: a static analysis requirement will be defined to insure that a process will be rejected if query or executiion language expressions are not supported (Yaron to send with exact wording) – –Note: As we've done in the past, we will break every 2 hours to take a checkpoint on the agenda, update roll on the phone, switch minute taker and hold votes as required.
Agenda Sept 22 Start up admin: roll call, approve agenda, appoint minute takers, approve last meeting minutes Review and approve latest draft of spec Issue discussion: Issues with proposals to vote: 103, 81, 15, 87, 110, :30 pm: , 97, 99, 107, 126 (Abstract topic) issues with draft proposals: –135, 139 (I think these are the only ones left that haven't been "promoted" to proposals to vote - let me know if I missed any). Review all remaining issues by category (alphabetical order). Schedule Thurs morning we will discuss the schedule and proposed new checkpoints – A suggestion has been made that we should require future proposals to vote to include all require spec language changes. –We may also want to discuss the suggestion that at some point we will want to start closing issues that have aged to a certain point without any activity and when we might project putting something like that in effect.