2002/3/18 Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA 1 Minimum Requirement of IPv6 for Low Cost Network Appliance draft-okabe-ipv6-lcna-minreq-01.txt Minimum Requirement of IPv6 for Low Cost Network Appliance draft-okabe-ipv6-lcna-minreq-01.txt Atsushi Inoue Toshiba Corporation R&D Center
2002/3/18 2Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA Contents Motivation Motivation Objective of this draft Objective of this draft Changes from -00 draft Changes from -00 draft Open issues Open issues Next steps Next steps
2002/3/18 3Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA LCNA definition Low Cost Network Appliances (LCNA) will be connected to the Internet Low Cost Network Appliances (LCNA) will be connected to the Internet Special purpose devices (unlike ordinary PC). Special purpose devices (unlike ordinary PC). Having limited network functionality under limited resources. Having limited network functionality under limited resources. Not a router, but a host. Not a router, but a host.
2002/3/18 4Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA LCNA example (Home appliances) Toshiba Internet Refrigerator
2002/3/18 5Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA LCNA example (Home appliances) Panasonic Internet Microwave Oven
2002/3/18 6Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA LCNA example (IP sensor) SIMM size SIMM size 1MROM 1MROM 1MRAM 1MRAM 8bits,40MHz 8bits,40MHz IPv4: 7KB IPv4: 7KB IPv6:21KB IPv6:21KB JVM JVM HTTPD, Telnet, Ftp HTTPD, Telnet, Ftp Yokogawa IP sensor
2002/3/18 7Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA Motivation In Japan, many LCNA trials are promoted as a national project. In Japan, many LCNA trials are promoted as a national project. IP Sensors IP Sensors Home appliances (Refrigerator, Microwave oven) Home appliances (Refrigerator, Microwave oven) Playstation2 w/ IPv6 functionality Playstation2 w/ IPv6 functionality Currently prototyped w/ KAME/USAGI full-spec IPv6 stack Currently prototyped w/ KAME/USAGI full-spec IPv6 stack But in order to make them commercial products, cost down by compact implementation (including LSI packaging) is necessary But in order to make them commercial products, cost down by compact implementation (including LSI packaging) is necessary
2002/3/18 8Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA Our objectives Submit a LCNA node requirement document in order to make a guideline for implementing IPv6 on LCNAs. Submit a LCNA node requirement document in order to make a guideline for implementing IPv6 on LCNAs. Sharing implementation experience of various LCNAs. Sharing implementation experience of various LCNAs. How to select necessary functionality under certain resource limitation How to select necessary functionality under certain resource limitation Making reference code and test suites to public Making reference code and test suites to public Drive LCNA industry Drive LCNA industry LCNA Interoperability test Yokohama) LCNA Interoperability test Yokohama) 27 organization joined with 7 LCNA implementations (from 6 organizations) 27 organization joined with 7 LCNA implementations (from 6 organizations)
2002/3/18 9Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA 3rd TAHI IPv6 Interoperability Test Event
2002/3/18 10Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA Changes from -00 draft Reflected comments of IPv6 WG Reflected comments of IPv6 WG Corrected several editorial errors Corrected several editorial errors Mobility parts (2.8, Chapter 5) are appended Mobility parts (2.8, Chapter 5) are appended Default address selection for IPv6 (3.8) is appended Default address selection for IPv6 (3.8) is appended Security part is completely changed Security part is completely changed Threat analysis of LCNA (4.1) Threat analysis of LCNA (4.1) IPsec not mandatory ( ) IPsec not mandatory ( ) LCNA must support appropriate security solution depending upon the contents of communication and operation capability LCNA must support appropriate security solution depending upon the contents of communication and operation capability IPsec minimum requirement in 00 draft is now moved to Appendix as one (IP-layer) example of security solution (but we cannot mention about other layers ’ security solutions) IPsec minimum requirement in 00 draft is now moved to Appendix as one (IP-layer) example of security solution (but we cannot mention about other layers ’ security solutions)
2002/3/18 11Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA Open issues (IPsec mandatory ? ) Discussion of cellular draft also works for LCNA Discussion of cellular draft also works for LCNA Basically, IPv6 mandates implementing IPsec. Basically, IPv6 mandates implementing IPsec. No-IPsec must not be allowed even if currently LCNAs cannot support IPsec No-IPsec must not be allowed even if currently LCNAs cannot support IPsec On IPv6 end-to-end environment, no-security nodes cannot exist (it might be victim of intrusion/highjacking) On IPv6 end-to-end environment, no-security nodes cannot exist (it might be victim of intrusion/highjacking) It might happen that a vendor have to limit (or omit) IPsec implementation on its own responsibility. It might happen that a vendor have to limit (or omit) IPsec implementation on its own responsibility. If IPsec minimum specification is regulated, draft-00 (ESP with manual key exchange) will be fine If IPsec minimum specification is regulated, draft-00 (ESP with manual key exchange) will be fine
2002/3/18 12Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA Open issues (document structure) Is generic node requirement document possible ? Is generic node requirement document possible ? In case of cellular draft, usage model and network configuration are regulated by 3G network document In case of cellular draft, usage model and network configuration are regulated by 3G network document But in case of LCNAs, we have not discussed network/usage models yet But in case of LCNAs, we have not discussed network/usage models yet We need descriptions for network/usage models of typical LCNAs We need descriptions for network/usage models of typical LCNAs Home appliance LCNAs and home gateway model Home appliance LCNAs and home gateway model Sensor type LCNAs and information gathering server model Sensor type LCNAs and information gathering server model Should these items be merged to this draft ? Or separate documents ?
2002/3/18 13Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA Next Steps On 02 draft On 02 draft Update Chapter 4(Security) again Update Chapter 4(Security) again Update Mobile IPv6 part by watching mobileip WG progress Update Mobile IPv6 part by watching mobileip WG progress Network/Usage model description (on separate document ??) Network/Usage model description (on separate document ??) Security solution evaluation data on appendix Security solution evaluation data on appendix How difficult it is for LCNAs to implement current security solutions must be evaluated !! How difficult it is for LCNAs to implement current security solutions must be evaluated !! After that, proceed to WG item After that, proceed to WG item Target for Informational RFC or BCP Target for Informational RFC or BCP
2002/3/18 14Min. Req. for IPv6 LCNA More Info. Contact Points Contact Points