Historic Tax Credit Developers Conference February 7 & 8 Don CeSar Beach Resort, St. Pete Beach, Fl Working with the National Park Service and States
Certification Process 3 Part Application Process Part 1 - Historic Status Part 2 - Design Approval Part 3 - Project Completion State and National Park Service Review 60-Day Minimum Review – More Likely Days Approx 30% Design Development Drawings Necessary for Submission Secretary of Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation
NPS Design Hot Buttons Window Replacements Interior Floor Plan Changes New Additions Functionally Related Complexes
Response to Issues Tax Act Review Reform Policy Paper (June 2003) Issued by the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) Recommended reforms to the Tax Act Review process Recommendations for Improving Administration of the Certified Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program (December 2003) Issued by the Historic Preservation Development Council (HPDC) Recommended changes that would make the program more sensitive to the realities of the real estate development process
Response to Issues Tax Act Review Reform Policy Paper (June 2003) Issued by the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) Recommended reforms to the Tax Act Review process Recommendations for Improving Administration of the Certified Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program (December 2003) Issued by the Historic Preservation Development Council (HPDC) Recommended changes that would make the program more sensitive to the realities of the real estate development process
NPS Response Recommendations for Improving Administration of the Certified Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program (August 2004) NPS agreed to undertake a number of changes including establishing a committee of the National Park System Advisory Board made up of parties interested in the in how the Secretarys Rehabilitation Standards are interpreted. Committee was formed in 2005 and listened to presentations by SHPOs, the IRS, developers and preservation professionals. Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program Recommendations for Making a Good Program Better (September 2006)
Albert Rex MacRostie Historic Advisors LLC 56 Highgate Road Marlborough, MA (617)