PLAST 2015 visitors (Courtesy Translation) Rif. 1807v215Milan, June 2015
2 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 2 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 TARGETS From May 5 to 9, 2015 took place the latest edition of PLAST, the international exhibition for the plastics and rubber industries, that represents a very important event for all the operators of this sector. On this occasion, Eumetra has been appointed by Promaplast to prepare a similar survay like what happened after PLAST 2012, with an in-depth study on visitors in order to get their overall opinion on their experience. It will give us a complete picture on PLAST 2015, showing in details visitors’ satisfaction, giving also a list of causes that mostly influence the overall outcome of their visit. This study will give us a mapping of excellence areas as well as improvement areas of PLAST that can be used for communications initiatives towards the relevant stakeholders’ system. Here below analysis’ contents and method will be deepened.
3 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 3 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 METHOD In order to reach the targets of this project, Eumetra has realized a specific quantitative survey, done interviewing a sample of PLAST visitors and non-visitors (but pre-registered). Samples quota have been defined, in accordance with the Customer, as follows: Such sample is casual stratified per quota and statistically representative of reference population according to the geographic area of residence (for Italy data). Interviewed people have answered, through CATI method (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview), a structured questionnaire, preaaranged in cooperation with the Customer. In the following pages you may find the main results of this survay. visitorsNON visitors visitorsNON visitors domesticforeigners
4 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 4 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 QUICK RESULTS average days dedicated to visit PLAST 1,8 average days dedicated to visit PLAST Domestic visitors Foreign visitors of companies has sent the same number of operators of PLAST previous edition 79% of companies has sent the same number of operators of PLAST previous edition of visitors was looking for novelties in the sector and professional update 43% of visitors was looking for information on the market of visitors has achieved its prefixed goals 85% of visitors has achieved its prefixed goals state positive opinions on PLAST (organization aspects are the most appreciated) 92% state positive opinions on PLAST (organization aspects are the most appreciated) of visitors wants to visit PLAST % of visitors wants to visit PLAST ,1 79% 69% 90% 94%96%
5 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 5 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Duration of visit at PLAST/1 QUESTION: «For how many days you visited PLAST this year?». Percent data Visit of only one day at PLAST increases Comparison with PLAST 2012
6 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 6 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Number of people sent to visit PLAST in comparison with previous editions QUESTION: «Your company, this year, has sent to visit PLAST more or less staff than usual?». Percent data PLAST 2015 Domestic visitorsVisitatori stranieri Main reasons for increase are: «more staff/increased dimensions»; «get more contacts/contact more suppliers». Reduction has been caused by: «spending review» «staff busy in other activities» +10 % compared to % compared to % of Italian companies has sent the same number of operators: this number has increased from PLAST 2012
7 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 7 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Main reasons to visit PLAST QUESTION: «What are the main reasons for your visit at PLAST? Please list the first three in order of importance». Percent data Three answers available – total answers -9 % +6 % +10 % +9 % +12 % Despite the decrease, proffessional update and novelties of the sector confirm to be the main reason to visit PLAST Il confronto con PLAST 2012
8 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 8 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Achievement of prefixed goals QUESTION: «And you would say to have reached the prefixed goals visiting PLAST? Please answer using a rating from 1 to 10, where 1=not at all and 10=very much». Percent data Average vote 6,87, ,0 85 Most of all raw materials producers/repre sentatives Most of all raw materials producers/repre sentatives and plastics and rubber processors Most visitors state to have achived their goals: data increased in comparison with 2012
9 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 9 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Overall opinion on PLAST QUESTION: «Could you please tell us – according to your experience – an overall opinion on PLAST 2015? Please answer using a rating from 1 to 10, where 1=awful and 10=excellent». Percent data Average vote 6,97, ,5 Grows among who has visited PLAST less Positive opinions growing for PLAST
10 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 10 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 QUESTION: «I’ll be listing some characteristic that an exhibition like PLAST can have. For each one of them you have to tell me your satisfaction, using a rating from 1 to 10, where 1=not at all and 10=totally». Average data Opinions on some distinguished elements of PLAST/1 organization offer update Comparison with PLAST 2012 Growing all opininions on distinguished elements of the exhibition
11 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 11 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Opinions on some distinguished elements of PLAST/2 QUESTION: «I’ll be listing some characteristic that an exhibition like PLAST can have. For each one of them you have to tell me your satisfaction, using a rating from 1 to 10, where 1=not at all and 10=totally». PLAST 2015 Average data organization offer update Domestic visitors more satisfied than foreign visitors
12 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 12 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Quality of Receptions and Information points Quality of Rho-Pero Fairgrounds Coincidence with Expo Duration of the exhibition Products completeness of the exhibition Coincidence with Expo Possibility to see/examine novelties and offers QUESTION: «I’ll be listing some characteristic that an exhibition like PLAST can have. For each one of them you have to tell me your satisfaction, using a rating from 1 to 10, where 1=not at all and 10=totally». General quality of the organization Organization of spaces Conferences/Debates/Workshops Presentation of new technologies Possibility of professional update Quantity of exhibitors More efficient aspects are… In general, among domestic and foreign visitors…. Less efficient aspects are… Opinions on some distinguish elements of PLAST/3 PLAST 2015 More efficient factors linked to organization aspects
13 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 13 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 PLAST organization compared to other exhibitions QUESTION: «According to your experience, compared to other exhibitions that you have visited, PLAST organization is…». Percent data Foreign visitors, usually very critic, are instead particularly satisfied with the organization, which they consider better compared to other exhibition they have been to PLAST 2015
14 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 14 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Satellite-shows visitors QUESTION: «PLAST has hosted also three satellite-shows: RUBBER 2015, dedicated to the rubber sector; 3D PLAST, dedicated to 3D printing- prototyping-modelling and START PLAST, dedicated to innovative startups. Have you got the chance to visit these three shows?». Percent data % of visitors While foreign visitors equitably divided their time among the three satellite-shows, domestic visitors have privileged 3D PLAST and Rubber 2015 PLAST 2015
15 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 15 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Average evaluation of satellite-shows QUESTION: «PLAST has hosted also three satellite-shows: RUBBER 2015, dedicated to the rubber sector; 3D PLAST, dedicated to 3D printing- prototyping-modelling and START PLAST, dedicated to innovative startups. Have you got the chance to visit these three shows?». Average data Again, domestic visitors register more satisfaction than foreign visitors. No difference between the three shows Average vote by who visited the single satellite-show PLAST 2015
16 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 16 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Towards PLAST VISITORS QUESTION: «Lastly, do you thin you will visit, personally or sending one of your staff, PLAST next edition?». Percent data Yes 96% Yes 96% Yes 88% Yes 88% Domestic visitors Foreign visitors The wide majority of who visited PLAST in 2015, is going to visit it also in 2017 PLAST 2015
17 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 17 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Towards PLAST 2017 – NON-VISITORS QUESTION: «Lastly, do you think you will visit, personally or sending one of your staff, PLAST next edition?». Percent data Yes 92% Yes 92% Domestic non visitors Also among who this year has not visited PLAST (but has previously pre-registered to enter the exhibition), the intent to visit in 2017 prevails PLAST /3 of foreign non visitors states to be interested in visiting PLAST 2017 This data has to be considered indicative according to the limited number of cases
18 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 18 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Final considerations PLAST 2015 Nowadays Plast is an important benchmark for operators of the sector. It is appreciated for the number of exhibiting companies and the completeness and variety of products Anyway, it lacks of a load towards the future, a greater presence of novelties and the possibility of professional update. This problem, affecting mostly foreign visitors, may cause a decrease in satisfaction for the upcoming editions With a load on update possibilities and maintaing its path on the general organization and quantity/quality of exhibitors, already under way and appreciated, PLAST will be able to increase its visitors’ satisfaction
19 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 19 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Valori percentuali PLAST 2015 Domestic visitorsForeign visitors Visitors’ profile/1 Gender Age Has been working in the field for.. Job title Visit
20 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 20 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 Valori percentuali PLAST 2015 Domestic visitorsForeign visitors Visitors’ profile/2 Operators Application Area
21 Titolo Ricerca Rif. rrnnv115e 21 PLAST 2015 visitorsJune 2015 SURVAY SHEET METHODOLOGY AND INFORMATION ( in accordance with the Regulations of the Authority for Communications Waarranty concerning the publication and dissemination of surveys through mass media: Resolution 256/10 / CSP, Annex A, Article 5 of December 9, 2010, published on the Official Gazette 301 of December 27, 2010) COMPLETE METHODOLOGY NOTE Title: Plast 2015 visitors Realizer: Eumetra s.r.l. Customer:Promaplast s.r.l. Analysis period:May 19 – June 4, 2015 Topic:Society, exhibitions People surveyed:Plast 2015 visitors and non-visitors that have pre-registered Type and subject of the survay:International public opinion poll Geographic extension:International Method of samples:Casual sample stratified per percentage Campione casuale stratificato per quote Representativeness of samples: Representative (Italy data) of the geographic macro-area of residence Margin of error:4,6% Method of infomration collection: CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Number of samples: 605 cases: 455 visitors (320 Italian e 135 foreign) and 134 non-visitors (119 Italian e 15 foreign) Data processing: SPSS Website where the complete document will be available in case of dissemination: In case of pubblication it is mandatory to mention the information of the specified sheet, in order to avoid severe penalties. Eumetra is not responsible in case of non-compliance.
Eumetra S.r.l. Sede Legale e Amministrativa: Viale di Porta Vercellina, Milano T F – C.F.-P.IVA