1 PSU for your new product or startup idea Part of….. IST Startup Week Tuesday, April 10, :15 - 5:30 p.m. 110 IST Liz Kisenwether Asst. Prof. - Engineering Design Co-Director - Lion Launch Pad Director - Intercollege Minor in Entrepreneurship
2 Confused_guy.jpg I have a great new product idea, but how do I get started?!?
3 Courses & seminars On-line resources Student Organizations Competitions with prize $$ Funding + Mentoring Help getting ideas built Help getting ideas coded You and your idea the-future.jpg;
4 PSU programs and courses… E-SHIP Minor [18 credit] – Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) certificate – Two-course sequence in Entrepreneurship [6 credits]: –MGMT/IST/ENGR425 - New Venture Creation –MGMT/IST/ENGR426 - Invention Commercialization
5 …..and more courses… College of Arts and Architecture: ART101 - Web design ART203 - The Art of Web Design College of Communications: COMM493 – Entrepreneurship in the Information Age College of Engineering: ENGR Sustainable Energy Entrepreneurship ENGR497K - Social Entrepreneurship
6 …..and more courses… College of Information Science and Technology: IST 402 – Google Online Marketing Challenge College of Health and Human Development: HRIM 497F – Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry Smeal College of Business: MGMT497A - Start-Up Company MGMT 431 – Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
7 …and seminars. Penn State Small Business Development Center (SBDC) –Free! The First Step of Starting a Business –Next session: May 1, 2012 –
8 Student Organizations Innoblue.org Nittany Entrepreneurs
9 Funding + Mentoring Lion Launch Pad PSU Sparkplug
10 Competitions with prize $$ Fall: Ag. Sci Springboard Competition –$5000 1st place, $1000 2nd place – Spring: Smeal Idea Pitch Competition –$2000 1st place, $1000 2nd place, $500 3rd place –
11 Help getting ideas built Learning Factory – CEDE - Center for Engineering Design and Entrepreneurship – RepRap Users Group - Open-source 3D Printing – state-repraphttps://sites.google.com/a/psu.edu/penn- state-reprap
12 Help getting ideas coded Innoblue - IST and CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) students
13 On-line resources Teach yourself: Guidance from leading entrepreneurs: PA Open for Business:
14 Code Academy - free! – MIT Open Course Ware - free! – …more on-line resources
15 Looking ahead…. Intercollege Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
16 Q&A / Discussions