Many more eligible applications are received than spaces available. 50 spaces are available. The application period is once a year.
The application is available online from January 2 until February 1. Applications submitted after 4:00 pm on February 1 will not be accepted. Incomplete applications are not accepted.
Requirements must be completed in the Fall Semester prior to applying to the nursing program. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a C grade or better. Cumulative GPA of prerequisite courses must = 2.5 or better. The online application calculates GPA. You can also calculate your GPA at:
Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology = cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better = no grade less than C = Students may not repeat a Biology course where the grade is “C” or higher to meet CSM Nursing Program admissions eligibility. Refer to the Repeat Policy on the CSM Nursing website.
No expiration dates for prerequisite courses. No recency requirements. Check articulation grid for equivalency: 20Articulation%20Grid%20- %20updated%20Jan% pdf 20Articulation%20Grid%20- %20updated%20Jan% pdf
Courses listed on applications are checked against unofficial transcripts. Highlight courses on unofficial transcripts.
1. Completion of Math 120 or Math 122 and 123 or equivalent; or CSM Math Placement Test – placement into Math 125 or higher. Higher level math course is acceptable, e.g., Statistics, Calculus. Claim catalog rights if continuously enrolled within SMCCD prior to Fall 2009.
2. Chemistry 410*. Note: Starting Fall 2013, only Chem 410* will be accepted. Exception: SMCCD students who can claim catalog rights prior to Fall 2012 may still use Chem 192 or 210 up to Fall In 2015, only Chem 410 will be accepted regardless of catalog rights. 3. Biology 250 (Anatomy w/ Lab)* 4. Biology 260 (Physiology w/ Lab)* 5. Biology 240 (Microbiology w/ Lab)* 6. English 100 (English Composition)* 7. Psychology 100 (Introduction to Psychology)* 8. Psychology 200 (Developmental Psychology)* 9. Communication Studies 110 or 130 or 140 or Sociology 100 (Introduction to Sociology) OR Anthropology 110 (Cultural Anthropology)* * Successful completion of acceptable course equivalent. Refer to the NURSING ARTICULATION GRID on the website.
All applicants must complete the online Nursing Program Information Session and take the quiz with 100% score. Proof of completion is not required; the Nursing Department will automatically receive a list of applicants who successfully complete the quiz.
If you completed coursework outside SMCCD, check the articulation grid. If the course is on the grid, it is automatically approved as equivalent to the required CSM course. If the course is not listed, submit a copy of an approved Course Substitution Petition. For students who have completed or are completing 6 units within SMCCD, follow the instructions for transcript evaluation: If you are not a student enrolled within SMCCD, fill out the Nursing Pre-Application Evaluation Form found on the Nursing website: You must complete NPIS to utilize this service. Nursing Pre-Application Evaluation Form
International coursework must be evaluated by an approved transcript evaluation service. Request a detailed evaluation from one of the following services: 1. International Education Research, Inc.: World Education Service: 3. Academic Credential Education Institute:
Upon receipt of the detailed evaluation from an approved international transcript evaluation service, request a CSM Transcript and Course Substitution Petition. Refer to previous slides to identify which form to complete.
Submit the application online prior to 4:00 pm on February 1 of each year. Incomplete or late applications are not reviewed nor accepted.
Unofficial transcripts for all courses indicated in the application. Highlight courses for review. Submit transcripts even if courses were taken within SMCCD: College of San Mateo, Skyline College, Cañada College. If applicable, a copy of completed transcript evaluation for courses not listed on the Nursing Articulation grid.
Submit the application online at the CSM Nursing website: Paper copies of the application are not required. Submission should be online. Mail or hand carry unofficial transcripts (and approved transcript evaluations if applicable) to the CSM Nursing Department. Do not send the transcripts for your application to Admissions & Records.
A waiting list is not maintained. If you are not admitted you must re-apply the next year. The office maintains application materials for only one year.
All applicants are notified of their status by U.S. Mail no later than May 1.
For Fall 2014, applicants who have met the following criteria will be selected by a computerized random number selection: All prerequisite courses completed at the time of application with C grades or higher 2.5 GPA cumulative 2.5 subset GPA in Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology (following Repeat Policy guidelines) Completed NPIS (Nursing Program Information Session)
Starting Fall 2015, selection will include the current admission requirements listed in the previous slide AND merit-based criteria. More details on merit-based selection will be posted on the CSM nursing website during the Fall 2013 semester.
See Section 5 of the Nursing Program Information Sheet. General Education requirements must be met for the Associate in Science Degree. For students who already have a Bachelor's Degree and complete the nursing major requirement, an associate degree will be awarded.
Complete General Education requirements for the A.S. Degree in nursing: Humanities, American Institutions, California State and Local Government, Physical Education, Information Competency. (See CSM catalog for details.) Students who hold a bachelor’s degree will receive the A.S. degree in nursing providing that the student completes the nursing major course requirements. It is highly recommended that students take the Reading Placement test and follow recommendations.
All accepted candidates must take the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) Test. The passing score is 62% composite for Version V. For a no-passing score, remediation is required. The test is taken again the next year – if the applicant passes – he/she will be admitted. Acceptance is denied to candidates who do not pass on the second attempt. provides information about the test.
The Board of Registered nursing website contains information regarding licensure. Each student is responsible for his/her transportation to outside agencies and clinical assignments. The program takes priority over work schedules and other family obligations. Be prepared to be flexible. Nursing class and clinical hours vary from course to course. You will be assigned a clinical section.
The cost of the program is approximately $7,000 for the first year and $6,000 for the second year. This includes books, supplies, fees, and uniforms. All accepted applicants must complete a background check, which includes drug testing. In case of a hit or known offense, acceptance depends on the approval of the clinical agency, as well as BRN licensure approval.
You have completed the Nursing Program Information Session Online. Now take the quiz to complete the process.