P.1 Group 2 性別對選擇的影響
P.2 Research Objective To explore the relationship and the influence of social network of a student and one’s individual characteristics on his/her higher education choice
P.3 Research Objective To explore the relationship and the influence of social network of a student and one’s individual characteristics on his/her higher education choice To investigate if the two genders are affected differently
P.4 Overview Part I –Development of education system and changing economic situation of Hong Kong
P.5 Overview Part II –Literature Review –Research Methodology: Focus group and Questionnaire
P.6 Part I Development of education system and changing economic situation of Hong Kong
P.7 Mass basic education… 1971: Six-year free compulsory primary education 1978: Extended to nine-year At 80s, nearly all the youth can join the senior education
P.8 University quota increase… (graph) In late 1970s to 1980s, –2 nd Economic transformation In 1993, –First-year-first-degree places: 12,520 –Further expansion of tertiary education
P.9 University quota increase… Girls performance Openness of the society Financial aids available Result: proportion of female attaining tertiary education increase
P.10 Female Labor Force Participation Rate…
P.11 Some Observation… Female’s participation rate lower Improving rate Possible reasons: –Education Attainment –Economic Transformations –Changing attitude Educational opportunity crucial
P.12 Current Situation… First-year-first-degree places –2002/03: 14,829 University enrollment –2002/03: Female, 53.6%; Male, 46.4% –(graph)(graph)
P.13 Current Situation… Uneven distribution in some faculty E.g. Engineering and nursing
P.14 Current Situation… By the Publication Office of CUHK, –Total enrollment in engineering = 1,576 –20% are female According to 2000 Health Manpower Survey by Department of Health –501 responded registered nursing students –6% are male
P.15 Current Situation…
P.16 Literature Review & Outline of Research Process
P.17 Literature Review Gender specification Biological difference –Small Mainly difference –Social learning –Social expectation –Masculine v.s. Feminine
P.18 Outline of Research Focus Group Questionnaire Conclusion and Discussion
P.19 Focus Group
P.20 Focus Group 2 focus group (Nursing and Engineering) 4 people / group –Nursing (3 Females : 1 Males) –Engineering (3 Males : 1 Females) Format –Discussion Topic discussed –Criteria for studying specific major –Certain phenomenon in different gender
P.21 Focus Group – Nursing Criteria for studying specific major –People oriented –Patient and considerate –Good communication skills –Flexible
P.22 Criteria for studying specific major –Carefulness –Hardworking –Willing to learn –Adventurous Focus Group – Nursing
P.23 Group - Nursing Certain phenomenon in different gender Common objective –Serving people Elective courses –Males: Surgical, Emergency, Osteopathy
P.24 Focus Group - Engineering Criteria for studying specific major –Computer oriented –Good mathematical foundation –Analytical Skills –Logical Thinking –Curiosity
P.25 Focus Group - Engineering Certain phenomenon in different gender Various gender ratio in various department –I.E, C.S, E.E (Males highly dominant) –A.C.A.E, I.D.E. (Males slightly dominant)
P.26 Questionnaire
P.27 Questionnaire Objective: To illustrate the result obtained in part one Target Group: The undergraduate student in CUHK Sampling Methods: Selected classes in Engineering Programme and Nursing Programme Distributed through online Distributed in Library and public area
P.28 Questionnaire Design
P.29 Questionnaire Design Part 1: Information about the respondents Sex Age Field of study Year of studies Admission Method.
P.30 Questionnaire Design To illustrate the relationship of external factor and gender Questions about 1. Family 2. Friends 3. Teachers 4. Career Development
P.31 Questionnaire Design Part 3: Characteristics of Respondents Base on Focus Group Result, define 16 question about characteristics
P.32 Data Anaylsis
P.33 Data Analysis 1. Data cleaning: Filter out the questionnaire which contain missed value 2. Perform statistical Testing: ANOVA and 2 sample- independence t-test with 95% confidence interval
P.34 Result valid questionnaires are collected - 99(46%) males and 115 females (54%) -24.8% from Engineering Programming -20% form Nursing Programme -55.4% form the others
P.35 Result Female Respondents are more concern the career development Female Respondents would ask for more advice from friend, family and teach
P.36 Career development Females concern more about the macroeconomic situation Job nature Employment rate
P.37 Ask for advice Female ask more advice form family friend and peer group Male student make decision individually
P.38 Result Except Career Development, external factor is no significant different on gender Males make individual decision
P.39 Characteristics Base on the result obtain from focus group Using two simple independence testing
P.40 ERG vs. NUR 5 questions shows the different between boy and girl Nursing student: good communication skill, like to work with people, caring Engineering student: good Mathematical analysis, and in use of computer Weakly follow the result obtained from focus group, especially, strongly correlated with the relative work field
P.41 Male vs Female Males have higher mean 3.26 Female have higher mean:3.15 The characteristics are less suitable for male
P.42 Male vs. Female 7/16 question shows significant different between male and female Females are girls are found to be good listeners, more outgoing, prefer to work on a personal level, sociable and caring; Males like to use computer
P.43 Discussion & Conclusion
P.44 Short Summary Characteristic of career studied: Nursing: caring, supportive, etc - matches with the traditionally female characteristics, e.g., awareness of feelings of others, express tender feelings and sharing
P.45 Short Summary Engineering: rational, thrive on challenges and independence match with the male traits of strength, dominance and aggression for the engineering major
P.46 Discussion on result society has an expectation on both sexes stereotype is developed probably because of the division of role between the two genders in the past the traditional view is disappeared, but women still expected to take a caring role in the family
P.47 Consequences nursing is regarded as a feminine occupation engineering is regarded as a muscular career, require mathematical and scientific knowledge, female are believed to be weaker than their male counterparts.
P.48 Consequences society images do affect people in making decision, in order to survive in the community not necessary imply intrinsic differences between both sexes affect the availability for male’s and female’s performance in a particular field of work or studies, in turn affect their decision making behaviors
P.49 Conclusion
P.50 Conclusion Questionnaire result Factors that students considered when selecting their major subjects were investigated: external factors -parents’, teachers’ and peer groups’ opinion, the macroeconomic situation and the career path of future job psychological factors
P.51 future career catches particular attention from students impact on choice of majors is relatively significant for both genders Impact of the external factors
P.52 Impact of the external factors gender factor does have some effect in the course choosing stage women will be more likely to be affected by their families and friends Nowadays, traditional role in our society is disappeared female will more concern the career development than the past
P.53 Psychological factors Focus group and questionnaire gender difference in personality do exist becomes one of the factors affecting the choice of major Both results are consistent with the expected characteristics in the related work field
P.54 Conclusion gender influence on the decision making process is indirect Various considerations in the decision making process, including personality and roles the two sexes play
P.55 Possibility to change the situation
P.56 Possibility to change the situation External factor Changing social view of gender roles E.g. - Nursing is considered as caring job -Title of nurse
P.57 Possibility to change the situation -In general public exam results of female is better than male in HK -Female is not weaker than male in science as traditionally thought - Also fit the requirement for studying engineering in the focus group
P.58 Possibility to change the situation Psychological factor - Intrinsic factors, difficult to change
P.59 Future prediction
P.60 Future prediction Nursing job will still be dominated by female More female will enter the field of engineering Difference in gender on decision making behavior will continue to diminished in general
P.61 Q & A
P.62 Chart and Data