U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment & Training Administration Integrated Case Management Terri Lonowski ETA/ASTD Regional Technical Assistance Forums Region 3: Targeted Populations Forum Seeking Skills for Success Atlanta, GA October 12-14, 2011 Winston Tompoe
2 Promoting Effective Case Management is a Technical Assistance Project of the Employment Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor
3 Question 1 A.Direct Service Only B.Only Supervise Line Staff C.Direct Service and Supervise Line Staff D.Supervise at Local Administration Level E.Supervise at State Administration Level F.Other In what capacity do you primarily work?
4 Question 2 Using One Word What would you need to make case management more effective in your agency?
6 6
7 Organize Staff Are all staff at your One- Stop Career Center qualified to serve every customer that walks in the door?
8 Organize Staff Organize staff to match your vision of customer care Design a consistent customer flow Create teams based on function not program
9 Customer-Centered Services The Result: Reduced customer wait timeReduced customer wait time Customer doesn’t have to tell his story over and overCustomer doesn’t have to tell his story over and over Smooth transition to each step of the employment planSmooth transition to each step of the employment plan
10 Assessment and Case Management in a Non- Integrated Model
11 Key Case Management Activities Comprehensive assessmentComprehensive assessment Career planningCareer planning Workforce preparation and trainingWorkforce preparation and training Supportive servicesSupportive services Job matching and placementJob matching and placement Follow-upFollow-up
12 Characteristics of an Ideal Case Management System at the Local Level Local policy should consider: Customer focusCustomer focus Frequency of case management/career guidanceFrequency of case management/career guidance Training and qualifications of case management staffTraining and qualifications of case management staff Follow-up proceduresFollow-up procedures Linkage with business services representativesLinkage with business services representatives Knowledge of labor market information and trendsKnowledge of labor market information and trends Developing/identifying targeted sector and occupationsDeveloping/identifying targeted sector and occupations ITA policies and proceduresITA policies and procedures Effective case notesEffective case notes
13 Comprehensive Assessment It is important for case managers to know how to access, administer (or refer to an entity that can administer), and interpret the results of multiple assessment toolsIt is important for case managers to know how to access, administer (or refer to an entity that can administer), and interpret the results of multiple assessment tools Assessment is required; part of full case management processAssessment is required; part of full case management process 20 CFR (b) - Who may receive training services? An individual may receive training:20 CFR (b) - Who may receive training services? An individual may receive training: ... ” after an interview, evaluation, or assessment, and case management…” after being “determined to be in need of training services” “have the skills and qualifications to successfully complete the selected training program”
14 Purpose of a Comprehensive Assessment 20 CFR Part 652 Preamble states the purpose of assessment is to:20 CFR Part 652 Preamble states the purpose of assessment is to: Help individuals and program staff “make decisions about appropriate employment goals”Help individuals and program staff “make decisions about appropriate employment goals” Develop “effective service strategies” for reaching those goalsDevelop “effective service strategies” for reaching those goals Meaningful service planning cannot exist without “ effective assessment practices ”Meaningful service planning cannot exist without “ effective assessment practices ” Assessment is initiated when core services alone are insufficient to help the participant gain employmentAssessment is initiated when core services alone are insufficient to help the participant gain employment Assessment is the starting point when developing an Individual Employment Plan (IEP)Assessment is the starting point when developing an Individual Employment Plan (IEP)
15 Content of Comprehensive Assessment 20 CFR Part 652 Preamble - Comprehensive assessment (an intensive service) is a detailed examination of issues, and explores things relevant to the development of a person’s IEP20 CFR Part 652 Preamble - Comprehensive assessment (an intensive service) is a detailed examination of issues, and explores things relevant to the development of a person’s IEP Educational attainment Employment history In-depth information about basic literacy and occupational skills levels Interests Aptitudes Family and financial situation Emotional and physical health, including disabilities Attitudes toward work Motivation; and Supportive service needs
16 Career Planning and IEP Effective development of an IEP 20 CFR – What is an IEP?20 CFR – What is an IEP? “the Individual Employment Plan is an ongoing strategy jointly developed by the participant and the case manager…” It must have 3 components: 1.participant’s employment goals, 2.the appropriate achievement objectives 3.the appropriate combination of services for the participant to achieve the employment goals
17 Content of the IEP Employment goals The goal of an IEP should be a specific employment situation (i.e., occupation or occupational category) his becomes the occupational goal upon which the plan is developed An example of an appropriate goal would be “LPN;” this becomes the occupational goal upon which the plan is developed Assessment: Analyze results, interpret results, and demonstrate how it informs or influence goal setting Occupational track: Must be in a demand occupation; use LMI and provider performance data to inform participant’s decision-making Multiple Career Options: Provide participants with career ladder choices; choices based on assessment results, demand occupation, growth sectors or occupational tracks
18 Content of the IEP Appropriate achievement objectives Develop a series of objectives that are needed to reach employment goals (20 CFR )Develop a series of objectives that are needed to reach employment goals (20 CFR ) An objective is a major milestone (significant or important event) that must be achieved in order to attain the IEP goal Following the example of a LPN, an example of an appropriate achievement objective would be “Attain LPN Certificate”Following the example of a LPN, an example of an appropriate achievement objective would be “Attain LPN Certificate” –2-year Nursing Degree –Successfully pass state board examine Notice that the achievement objective is directly connected to the program goal; goals and objectives are relatedNotice that the achievement objective is directly connected to the program goal; goals and objectives are related
19 Content of the IEP Combination of Services Determine the appropriate combination of services for the participant to achieve the employment goals (20 CFR )Determine the appropriate combination of services for the participant to achieve the employment goals (20 CFR ) A service is the activity or assistance that enables the customer to achieve an objective In the LPN example, an appropriate service might include “Attend nursing school” (See how the service is directly connected to the objective which supports the goal) Services must be traceable to results from assessment, evaluation, and identified occupational training needs Timeframe for achieving each recommended service – serves as means for ensuring appropriate planning, accountability, expectations, etc.
20 Content of the IEP Combination of Services Support ServicesSupport Services Determine the obstacles that participants need to address and overcome to attain their employment goal(s) Identify how each barrier or need will be addressed and by whom Conduct periodic reviews of actual activities in relation to participant plans to determine progress and any related problems that may arise The case manager should understand the difference between long-term planning (LTP) and short-term planning (STP). Both should be accounted for in the customer’s IEPThe case manager should understand the difference between long-term planning (LTP) and short-term planning (STP). Both should be accounted for in the customer’s IEP
21 Content of the IEP Combination of Services (cont’d) STPSTP is based on the employment goal It includes everything that should happen to and for the customer while he or she is enrolled in the program It includes goals, objectives, services, and milestones based on the vision of where the customer currently is in life and what type of employment the customer would like to have at the end of the program LTP occurs after the customer exits the program and while program follow-up is taking place; it should account for the 9-12 months after a customer exits the program If STP is about employment and the services necessary to achieve employment, then LTP is about transforming employment into a successful lifestyle
22 Common Uses of the IEP IEP Documents service eligibilityDocuments service eligibility Determines what the participant does in the programDetermines what the participant does in the program Provides a system of accountability for both the customer and the case manager to help keep the action moving forward towards attaining the goalProvides a system of accountability for both the customer and the case manager to help keep the action moving forward towards attaining the goal Authorizes and involves training providers and other service providers in the processAuthorizes and involves training providers and other service providers in the process Provides a vehicle for the case manager to know whether the customer is on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule in the planProvides a vehicle for the case manager to know whether the customer is on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule in the plan Provides proper documentationProvides proper documentation Tracks participant progressTracks participant progress
23 Who am I? Interests Aptitudes Work experience Education Where am I going? Assessment information Labor market information How will I get there? Describes the process, lays out a roadmap for success, and is largely the substance of the IEP; the plan is based on the results of the assessment Basic Questions for IEP Basic skills Transferable skills Support system Occupational trends Related issues