EXtreme ecosystem studies in the deep OCEan: Technological Developments : EXOCET/D P.-M. Sarradin, J. Sarrazin, J.F. Cadiou et al EUROPEAN Project FP6,


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Presentation transcript:

EXtreme ecosystem studies in the deep OCEan: Technological Developments : EXOCET/D P.-M. Sarradin, J. Sarrazin, J.F. Cadiou et al EUROPEAN Project FP6, STREP, Specific programme: Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area, Priority thematic area : GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS, FP6-GOCE-CT months, January 2004 ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004

InstitutePerson in chargeCountry 1IfremerP.M. SarradinFr 2AWIE. SauterDe 3Instituto do MarR. Serrao SantosPt 4Instituto Superior TechnicoA. PascoalPt 5UPMCB. ShillitoFr 7CNRS DR17F. ZalFr 7Cardiff UniversityA. SchultzUK 8Heriot-Watt Univ.D. LaneUK 9 Centro de Investigacao Technologica do Algarve H. du BufPt 10Univ. BremenC. WaldmannDe 11SeeByte LtdA. CormackUK 12Systea srlL. SanfilippoIt 13Capsum GmbhM. MassonDe The EXOCET/D consortium ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004

To develop, implement and test specific instruments aimed at exploring, describing, quantifying and monitoring biodiversity in deep-sea fragmented habitats (depths : up to 6000 m). patchy faunal distribution (1 to 100 m²) strong environmental constraints tight relationships organisms / environment Project objectives (1) ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004

 Emission of reduced fluids (H 2 S, CH 4 …)  Peculiar topographic structures  Massive organic input Deep corals (Caracole 2001) Cold seeps (Biozaire 2002) Hydrothermal vents (HOPE99) Hydrothermal vents (ATOS 2001) ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004 Project objectives (2)

Project objectives (3) ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004  Site studies (a cruise) o spatial investigation o hour/day temporal scale  Long term approach o month to year

Project planning ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004 Phase Development Tools/platforms integration Test, demonstration

WP2 video imagery, image scaling and measurements, automatic image analysis, To set up a complete methodology to make a projective 3D reconstruction of small-scale scenes from underwater video imagery, To design a long-term imaging module, To develop a macrophotography module PICO 98 Victor 6000 ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004

S. Durand et al., (2002) CBM, 43:235 WP2 acoustic imagery to evaluate the potential of using sonar data to study deep-sea community changes and to explore their complementarity with video imagery ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004 bottom classification

WP3 in situ analysis of habitat chemical and physical components; Adaptation of existing « sensors », Second version of the Alchimist in situ analyser nitrates, Fe, H 2 S Optimisation of the Capsum Methane sensor, Optimisation of the « Medusa » fluid flowmeter Design of a water sampler Alchimist, HOPE99 Flowmeter, ATOS2001 Water sampler ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004

WP4 quantitative sampling of macro- and micro organisms, in vivo experiments Optimal sampling of deep-sea micro- and macroorganisms, Improved in vivo experimental conditions on board research ships, at in situ pressure. PERISCOP : isobaric sampling cell DESEARES : respirometer system Ipocamp, ATOS 2001 K. Takai et al, 2003, FEMS ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004 AISICS : in situ instrumented bacterial colonisation device

WP5 Tool integration on European submersibles Interface specifications and tools sharing, ROV, AUV, submersibles and benthic stations Integration on prototype structure and ROV / AUV ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004

ADELIE software (Ifremer) Mosaic realized with MATISSE software (Ifremer) WP6 Data integration Georeference and visualize images, sampling and sensor data at a sub-metric scale 3D GIS; Integrate and visualise temporal data ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004

WP7 Demonstration action Organise subsystem testing during the project Organise demonstration actions in contrasted ecosystems MoMARETO cruise proposal, 2006 ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004 Ifremer 20 days, MoMAR zone Pourquoi pas ? / Victor6000

Lucky Strike 1700m MoMARETO, 2006 ISOPE, Toulon, May 2004 Technical validation of EXOCET/D tools Scientific testing and validation Studying the response of hydrothermal species to their environment at two temporal scales - micro variations of the habitat (hour/ day) - observatory scale (month/ year) Site studies First long term ASSEM based observatory MoMAR project