Water Management System With Gallery Gardner Water Management System: In first part, the project senses the level of water in the tank available in high-rise buildings automatically pumps the water up and switches off the motor when upper tank is fully filled with water. It also detects whether the lower tank is empty is not. If found empty, motor will not start. The circuit also calculates the water consumed by every flat-owner and displays the same on computer. Gallery Gardner: Second part of the circuit, automatically pumps water into the pot for required time. At the same time, it a utomatically controls the roof available over plants to save them from excessive sunlight. Theme: Water & Agriculture
Block Diagram: Visual Basic display o/p of flow meter Upper Tank water Sensor Lower tank water sensor Flow meter display the use of water in every flore Motor CONTROLLERCONTROLLER CONTROLLERCONTROLLER Temperature sensor sense the temperature Water Spricling on plant based on temperature Roof control with shadow on plant
Features: (1) Automatic water pumping using water sensors. (2) Calculate & Display water consumption by every house-holder using flow meters and VB software. (3)Automatic water pouring to the plants. (4)Automatic roof-control to save the plants from excessive sunlight.
No of Students: 06 Name of Students: 1. Kunchala Divyesh - 6 th EC 2. Banugariya Mohit - 6 th EC 3. Kalariya Chirag - 6 th EC 4. Faldu Ashish - 6 th EC 5. solanki Vipul - 6 th EC 6. Mathakiya Zuber - 6 th EC Faculty Mentor: Prof. Manish Patel Mail id: