Junior/Senior English February 4 and 5 AGENDA: Turn in Homework Topic for Your Editorial Common Core Self-Assessment Homework Assignment Goal: Students will choose a topic for their editorials and will assess themselves as to the Common Core Writing Standards for grades 11 and 12.
Announcements MLK Showcase is Feb. 13 at Urban Grace. Tryouts are Wed., Feb. 4, after school in Mrs. Wickman’s room. College Application and Scholarship Workshop every Tuesday in P-3, 3-4pm with Mrs. Woodward See Ms. Trapp in Portable 10 to find out about scholarships. Currently there are two scholarships for seniors interested in pursuing Nursing and seniors interested in pursuing a career in Education. Please ask Ms. Trapp for more details. We want to celebrate the seniors who have been accepted to a college or university. Please bring in all your acceptance letters to Portable 1 and we will make a copy to celebrate you!!! Oregon Tech College Visit, Monday, 2/9, Lunch in Portable 1 Pacific Lutheran University, Wednesday, 2/11, Lunch in Portable 1
LEAF Internship The 2015 LEAF internship program is underway! The application link and form password are listed below. When asked, you must enter the password, including exclamation point, exactly as shown. This is separate from the password you choose when creating a log-in account. I have also attached DETAILED application instructions, including how to create an account so you do not have to fill out the application in one sitting. Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions. Remember that the application, including teacher recommendations, is due Friday, 2/6/2015! Please forward to any peers that may not have received the information. Link: Application
Syllabus Return the Parent Signature Form on Monday/Tuesday. This is worth a summative assessment.
Honors English Choose a book and me the title and author by next Monday/Tuesday. It must be approved by me before you begin reading. Once I approve your book I will give you written directions on how to proceed with this assignment. Do not begin the book until you receive these directions. Set a reading plan for yourself to have the book completed and a Book Review Presentation created by the week of March 16. (Directions for this are forthcoming.) You will submit weekly Reader/Response journal entries to me beginning the week of February 16. Beginning the week of April 6, you will write a narrative essay and submit it to me by the week of April 13. The essay must be edited by me and rewritten by you 4 times, with the final essay due the week of May 18.
Formative Assessment: Evaluating the writing in “How Expensive It Is to Be Poor.” Popcorn reactions to the writer’s use of Ideas, Organization, and Voice in this piece. Turn in this assessment.
Common Core Self-Assessment This activity is to familiarize you with the writing standards for the Common Core. Read the writing standards for grades 11 and 12. Write “yes” or “no” next to each to indicate whether or not you think you can meet that standard.
Homework: Formative Assessment due next Monday or Tuesday Read “Cutting It Short” applying Common Core standards 1a and 1b to the essay. Write your thoughts as to how well the writer meets standards 1a and 1b, and support your opinion with evidence from the text.
Topic for Your Editorial Turn and talk about the topics you are considering for your editorial. Popcorn ideas for editorials Narrow it down Narrow it down some more. (This assignment will call for you to write only 600 to 1000 words).
Is Your Topic Debatable? It must be! Turn and Talk: Can some one argue with you about your topic? Do you know what the other opinion might be? Can you refute the other opinion?
Is there research to support your opinion? Are you sure there is research out there that you can use to support your opinion? Is there research to support the counterclaim?
Write down your topic Write the topic you are currently considering and turn it in.
Questions/Comments on the Common Core Writing Standards?