Inn-I-Isen-Opplevelse Paul A. Dodd Norsk Polarinstitutt, Tromsø NP-Dagen – 14 Mars 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Inn-I-Isen-Opplevelse Paul A. Dodd Norsk Polarinstitutt, Tromsø NP-Dagen – 14 Mars 2014

Where Do We Plan To Go?

Start ~15 Jan 2015 near N 83º 15’, E030º 00’ Probably out drift out through Fram Strait by late April 2015 Re-freeze near again near N 83º 15’, E030º 00’ Drift until to 1st week of July, 2015 Helicopter flights approximately every 21 days to change scientists & crew.

Preparing Lance for the N-ICE 2015: DECK:  New shelter for CTD & multinet  Winch for multinet  Extended range of sonar for multinet  Container labs  Freezer container  Heating mats  Heating cables in water intake.  Telescopic Crane to replace existing two cranes LABS: Filtered seawater Filtered freshwater Fume-cupboard for chemicals Chemical storage cupboards Lots of attachment points for equiptment

What Are We Trying to Find Out? Primary objective: To understand the effects of the new thin, first year, sea ice regime in the Arctic on energy flux, ice dynamics and the ice associated ecosystem, and local and global climate. Secondary objectives: Understand how available ocean heat is mixed upwards towards the sea ice and to what extent it influences the sea ice energy budget. Understand the fate of solar radiation incident on the first-year sea ice in the region and how its fate is affected by properties of the atmosphere, snow, ice, and ocean. Quantification of the changing mass balance of Arctic sea ice and its snow cover. Model the dynamics of the drifting ice. Understand the ice associated ecosystem and model future changes. Effects on local and global weather systems.

WP1: Upper Ocean – Sea Ice Interaction Understand how available ocean heat is mixed upwards, towards the sea ice, and to what extent it influences the sea-ice energy budget.

WP2: Atmospheric Forcing Understand and quantify atmospheric processes driving snow and ice growth and melt, upper ocean heating, including the role of clouds, and some mass fluxes between ice-ocean-atmosphere such as CO 2

Quantify the changing mass balance of Arctic sea ice and its snow cover, with consideration of feedback processes affecting the speed of changes, for assessing the relevance of mass balance changes for the treatment of sea ice in climate models WP3: Sea Ice and Snow Mass Balance

WP4: Sea Ice Dynamics High precision, continuous observations of regional scale sea-ice drift and deformation to evaluate and improve satellite-derived drift datasets and model simulations.

WP5: Biogeochemical Sea Ice Interactions Understand links between physical mechanisms and biogeochemical processes, emphasizing their reciprocal feedbacks in the Marginal Ice.

Overview of Measurement Sites:

The N-ICEtest cruise (21 February – 03 March 2014) Penetrated to 82º 30’ N, 030º 00’ E To test instruments and modifications to Lance Practise working in the cold and dark Moored to the ice for 4 days and set up instruments Evacuation during the night of 26th February, due to wave action Evacuation Time-lapse Video

Thank you for listening! The trip home: 50 knot wind 8m waves 0 scientists standing up… Photo: Alexey Pavlov