Inuit man testing the ice thickness Inuit Inukshuk.


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Presentation transcript:

Inuit man testing the ice thickness Inuit Inukshuk

Habitat The Inuit of the Arctic people live in the northern part of Newfoundland and occupy a big part of the Arctic region. Temperature stays below the freezing point for 10 months a year. It is constantly dark and cold during the winter and the sun is shining throughout the entire day during the summer.

Homes No wood is ever available to the Inuit of the Arctic because no trees grow in the Tundra. Instead, they can use snow because it is a very good construction material. In winter, they make blocks out of snow to build Igloos. During summer when some snow has melted, they live in tent-like huts made out of animal skin stretched over a frame.

Homes Continued... Igloo in the making Inuit tent covered in caribou skins

Subsistence Typical diet consisted of any- thing hunted, fished or gathered locally. 75% of daily energy intake is from fat. Lots of protein and fat. Hunted animals like seal, walrus, musk oxen, and many more. Couple of musk oxen The rarely found Arctic Fox

Clothing Because of the low temperatures in the Arctic, only fur clothing can keep the Inuit warm enough. A complete set of clothes included boots, stocking, long coats and pants. The typical hooded coat was made from caribou/seal skin and also had a feathered inside.

Clothing Continued... Inuit children wearing the typical Inuit outfit Inuit styled coat

Tools and Weapons The Inuit had many tools and weapons for survival which were also used for transportation. Their version of a hammer included a stone tied to a branch. They use a knife with a triangular-shaped stone blade with a wooden handle mainly for cleaning skins. They also used a weapon called Bolas, its purpose being to capture an animal by entangling their legs.

Tools and Weapons Continued... Hunter using the Inuit weapon, Bolas. Ulu, the Inuit knife Inuit crossbow

Social Organization and Kinship There is no official organization in family; everyone is equal. There were usually groups of people in an area (the Inuit thought of themselves as small groups of people) Usually in these groups, there was at least one shaman (people who had access to the world of spirits)

Leadership and Government No official government. No king or leader. Closest thing to having a leader would be having a shaman who would sometimes have power. Elders sometimes have a leadership role.

Religious and Spiritual Customs The ritual for a newborn is that they have to be born in a separate hut away from the rest of the family. Unwanted babies or babies without a name can be killed within eight days after birth and it would not be considered as murder.

Cultural Artifacts Clothing made of fur. Inuit drums. Snow goggles. Weapons. The Inukshuk, which is a stone figure that traditionally means “someone was here” or “you are on the right path”.

Cultural Artifacts Continued… Inuit drumInuit Inukshuk

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