Page 1 ICT in Time Management Grade 11 ICT Mrs. Ghazaal
Page 2 TIME MANAGEMENT is finding and using the most efficient way of completing tasks or projects in the most acceptable period of time but with highest quality.
Page 3 The ability to manage the time people spend on tasks or projects is probably the most important part of achieving success in work.
Page 4 Time management is essential for: 1.Doctors 2.Engineers 3.Lawyers 4.Business men and women 5.Students and …. THE WORLD
Page 5 Approaches to good Time Management
Page 6 1. Outside experts can be brought into the organization to help in the Time Management.
Page 7 2. Setting long term and short term goals ( Short-term targets are very motivational when achieved )
Page 8 3.Prioritising In order that the project can be completed successfully in the time allowed, it is important in setting targets,which are independent of each other
Page 9 4.Planning Deciding on the relative importance of each target Devoting appropriate resources, including workers (to achieving that target)
Page 10 5.Decision Making What comes first ? Which step needs a longer time ? Which step need more attention and hard work?
Page 11 Decision Making Planning Prioritising Categorizing the Organisation Use of ICT Outside Experts Brought 1 5
Page 12 Use of software packages in Time Management
Page 13 Organiser Packages Usually comes with most computers. It contain features as : Organising s Organising contacts Organising tasks Calendar function
Page 14 Arranging workload There are number of software packages that act as stopwatch devices.There are number of software packages that act as stopwatch devices. The computer allow the user to work on a specific task and reminds the user constantly how long they have been working on that taskThe computer allow the user to work on a specific task and reminds the user constantly how long they have been working on that task.
Page 15 Time Management Software Helps ensure projects are completed within timescale and budget Provides alerts regarding imminent start of meetings Identifies progress of work Makes it possible to ensure members of a team have equitable workloads monitors progress by seeing how long a task has taken so far or to see how long tasks should take Has a calendar function – Enables people to record appointments/meeting times – Advises of clashes in schedule – Public calendar identifies a suitable time for a meeting of all members of a team
Page 16 Use of the calendar function One worker can check their own calendar Then open the public calendar showing when other workers are free They can identify a suitable time when everyone is free Add the details of the meeting to the public calendar Then notify others of the time and date of the meeting Each worker can set alerts to remind them of when the meeting is starting
Page 17 Research and Development projects Business software which is placed on a computer to support projects with calendars, timescales, and Gantt charts
Page 18 The Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that is helpful in laying out the tasks associated with a given project. When executed properly, the Gantt chart helps to ensure that the project schedule is maintained at a reasonable pace, and that the individual tasks that make up the work breakdown schedule logically progress in a manner that moves the project closer to completion. Shows key dates, such as start and finish dates. Can help to identify who is available to work on a specific task. A Gantt chart can be used for just about any type of project, from laying out a marketing strategy or planning a building project.
Page 19 Gantt Charts Activities that can not take place until others happen. Sequential tasks should start when previous task is completed. Example: cannot put car engine in a car body until the car body is made Two main types of activities SequentialParallel Activities that are independent of each other. Parallel tasks should finish at the same time Example : Some workers can work on the car engine while other can place the car seats together. Gantt charts are used to find the optimum time to be spent on individual tasks.
Page 20 Pert Charts and Critical Path Analysis General Project Management / Time Management Software PERT charts specifies the order in which tasks are completed Critical path specifies the order in which tasks must be completed, so that the entire project is completed on time. Software helps identify progress made in each task Software helps with daily and weekly planning Pert Chart