Last Ice Area Project WWF Bruno Tremblay – David Huard David Huard Solution McGill University
Minimum Sea Ice Extent
Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Extent NSIDC, 2012 Ice Extent (million km 2 ) Year
Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Extent NSIDC, 2012 Ice Extent (million km 2 ) Year
September Sea Ice Volume
Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Volume PIOMAS Ice Volume (1000 km 3 ) Year
Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Volume PIOMAS Ice Volume (1000 km 3 ) Year
Minimum Sea Ice Extent Projections Most models project at least some September sea ice through the end of the century Based on Holland, Bitz, Tremblay, GRL 2006
Ice Albedo Feedback
Consensus on Likely Location of the Last Sea Ice Area Observations – Ice Age CCSM
Sea Ice Loss Pattern
Minimum Ice Extent Animation Holland Bitz Tremblay, 2006
Part I Over 30 participating GCMs Over 30 participating GCMs Diagnostics: Diagnostics: Sea Ice Extent Sea Ice Extent Sea Ice Thickness Sea Ice Thickness Snow Depth Snow Depth Simulations Simulations Historical period: Historical period: st century climate: , ,…, st century climate: , ,…, Future Sea ice Condition from Low Resolution Climate Models
Part II MITgcm MITgcm Diagnostics: Diagnostics: Sea Ice Extent Sea Ice Extent Sea Ice Thickness Sea Ice Thickness Snow Depth Snow Depth Simulations Simulations 21 st century climate: , ,…, st century climate: , ,…, Future Sea ice Condition from High Resolution Regional Models
Sea Ice Minimum MITgcm – Pan-Arctic Paste Animations Here
Sea Ice Maximum MITgcm – PanArctic Paste Animations Here
Projected May Sea Ice Concentration 18 Status Review of the Ringed Seal (Phoca hispida) B. P. Kelly, J. L. Bengtson, P. L. Boveng, M. F. Cameron, S. P. Dahle, J. K. Jansen, E. A. Logerwell, J. E. Overland, C. L. Sabine, G. T. Waring, and J. M. Wilder December 2010 Decade 2090 Maximum Mean Minimum Decade 2050 Maximum Mean Minimum
Projected July Sea Ice Concentration 19 Decade 2090 Maximum Mean Minimum Decade 2050 Maximum Mean Minimum Kelly et al., 2010
Projected November Sea Ice Concentration 20 Decade 2090 Maximum Mean Minimum Decade 2050 Maximum Mean Minimum Kelly et al., 2010
Ice Origin
Sea Ice Concentrations GFDL
Sea Ice Thickness GFDL
Snow Depth GFDL
Ice free days IPSL-CM5A
Goal Investigate the geographical pattern of the sea ice decline in the Arctic and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Investigate the geographical pattern of the sea ice decline in the Arctic and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Impact on ice dependent species Impact on ice dependent species
Sea Ice Minimum MITgcm – Zoom on CAA Paste Animations Here