Ms. Juana LAHOUSSE-JUAREZ Director-General for Communication European Parliament LOOKING BACK AT THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2014 Civil Society Media Seminar European Media and informed Citizenship EU and (ME)dia – where do we go from here? November 2014, Milan
In the European elections 2014 the citizen shapes the EU Government „ Taking into account the elections to the European Parliament […] the European Council […] shall propose to the European Parliament a candidate for President of the Commission.“ (Article 17 TEU)
Total "Yes ": 54% Q: Imagine that, at the next European elections, the major European political alliances present a candidate for the post of President of the European Commission, based on a joint programme. The citizens of every Member State would therefore indirectly participate in the election of the President of the European Commission if his\her political alliances won the European elections. Would this encourage you more than at present to vote? EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2014: THIS TIME WAS DIFFERENT
Think you have no power? Think again. Act. React. Impact. This time it’s different. Use your power. Choose who’s in charge in Europe.
The four phases of the campaign from September 2013 – until November 2014 Timeline
Innovative and risk-taking Innovative and risk-taking Politically neutral Politically neutral Targeted Targeted Good value Good value Interactive Interactive Reinforced cooperation Reinforced cooperation Highly decentralized across 28 EU Member States Highly decentralized across 28 EU Member States
EE 2014 Election night 131 Broadcasters 166 channels 27 radios 88 Websites 42 countries/44 regions Eurovision Debate 55 Broadcasters 152 Channels 9 radios 88 Websites 27 countries/ 46 regions
European elections 2014: MAIN FINDINGS Turnout at EU level: 42.54% - Major differences between the 28 Member States, as high as 76.5 percentage points between Belgium (89.6%) and Slovakia (13.1%). Overall, more men (45%) than women (41%) voted in the EE The greatest abstainers in the European elections were young people (73% of year-olds) despite the fact that it is they who express the most positive feelings about the EU. Good level of information via media before Election day on EU level (57%) with important differences among MS. Highest in MT: 81%, lowest in CZ: 44%, other figure: DE: 65%. Strong media recall on a campaign encouraging to vote: 65% on EU level. Traditional habits confirmed: TV remains the main information source for following news. Crucial too, the younger the age group, the more use of online platforms.
European elections 2014: LESSONS LEARNED A good story sells itself! A good story sells itself! Go local: tackling local concerns. Go local: tackling local concerns. Branding the European Parliament. Branding the European Parliament. Segmentation Segmentation Listen to be heard. Listen to be heard. Debating policies. Debating policies.
“Communication is defined not by what is being said but by what is being heard. For this reason, it is vital that you gain a good appreciation of how other people will listen—interpret, process, and assign meaning— to what you have to say before you can influence them effectively.” ― Margie Warrell, Find Your Courage! Margie WarrellFind Your Courage!
European elections 2014: THIS TIME WAS DIFFERENT Thank you for your attention.