Kate Hedstrom, UAF Paul Budgell, Bergen Enrique Curchitser, LDEO Sea-Ice in ROMS Kate Hedstrom, UAF Paul Budgell, Bergen Enrique Curchitser, LDEO
Outline Equations Code Papers and plans Dynamics Thermodynamics cppdefs.h SeaIce directory ice.in Papers and plans
Dynamics Momentum equations: Viscous-plastic term:
More Dynamics Ice strength: Rearrange VP: EVP version:
Solution Stress tensor equation is timestepped explicitly Young’s modulus E depends on ice thickness to keep solution close to VP solution Ice velocities then timestepped with air/water stresses, Coriolis Since it is all explicit, easy to parallelize
Thermodynamics Need to compute all the ice growth/melt terms shown
Advection of Tracers Advection uses MPDATA, advecting ice thickness, ice concentration, snow thickness, internal ice temperature Followed by limiter 0 <= A <= 1
More Thermodynamics Heat fluxes are computed through the ice and snow Temperature is linear in the ice FT has an oceanic log layer
SeaIce Directory Boundary conditions ice.F ice_advect.F ice_thermo.F aibc.F, hibc.F, hsnbc.F, sfwatbc.F, sig11bc.F, sig12bc.F, sig22bc.F, tibc.F, uibc.F, vibc.F ice.F ice_advect.F ice_smolar.h ice_thermo.F ice_mk.h EVP rheology ice_evp.F, ice_evp_sig.F, ice_elastic.F ice_frazil.F ice_limit.F, ice_smoother.F ice_spdiw.F, ice_vbc.F
ice.in Lice - logical for ice dtice - same as ocean dt nevp - number of EVP iterations per step rhoice, rho_air, rhosnow_dry, rhoshow_wet - various densities cdiw, cdai - drag coefficients gamma2 - slipperiness parameter pstar, astren - strength parameters
ice.in zetamax, zetamin - min/max for ice viscosity ellip_sq, alphai - ellipticity of yield curve squared min_h, min_a, max_a - ice limiters for thickness and concentration stressang ice_emiss, spec_heat_air, trans_coeff, sublim_latent_heat - various thermodynamic parameters
Papers Hunke and Dukowicz, An Elastic-Viscous-Plastic Model for Sea Ice Dynamics, JPO, 27, 1849-1867 (1997) Hunke, Viscous-Plastic Sea Ice Dynamics with the EVP Model: Linearization Issues, JCP, 170, 18-38 (2001) Mellor and Kantha, An Ice-Ocean Coupled Model, JGR, 94, 10,937-10,954 (1989) Hakkinen and Mellor, Modeling the Seasonal Variability of a Coupled Arctic Ice-Ocean System, JGR, 97, 20,285-20,304 (1992)
Plans Modeling the Bering Sea at 4 km resolution Replacing Mellor-Kantha with CICE 3.1 (Wang and Zhang) Multicategory and multilevel for interal ice temperatures They need that for the Arctic