Ozone layer and UV radiation in a changing climate evaluated during IPY (ORACLE-O3) Project within the IPY cluster Clouds, aerosols and atmospheric chemistry Peter von der Gathen AWI Niels Larsen DMI
Background Nearly 1000 Expressions of Intents (EoI) were submitted to the IPY Joint Committee early 2005 Recommendations for clustering of EoI’s Within the cluster ”Clouds, aerosols, and atmospheric chemistry” 15 EoI’s have been identified, related to research on the stratosphere and UV under climate changing conditions The Oracle-O3 cluster has contributions/interests from 117 researchers from 67 research institutions in 22 countries Science programme, data management and outreach 1) Ozone loss (detection and impact on UV radiation, 2) PSC (polar stratospheric clouds) and cirrus, 3) Atmospheric chemistry, 4) UV radiation, 5) Ozone and climate change and feedback 6) Data management 7) Education, outreach and communication.
28 Trace gas Observations at the Primary Arctic NDSC Station Ny-Ålesund (Koldewey Station, Spitsbergen) (TOPAS)Prof Justus Notholt University of Bremen 222 The role of light and ultra-violet radiation in the biological and human environment (Polar Light Effects)Dr Ola Engelsen 312 Finnish Antarctic Research Programme on Polar Climate Change (FARPOCC)Prof Esko Kyrö FMI-Arctic Research Center 322 Ambient UV radiation in polar regions under changing climate conditions (AUVRUC)Prof Gunther Seckmeyer University of Hannover 371 Study of structure and mechanisms of changeability for atmospheric parameters, circulation and ozone content in the southern polar region with allowance for factors of solar activity. (Atmosphere of Antarctica) Director Ivan Frolov Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute 425 Lagrangian Observations with Lidar Investigations and Trajectories in Antarctica and Arctic, of PSC (LOLITA - PSC)Dr Christine David Service d'Aéronomie - IPSL 438 Future changes of climate, chemical composition, and UV at high latitudes (CCMProg (Chemistry-Climate Models for the Prognosis of Atmospheric Changes)) Dr Martin Dameris Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre 542 Polar Ozone Loss (PO3L)Dr Peter von der Gathen AWI Potsdam 566 Polar clouds and the ozone layer in changing climate. (PSC&Cirrus)Dr. Niels Larsen DMI 720 CANADA #3: Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment, ACE (ACE)Prof Peter Bernath University of Waterloo 808 Study of Ozone, UV irradiance and related parameters in relation wiTH polar ozone depletion in Antarctic and sub- Antarctic regions (SOUTH-O3) Dr Sophie Godin-Beekmann Serviced’Aéronomie 833 Observational study on the formation and dissipation processes of Antarctic ozone hole using ozone sondes and ground- based Fourier-transform spectrometer at Syowa Station (Ozone hole observation by ozonesondes and FTIR at Syowa Station in the Antarctic) Prof Kaoru Sato National Institute of Polar Research 871 Understanding polar atmospheric change using SCISAT (Understanding polar atmospheric change using SCISAT)Director Dr Rejean Michaud Canadian Space Agency 919 Airborne measurements in the Southern Polar Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere with the M-5 Geophysica high-altitude platform (Geophysica: Antarctic UTLS) Dr Ugo Cortesi Institute for Applied Physics "Nello Carrara" (IFAC-CNR) 923 POLAR OZONE: CHALLENGES FROM IGY TO IPY (POCHES)Professor, President of IO3C Ivar Isaksen University of Oslo
Funding and coordination Draft Preparation Form for Proposed IPY Activity CO-PI’s: Peter von der Gathen, AWI and Niels Larsen, DMI National IPY Committees National IPY research programmes International coordination - (COST action ?) Science programme, data management and outreach 1) Ozone loss (detection and impact on UV radiation 2) PSC (polar stratospheric clouds) and cirrus 3) Atmospheric chemistry 4) UV radiation 5) Ozone and climate change and feedback 6) Data management 7) Education, outreach and communication.
Quantification of polar ozone losses in both hemispheres Match technique Simultaneous satellite measurements of ozone and reactive chlorine and bromine Aura ACE Envisat Odin
Investigations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds Solid particle formation Denitrification Trace gas measurements M55-Geophysica Particle and trace gas measurements BAe-146 Tandem flights with M55 SAF LearJet H2O DLR-Falcon O3-aerosol lidar Stratospheric balloons Particle measurenets H2O Calipso lidar PSC detection GB lidars
Instruments operating in the IR, UV/Vis and microwave, Lidars, O3-sondes Seasonal and long-term variability Ozone, water vapour, numerous key ozone-related trace gases in the stratosphere Tropospheric pollutants, greenhouse gases, and biomass burning UV-, visible, and infrared radiation and ground/sea/ice albedo, AOD Ground-based measurements Marambio Belgrano Rio Gallegos Ushuaia
Modelling Chemistry-transport models Chemistry-climate models Integration of field data and process studies in a modelling framework Chemical assimilation Changes in SH vortex dynamics Recovery of the ozone layer
UV-effect studies: Epidemiological study of personal UV exposure. Deepen our understanding of the role of the variability of light and UV radiation on primary production and human population. Variability and trends of the relevant biologically effective doses in polar areas, and their sensitivity to changes in snow and cloud cover. Explain differences in phytoplankton biomass, melatonin and vitamin D levels as a function of the variability of relevant biologically weighted doses. Establish foundations for future data products on UV and visible radiation.
National IPY research programmes NERC IPY special fund NERC Antarctic Funding Initiative Italian Programme for Antarctic Research (PNRA) German IPY programme under way Link to EU- research European Commission funded Integrated Project Stratosphere-Climate Links With Emphasis On The UTLS (SCOUT-O3) Management structure Data management data protocol, data base Conferences Collaboration