22,486,337 1,338,612,9
$994.2 Billion $4.909 Trillion
1 birth a minute 14 births a minute
1 death every 3 minutes and 52 seconds 7 deaths every 2 minutes and 45 seconds
Weekly: $ 1,158 Pet Care: $8 Schooling: $109 Mortgage: $448 Other House Costs:$136 Weekly: $ 1, Gas (1 Liter): 90 cents Transporting: (Monthly Pass):$ Renting a house: (3 bed) In City:$ Out City:$537.83
Sports: $53 Eating Out:$100 Food Shopping :$250 Sports & Leisure: $43.20 Eating Out:$ Food Shopping:$198
Bauxite, coal, iron ore, copper tin, gold, silver, uranim, nickel, tungstn Coal, iron ore, petroleum, natural gas, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead, zinc, uranium, hydropower potential (world's largest) mineral sands, lead, zinc, diamonds, natural gas, petroleum
Australia is the largest net exporter of coal Shipping out 29% of global coal exports
The Biggest yellow star stands for China being communist. The four little stars represent the four social classes: workers, peasants, bourgeoisie, and capitalist
The Union Jack in the upper left corner (or canton) acknowledges Australia origin as a British settlement.