Hosted by Mrs. Goolsbee – 3 rd Grade
Row 1, Col 1 A journey or trip What is voyage?
1,2 Something a person is afraid of, a feeling of being afraid What is fears ?
1,3 Causing gloom or having lack of skill or effectiveness What is dismal?
1,4 To grasp or hold tightly What is clutched?
2,1 A narrow crack or opening What is crevices?
2,2 To die by suffocation in water What is drowned?
2,3 Stories of animals that act like humans and live in a world of wonder and magic What is a fable?
2,4 Something owned or had What is possession?
3,1 Type the answer for 3,1 here. What is melody? A series of musical sounds like in a song or poetry
3,2 An affix placed before a word to change its meaning. What is prefix?
3,3 To throw loosely about, disperse What is scattered?
3,4 to like or admire very much What is adores?
4,1 remote, coming from far away What is distant ?
4,2 A word ending; a group of letters added to the end of a root word. What is suffix?
4,3 Nervous or excited What is anxiously?
4,4 A conversation or exchange between people or animals. What is interaction?
5,1 To move along, move side to side What is slither?
5,2 to walk without lifting the feet, clumsy steps What is shuffled?
5,3 to have boldness, courage for something What is daring?
5,4 To rise or fly upwards in the air What is soar?