T ODAY ’ S A GENDA SAT Question of the Day #19 Short Answer Responses Highlight 4 parts Chapters Annotations HW: Read and annotate Chapters for Lesson 47 OBJECTIVE: Students will identify and analyze how literary devices play a role in TAHF (irony, motif, theme)
SAT Q UESTION OF THE D AY #19 Some students (A) prefer watching videos to (B) textbooks because they feel (C) uncomfortable with the presentation (D) of information in a non-oral form. No error
S HORT A NSWER R ESPONSES Highlight the four required parts: Author’s name Highlight in GREEN Title of book and movie (written correctly) Highlight in GREEN Thesis Should address the effect of the changes Highlight in BLUE Evidence Two examples Highlight example in PINK. YELLOW Highlight explanation in YELLOW.
R EFLECTION – WRITING SECTION OF BINDER Reflect on your short answer response. How did you do? Did you include SPECIFIC examples? Did you include the FOUR REQUIREMENTS? What do you need to remember for next time?
A NNOTATIONS What is Huck and Jim’s plan? p. 87 Example(s) of Irony p. 94 p. 98 Examples of Motif (fraud) p. 95 Examples to support themes p. 94 p Evidence that Huck has subscribed to the Southern white conception of the world? p. 94 p. 95 How does Huck’s conscience win? What does that show about Huck?
P OINTS TO P ONDER : After completing chapter 16, why did Twain put down his manuscript for 2 years?
H OW HAS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN H UCK AND J IM CHANGED ? Write a well-developed paragraph explaining the change. Support your thesis with evidence from the text. Use in-text citations.
Multiple Choice Speed Dating C HAPTER 16
M ULTIPLE C HOICE S PEED D ATING Individual Work 10 minutes to complete the multiple choice questions Speed Dating 1. You will have 2 minutes to discuss one question with your partner. 2. Use the text as evidence for your response. 3. Come to an agreement on the answer, as well as the textual evidence that supports your answer. 4. When I call time, the row closest to me moves to the left one seat. 5. Repeat steps 1-4.
Q UESTION 1 As it is used in paragraph 1, the word show is best understood to mean A. Display B. Performance C. Opportunity D. Scene
Q UESTION 2 Jim most likely says, “Dah she is?” in paragraph 2 because he A. Hears noises on the shore B. Sees lights on the shore C. Feels a change in the river’s current D. See boats near the shore
Q UESTION 3 Huck’s comment about the children in the last sentence of paragraph 6 A. Means that he feels he does not really know Jim B. Shows the attitude toward slaves during this time period C. Suggests that he does not believe Jim has children D. Reveals Huck’s belief that children have fewer rights than adults have
Q UESTION 4 In the first sentence of paragraph 13, this refers to which of Jim’s statements? A. “Pooty soon I’ll be a shout’n for joy” B. “it’s all on accounts o’ Huck” C. “I’s a free man” D. “you’s de only fren’ ole Jim’s got now”
Q UESTION 5 Huck’s words to the two men show that Huck is A. Clever B. Mischievous C. Confused D. Immature
Q UESTION 6 In paragraph 36, the man’s advice to Huck, “Don’t be a fool again, and let people guess what is the matter,” is ironic because A. Huck himself does not know what the matter is B. Huck would have no reason to tell the same story to others C. The men are not really being kind to Huck D. Huck was not being a fool when he let the men guess
Q UESTION 7 What is the best summary of the passage? A. When Huck sees how anxious Jim is to be free, he begins to feel guilty about helping him, especially when he hears Jim’s plan to steal his children. He keeps two men from boarding the raft. B. Huck realizes that what he has been doing is wrong, and he decides to turn Jim in. The two men leave Huck money because they feel guilty for not helping him. C. As Jim and Huck look for Cairo, Huck begins to feel guilty about his part in helping a runaway slave and decides to turn Jim in. However, he changes his mind and keeps two men from boarding the raft and discovering Jim. D. Jim continually thinks he and Huck have reached Cairo, but he is always mistaken. Huck sets out to turn Jim in but then plays a trick on two men, ending up with forty dollars.
Q UESTION 8 Which of the following is an example of dramatic irony ? A. “I got to feeling so mean and so miserable I most wished I was dead.” B. “Well, there’s five niggers run off to-night up yonder, above the head of the bend. Is your man white or black?” C. “Here was this nigger… coming right out flatfooted and saying he would steal his children—children that belonged to a man I didn’t even know…” D. “We are right sorry for you, but we—well hang it, we don’t want the smallpox, you see.”
Q UESTION 9 In this passage and the novel as a whole, the river is an example of a(n): A. Motif B. Satire C. Motivation D. Symbol
Q UESTION 10 In paragraph 13, the meaning of “tuck” as understood in this context means: A. energy B. courage C. sense D. prejudice