OSF/ISD Project Portfolio Management Framework January 17, 2011
Contents Purpose Project Management Framework & Toolkit Portfolio List High Level and Detail Milestone Plan Monthly Scorecard Monthly Status Metrics Gathered File Locations Policy Statements 2
OSF/ISD Project Portfolio Methodology Portfolio Management Identify, prioritize, and authorize projects Project Management Framework Basic roadmap to successful project achievement Method to achieve the benefits ISD expects from its investment in an IT project Monitor & Control Performed to observe project execution so that potential problems can be identified and corrective action can be taken to control the execution of the project Performed in order to meet performance objectives in each phase of a project 3
OSF/ISD Project Portfolio Management Framework Project Management Process Groups Defined 1 InitiationConceptPlanningExecutionClose Identifies a project idea, potential benefits and initial scope Identifies a project idea, potential benefits and initial scope Defines and authorizes a project or project phase Defines and authorizes a project or project phase Defines objectives and plans the course of action required to attain the objectives Defines objectives and plans the course of action required to attain the objectives Integrates people and other resources to carry out the plan Integrates people and other resources to carry out the plan Formalizes acceptance and brings project to an orderly close Formalizes acceptance and brings project to an orderly close Project Management Process Group Deliverables 2 InitiationConcept Planning (1) Execution Close Updated Portfolio List Updated Portfolio List High Level Plan (+-50%), Updated Portfolio and Scorecard High Level Plan (+-50%), Updated Portfolio and Scorecard Detail Plan (+-10%), Updated Portfolio and Scorecard Detail Plan (+-10%), Updated Portfolio and Scorecard Updated Scorecard, (Monthly Status - CORE) Updated Scorecard, (Monthly Status - CORE) Metrics Gathered (1) If planning phase cost is greater than $15,000 a detail plan and monthly status for the planning phase will be required Project Management Process Group Responsibilities 3 Initiation Concept Planning ExecutionClose Managers update portfolio list. CIO/CTO move projects to Initiation Managers update portfolio list. CIO/CTO move projects to Initiation Project lead completes deliverables Core Executive Board or CIO/CTO move projects to Planning Project lead completes deliverables Core Executive Board or CIO/CTO move projects to Planning Project lead completes deliverables Core Executive Board or CIO/CTO move projects to Execution Project lead completes deliverables Core Executive Board or CIO/CTO move projects to Execution Project lead updates the Scorecard, (Monthly Status) Moves project to Close Project lead updates the Scorecard, (Monthly Status) Moves project to Close Project Lead records Actual Completion Date and Cost, PMO collects and compiles metrics Project Lead records Actual Completion Date and Cost, PMO collects and compiles metrics All Projects with a Cost of $15,000 or More Will Follow This Framework 4
PPM Framework 5 Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Portfolio-Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Portfolio-Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Portfolio-Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan
Concept Propose a new project idea Define preliminary description, benefits, scope Update Portfolio List 6 Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio List (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan The portfolio entry in the Concept Phase is the highest level overview of the major parameters of the project. Evaluate a New Project Idea
Concept No work is being done Project is identified for future (opportunity map) 7 Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio List (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan The portfolio entry in the Concept Phase is the highest level overview of the major parameters of the project. Evaluate a New Project Idea
Initiation Research initial scope – what the project must deliver Estimate initial costs, time schedule, and resource commitments Identify initial issues and constraints Develop the High Level Plan Update Portfolio & Scorecard 8 The project in the Initiation Phase is researched to a +/- 50% estimate. No resources are assigned. Define the Project Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan
Initiation Budgetary numbers are created during budgeting cycle High level estimates are created to make sure management wants to proceed Time spent in this phase is minimal 9 The project in the Initiation Phase is researched to a +/- 50% estimate. No resources are assigned. Define the Project Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan
Planning Identify, analyze and review options and alternatives Plan and estimate the work and costs involved Balance scope, schedule and costs to deliver the requirements Assess risk, plan and mitigate Document issues and constraints Develop the Detail Plan Update Portfolio & Scorecard 10 The project in the Planning Phase is planned to a +/- 10% detailed estimate. Resources are planning, estimating, analyzing, assessing, documenting. Plan the Project Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan
Planning Significant time and resources are expended in this phase RFP’s are in this phase Fit-Gaps are in this phase You must have a committed plan and resources to leave this phase You must have signed contracts, requisitions etc to leave this phase You must have agreement on how the project will be paid for Combining Planning and Execution is not a best practice When you leave this phase you are accountable for cost and budget The movement from planning to execution needs to be clear In most cases the planning phase is not a project 11 The project in the Planning Phase is planned to a +/- 10% detailed estimate. Resources are planning, estimating, analyzing, assessing, documenting. Plan the Project Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan
Execution 12 Resources are performing the work to create and deploy the project deliverables outlined by the detail milestone plan. Create and Implement the Project Deliverables Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan Design, develop, configure, test, review, verify, assess, deploy and document project deliverables Monitor schedule, costs and deliverable progress Manage and control the work, costs and changes Communicate progress, issues and resolution Approve deliverable readiness Release, transfer deliverables to customers Obtain feedback and sign-offs Update Portfolio & Scorecard Report status
Execution 13 Resources are performing the work to create and deploy the project deliverables outlined by the detail milestone plan. Create and Implement the Project Deliverables Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan If you are making changes to a development environment you are in this phase If you are making changes to a production environment you are in this phase If you are paying external contractors you may be in this phase (a few projects will pay external contractors for the planning phase)
Close 14 Resources are released to other projects or operational demand. Close Updated Actuals Captured Metrics Concept Updated Portfolio (Cost > $15,000) Name, Description, Initial Benefit, Initial Scope Planning Updated Scorecard +/- 10% Milestone Plan Execution Updated Scorecard (Monthly Status - Core) Initiation Updated Scorecard +/- 50% Milestone Plan Complete the Project Close the project Update Portfolio & Scorecard Update Closed Scorecard Comments Actual Completion Date Actual Cost Project Closing Statements Capture information for metrics
Portfolio List Portfolio List – A Comprehensive List of Proposed and Current Projects Assistance Service Request via the OSF Service Desk By Department Drop Down List Total Baseline Cost Either +-50% or +-10% Cost Breakout by Category 15
High Level Plan / Detail Plan Milestone Plan +- 50% in Initiation +- 10% in Planning Includes all project costs listed +- 50% in Initiation +- 10% in Planning Project ID, Name & Brief Description High Level Plan – Developed in Initiating, required to move to Planning Detail Plan – Refined in Planning, required to move to Execution if cost > $15,000 16
Monthly Scorecard Scorecard – Reviewed Monthly in CORE Executive Board or ISD Project Review Health Indicator Schedule Green – Within 10% of schedule Yellow – Within 20% of schedule Red – Over 20% of schedule Portfolio List Information Health Indicator Budget Green – Within 10% of budget Yellow – Within 20% of budget Red – Over 20% of budget From HL/DL Plan – Changes only when Project Phase changes Targets change when baselines are missed Dates the Current Project Phase will start and finish. 17
Monthly Status 18 Monthly Status – Required when Planning costs are > $15,000 and for specific CORE projects. The CTO determines what status reports will be included in a monthly review presentation.
Project Management Framework Project Management Framework and supporting documentation I:\Function\PMO\PortfolioManagement 2009 April Training Budget CORE Accessibility Documents CORE Advisory Group Data – Financials CORE Advisory Group Data – HCM CORE Partners Meeting Data CORE WIP Framework Templates Legislative Status Reports Milestone Plans Monthly Review Presentations Monthly Review Staging Monthly Status Reports Opportunity Maps & Vision Docs Portfolio-Scorecard Lists Project Metrics Projects Completed Resource Files 19
Policy Statements Projects required to follow the ISD Project Management Framework: projects with a cost > $15,000, and Inside and Outside cable plant projects (i.e.: fiber in the ground)/(infrastructure). Status Reports are required for certain CORE projects in Execution or for projects where the Planning Phase costs are > $15,000. Managers enter concepts on the portfolio list and the PMO assigns a project ID Portfolio, scorecard and priorities are reviewed in the monthly Shared Business or Technical Service Project Review meetings. Movement from Concept to the Initiation Phase is verbally approved by the CIO or CTO. Initiation Phase deliverables are +/- 50% High Level Plan and Scorecard. Completed deliverables from Initiation Phase puts project in consideration for movement to the Planning Phase by CIO/CTO. Planning Phase deliverables are +/- 10% Detail Plan and Scorecard. Projects estimated less than $15K at end of Initiation Phase may be considered by CIO/CTO for direct movement to the Execution Phase. New Target Dates and Costs must be established when the project will not meet its Phase Completion Date and Cost. Managers record Actual Completion Date and Cost in the Closed Scorecard Comments column after transitioning to the Close Phase. Managers are encouraged to record an end of project lessons learned narrative in the Closed Scorecard Comments column. The PMO collects Completed Project Actual Completion Dates and Costs (provided by managers on the Closed Scorecard) and compiles Completed Project metric reports. Shared Business Services Project review will be held on last Wednesday of the month. Shared Technical Services Project review will be held on last Tuesday of the month. 20