And the Moral Life
Ritually celebrate different ways of keeping in touch with God and with other people.
Baptism Confirmation Eucharist
a share in the divine life birth into a new life with God entry into the church.
strengthens our bond with Jesus and the Church Holy Spirit helps us to be witnesses when hard decisions are to be made.
Wisdom Understanding Right Judgment Courage Knowledge Reverence Wonder and Awe
Helps us to see deeper into the things around us and make decisions based on the presence of God in everything.
Helps us to comprehend how we need to live as disciples of Jesus. A person with understanding is not confused with conflicting messages in our culture.
Helps us to know the difference between right and wrong and to choose what is right A person with right judgment avoids occasions that lead to temptation and sin.
Helps us to overcome our fears and to risk doing the right thing. A person with courage is willing to stand up for what is right even if it means accepting rejection, physical harm and even death for what is right.
Helps us to understand the meaning of God’s revelation.. A person with knowledge is always seeking to attain more especially about their faith.
A deep sense of respect for God and the Church Recognizes our total reliance on God with humility and trust. m/watch?v=z0XAI- PFQcA
Makes us aware of the majesty and glory of God God is the perfection of all we desire, perfect knowledge, perfect goodness, perfect power.
Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Generosity Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control
The “fount and summit” of the Christian life Meal Greatest prayer of the Church
An experience of isolation and separateness from God and others
An experience of reuniting and reconnecting with God and others