HP-PPM Project & Portfolio Planning Strategic Labor & Cost Release Management Project Planning Program Reporting Work Plan Options So I’ll know when I’m done! I’ve started a list we will review and add to as we discuss the various work plan and Program Reporting options. We have a lot to cover, and you’re bright, but very busy people. I’m going to run through the front end of this pretty quickly to insure we get to the real requirements and considerations for the next steps. The front end of the presentation is to set the scope of understanding so that we can come back and link our Program reporting requirements to the detail project and procedural options. I planned what I hope is the final, detail level review for 1 ½ hors in 2 weeks, to insure we can talk to the details, but at this point we really setting direction and parameters, so we still need to include and weed out some of the options. The overall objective is to define the REQUIREMENTS so we have a specific target against which to take aim. This Presentation is based on v7.5. While the format of the presentation is different, the functions and screens related to Programs and Portfolios have not changed through v9.1, except where noted. This presentation is being updated now Oct 2011 based on v9.1 Implementation.
The Roadmap From our last discussion. We’ll look at the Estimation Process which starts to provide the forecasted view of things to come. It’s a key driver of the Demand Management function, and the “what you do” in the system won’t change, although the “when you do it” is very dependent upon your Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Governance Policies and Project Execution Processes. Starting with the high level estimates, moving into the Release Planning window (after approval but prior to date commitment to customer). We’ll then look at consolidated Projects Management, (also known as Program or Product Management, depending on who is managing the intermediate to long range planning) functions. Then we’ll turn to Project Management. We will review several options, each with it’s own set of considerations, benefits and costs. As the Program information flows up the execution path to provide the data for the consolidated reporting, the configuration of the work plan management must be consistent with the higher level reporting goals (Enterprise even higher level). We need to clearly define the specific Reporting Requirements that must be satisfied at the Program Level in order to identify the appropriate configurations. We have identified the initial Requirements and will hope to add to that list through this meeting, and complete the list prior to the detail analysis of options, as yet untested. The goal is to present the appropriate configurations and procedures at our next meeting that will satisfy the Program Requirements. HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #2
Strategic Planning - Proposal Definition, Objective, Stakeholders, Periods Attach Staffing Profile for Labor Attach Synchronized Budget for Costs Proposal 32971 MDS #2 Proof of Concept – Proposal Budget. General information about benefits, stakeholders, Strategic Objectives Alignment, Financial Return on Investment (attachment like SP & Budget). This is typically known as the Business Case information. This is the same data set created upon the initial creation of a Project, which can be accessed through the Project Details tab of the Project Summary page. If the details are created for a Proposal, then they are transferred when the Project is created. Can easily add custom attributes to complete your Business Case Development needs. There is also a workflow available which will facilitate communications as well as status tracking and Stakeholder Notifications. All references to system objects refer to the Development environment. HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #3
Planning – Staffing Profile ROLE Driven Effort Sourcing Unknown Capex\Opex can be identified Blended Rates Utilized Total, Quarterly or Monthly Hours or FTEs Proposal 32971 MDS #2 Proof of Concept – Proposal Budget Staff Profile: MDS – Proof of Concept 2 – Proposal is synchronized with MDS – Proof of Concept 2 - Proposal Budget The Staffing Profile is a list of Roles, or knowledge sets, necessary to complete the initiative. At initial planning, you may only know the Role, and some high level estimates on the number of FTEs (Full Time Equivalent) or work hours required, so you can just enter that. You can indicate Capital vs Operating Expense as a percentage split of a single line (although it is applied across all periods, so the impact will not be the same as recognized by actual expenses when booked in compliance of SOP 98-1 If you don’t know enough about the solution to the problem to guesstimate the Role and work effort required, your not in a position to make the commitment with any certainty. HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #4
Planning - Budget Labor Cost from Staffing Profile Split by Capitial & Operating Non-labor Costs added Proposal 32971 MDS #2 Proof of Concept – Proposal Budget The Staffing Profile can be synchronized with an Initiative Budget, into which the FTE\hours will be valued and reflected. The rates associated with the various periods (Month, Quarter or Year) over which the labor is disbursed will reflect the number of workdays in the enterprise calendar, they are not average months. The Actuals aren’t booked that way anyway. To the labor cost you can add additional costs for software, hardware, consulting or any other non labor costs for estimating. You could add Labor from a cost perspective without a Staffing Profile for Strategic Planning purposes, but the labor content will become essential prior to Release. HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #5
Release Planning - Labor Monthly Planning of Labor Sourcing Decisions Send Resource Requests 33183 MDS Phase II Prototype – Legacy Mode (Shared Control). Release Planning is about matching Demand with Capacity. The objective is insure that the necessary resources will be available when needed in order to deliver the solution. This is the first step in Expectations Management and Resource acquisition, so you must identify team member resource pools to enable Resource Requests. The Resource pool is the sourcing organization for the resource. It could be a Department, Group, Division or Outside Company. The Manager of the Resource Pool is the person who can commit the resources. The availability of the Project Artifacts developed so far (Business Case, Charter, Authorizations, etc should be provided to enable a better match between the knowledge set required and the individual (s) allocated to the Team. HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #6
Release Planning - Costs Cost Changes based on new Sourced Blended Rates Governance Review 33183 MDS Phase II Prototype – Legacy Mode (Shared Control). Allocation of Hours over periods and identification of Sourcing may change cost, (depending on Cost Rules), and should be reviewed for Governance considerations. While your waiting for those Key resources to plan your project, you should review available, relevant estimation data and Lessons Learned from previous projects involving your primary architectural components and\or sourcing organizations. HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #7
Project Planning Key Resources Assigned Set Planning Completion Date Develop WBS & Network Diagram Create Project & Load Work plan 33120 MDS Phase II Prototype – Test Execution (Shared Control) Gather at least one Role representative in order to start the Planning Process (from each stakeholder area). Complete Project Initiation Need to determine mode of work plan operation and program reporting requirements before creating work plan as MSP synchronization options cannot be changed after project is created. As hours from the Time Sheets roll into the Staffing Profile Actual fields, you are now set to utilize all the Program and Portfolio functions. Options at the work plan level will affect cost rule applications reflected in the financial reports. Good point to view Staffing Profile Work Plan Comparison Before we talk about the Project Deliverables scheduling and work plan options, lets look at the higher level Reporting functions of Program and Portfolio Planning, as these should serve our Program Level Reporting Requirements based on the system objects and information flow design. HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #8
Program Functions Consolidates Projects Consolidates Projects Risks, Issues & Scope Changes Cost Roll-ups Comparison to Program Budget Consolidates Projects Risks, Issues & Scope Changes Cost Roll-ups Comparison to Program Budget MDS Phase II Prototype Program from Dashboard Program List Portlet Link to Program Budget which would include all projects & proposals Links to Individual Projects within the Program – Interfaces with Workplan\Milestones Roll down – Issues, Scope Change and Risk (Drill down on Issue graph). Small Test Capacity Risk on a each project is a major Program Risk. References – might include Proposals for Projects not yet releases that are part of the Program. Program Costs (tab) – Summary by Project & Program Total EV Analysis – Planned and Earned Values, Variances and Indices with graphical representation based on baseline & % Complete. Click Analyze. Budget to Budget Comparison Components against Total Program HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #9
Budget to Budget Comparison Missing Projects at Close Could include Proposal Budgets There are other Program level Portlets as well. Portfolio Planning is a Generic Consolidation Analysis view which provides the next level of detail data review for the Program Manager. This Particular Portlet was deprecated at v8.0 and is not available in 9.1 HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #10
Scenario Comparison Compare any set of Proposal and\or Project alternatives Compare against Independent Budget (s) and\or Resource Pool (s) From the Graphical Line Point, Drill into the by Period Cost Details List Scenario Comparison: MDS Phase II Prototype Scenario Graphics – change to Month, Click Change Might be an interesting view if you could add CPI & SPI, % Complete, etc and compare to maybe IT Financial Budget and IT Enterprise Resource Pool Drill into July Approved, then July Program Capital vs Operating – go to Budget tab (Next) HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #11
Scenario – Cost Details Multiple Graphical Cost Views With Drill Down to Details Capital vs Expense graph for each scenario Click the bar to see the by Project\Proposal breakdown Back to Overview tab for labor side HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #12
Scenario Comparison - Labor Labor Breakdown same as Cost Line Point to “by Period” Resource Load List Scenario Comparison: MDS Phase II Prototype Same as Cost, Drill into labor details by project through the line graph HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #13
Scenario Comparison - Labor Drill into the Role Demand Components To get to the labor details by Role, Select the Scenario desired (Choose #2 MDS Proposed Program) and click View. As we offset the Program against a Program Resource Pool, we see the NET available Resources available. (Isn’t it always negative?) To drill down into the Software Developer deficit of 7.61, click the arrow. So the Interfaces Project appears to have neglected Resource Availability, or perhaps we had planned to outsource and should include in the budget as a fixed cost vs an hourly labor cost? How we configure it should be a function of the management information we need. If the Projects have a work plan, you can drill directly into them from any of the links. That’s the primary Consolidation capabilities outside of developed Reports. Of course you can consolidate time entry independent of Program and Project associations. Now for the Execution configuration options. View Details of Each Scenario Role by period; NET if offset against a Resource Pool HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #14
HP-PPM Design Framework High Level objects and data flow – We’ve covered the major components except Resource Pools. Their value and usefulness depend completely upon the Resource Allocation and Assignment Process. If you use Staffing Profiles and Budgets, all of the functionality in Programs and Portfolio Management will works as we have reviewed. As actual labor costs are calculated from the Time Sheet and rolled into the Work Plan, Staffing Profile & Resource Pool, the configuration and mode of operation of the work plan will be important. A few elements of the work plan to keep in mind first; Assigning Resources to Tasks and Work plan Reporting HP-PPM Program Planning 6/11/09 Slide #15