Learn the Basics: Housing Tax Credits 101 February 22 & 23, 2007 Pointe South Mountain Resort Phoenix, AZ
WHO IS IPED? WHAT WE DO: Provide high-quality, continuing educational conferences and Provide high-quality, continuing educational conferences and seminars for professionals in a variety of industries, such as seminars for professionals in a variety of industries, such as affordable housing, community development, tax credits, affordable housing, community development, tax credits, government-assisted development, energy, venture capital, government-assisted development, energy, venture capital, environment and business. environment and business. Help professionals succeed in today's ever-changing competitive Help professionals succeed in today's ever-changing competitive and regulatory environments and regulatory environmentsFACTS: IPED stands for The Institute for Professional and Executive IPED stands for The Institute for Professional and Executive Development Development Founded in 1975 – 32 years in business! Founded in 1975 – 32 years in business! Based in Washington, DC Based in Washington, DC
Save the Dates… 2007 Historic Tax Credit Conference Series Incentives for Historic Preservation in Seattle Seattle, Washington July 12, 2007 National Historic Tax Credit Conference 2007 Washington, DC November 8-9, 2007 For more details, please visit
Interested in learning more about Housing Tax Credits After the Closing: Maximizing Value and Avoiding Pitfalls at Tax Credit Properties April 26-27, 2007 | San Diego, CA Graduate Tax Credit Affordable Housing Conference July 19-20, 2007 | San Francisco, CA Year 15- Affordable Housing Tax Credit Conference October 11-12, 2007 | Boston, MA For more details on these and other Housing Tax Credits conferences, please visit
IPED BOOKSTORE Missed a conference or want more information on Tax Credits? Simply visit our on-site bookstore in the registration area during todays breaks. Topics include: Tax Credits Tax Credits Historic Tax Credits Historic Tax Credits Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Community Development Community Development HUD HUD For a complete listing of our books, please visit
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