Learning Objective : Today we will use correct capitalization. Capitalization = putting an upper case letter at the beginning of a word
What are we going to use today? Today we will use correct capitalization.
It is important to use correct capitalization because it makes you a better writer through recognizing that the names of important people, places, and things should be capitalized. It’s the correct way of writing! What are other reasons?
What’s wrong with this? ernie rodriguez That’s right! It should be capitalized and it should read: Ernie Rodriguez
When do we capitalize? Names of people, characters in a story, pets, months, days, holidays, and particular places: Kobe Bryant Vicente Fernandez Shrek Mr. Urquieta Rex Winnie the Pooh
When do we capitalize? Names of continents, countries, counties, states, cities, and towns: Asia Mexico California San Francisco Calaveras County Catalina Island
When do we capitalize? Names of streets, avenues, and highways: Sunset Boulevard Route 1 Sutter Street
When do we capitalize? Names of organizations and groups, teams, government bodies, and institutions: United Nations Congress Los Angeles Dodgers West Side Memorial Hospital
When do we capitalize? Names of historical events, historical periods, holidays, months, days, and special events: Revolutionary War May Jurassic Period Tuesday Fourth of July Pacoima Christmas Parade
When do we capitalize? Names of businesses: Costco Target McDonalds Jack in the Box Food 4 Less
When do we capitalize? Names of buildings, bridges, dams, monuments, memorials, and other structures. Hoover Dam Griffith Observatory Empire State Building Golden Gate Bridge
When do we capitalize? Names of religions and religious groups: Catholic Christian Jewish Islam Buddhist
When do we capitalize? Names of planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies: Venus Milky Way North Star Big Dipper Jupiter Titan
When do we capitalize? The title of a person that comes before a name: Professor Stanley Mrs. Fajardo Mayor Villaraigosa
When do we capitalize? The first and all important words in a title: The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland Beauty and the Beast Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Wizard of Oz
When do we capitalize? Capitalize the names of nationalities and peoples Chinese African American Californian Mexican
Let’s practice! Steps to capitalizing 1.Look at the sentence. 2.Identify all the proper nouns in the sentence. 3.Correct the sentence by capitalizing The most famous battle in the west is the battle of little big horn. One teacher showed us a video about this famous battle that some people call custer’s last stand. Little Big Horn. Custer’s
Let’s practice! Steps to capitalizing 1.Look at the sentence. 2.Identify all the proper nouns in the sentence. 3.Correct the sentence by capitalizing The group of Indians we call the sioux refused to live within the boundaries of the Great sioux reservation. They could not get enough food. They could not follow the buffalo. They could not live their traditional nomadic life. In addition, white people continued to come into their sacred lands in the black hills. Black Hills. Sioux
Let’s practice! Steps to capitalizing 1.Look at the sentence. 2.Identify all the proper nouns in the sentence. 3.Correct the sentence by capitalizing sara jennings was ready to buy a brand new house. Jennings Sara
So what did we learn today? How to capitalize correctly!!