1 REGIONAL CONSULTATIVE MEETING OF NATIONAL PLATFORMS ON DRR & DIALOGUE ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION, October 20-22, Panama NATIONAL PLATFORM OF JAMAICA Presented by: Ronald Jackson, Director General Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management
2 THE HISTORICAL AND CURRENT CONTEXT OF DRR IN JAMAICA Disaster Management Organization created in Prior to the creation the focus was on response with coordination by the military Shift in conceptual framework in the management of natural hazards in 1993 with the creation of legislation. (creation of NDP, NHMP – 1999) More Comprehensive Framework Focus is now on reducing community vulnerability while at the same time ensuring that the capacities exists to carry out response.
3 JAMAICAS NATIONAL PLATFORM National Disaster Committee (NDC) First formed 1979 To provide Policy and Technical Oversight ……on the planning and implementation of all measures considered necessary or desirable to plan for, and counter the effects of Disasters. Coordination done by ODPEM Functions at three (3) levels National, Municipal and Community
4 JAMAICAS NATIONAL PLATFORM Membership of the Platform is drawn from all sectors: Ministerial level, agencies and NGOs, IDPs, PSOJs, FBOs The Platform meets in full at least once per year (normal); currently has quarterly format. The Platforms work Plan is determined by the ODPEM Has produced several hazard specific contingency plans and reports
6 ADMINISTRATION FINANCE & PLANNING COMMITTEE MFP/ODP DAMAGE ASSESSMENT RECOVERY & REHABILITATION COMMITTEE MTW/ ODPEM EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMMUNICATION, TRANSPORT JFB/ODPEM Equipping/Staffing EOC Funding of Emergency Activities Damage Assessment Coordinate Restoration Rescue Evacuation Law Enforcement Establish and Maintain Communication Links Coordinate Transport HEALTH PLANNING MOH/ODPEM PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION JIS/ODPEM WELFARE/SHELTER RELIEF CLEARANCE MLSSS/ODPEM Emergency Health Care Health Care Disseminate Information Conduct Training Exercises Shelter Relief Coordinating Clearance of Relief Supplies Oversee Parish Programmes SUB-COMMITTEES 6
7 ACHIEVEMENTS Implementation of Community Vulnerability Reduction Programmes Development of Disaster Management Plans and Policies Relocation of vulnerable populations as a mitigation measure Completion and maintenance of a National Disaster Catalogue and Hazard Database The National Hazard Mitigation Policy
8 ACHIEVEMENTS Community Flood Alert and Flood Warning Systems Development and use of Hazard Maps in Planning Process (though minimal) National Programme of Community Based Disaster Management Pilot Project to integrate Disaster Management in School Curriculum Evacuation Plans
9 ACHIEVEMENTS Guidelines for Child Friendly Disaster Management and Response. Production of the HFA progress report Disaster Legislation Review Establishment of the National Disaster Fund
10 MAIN OBSTACLES AND CHALLENGES Disaster Risk Reduction still not integrated into Government Macro-Economic Planning Limited Programme Resources Limited Government investment in Risk Transfer other than CCRIF Comprehensive Hazard Mapping Delay in implementing new legislation Consistency of participation of some members Slow pace of mainstreaming in some sectors Rationalizing outcomes of NDO vs. NDC
11 Future Outlook/Goals/Expectations –Community Capacity Building –Public Awareness Building –Development of Decision Making Tools such as multi- hazard maps –Greater Private Sector Support in Disaster Management –Jamaicas Sustainable Development enhanced through Comprehensive Disaster Management –Greater investment in Risk Mitigation –Review of the National Disaster Management Framework
12 Ronald Jackson Director General Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management 12 Camp Road, Kingston 4 Jamaica