DRIVERS & GOALS The Need for Stormwater Management Programs (SWMPs)
SWMP Drivers Flood Control State & Federal NPDES Stormwater Regulations Aging & Expanding Drainage Infrastructure Infrastructure Inventory & Condition Assessment Drainage System Proactive Maintenance Drainage Capital Improvement Projects Conditional Compliance with other NPDES Wastewater Treatment & Water Supply Permits Stormwater Pollution Prevention/Erosion Control What are your communities stormwater management needs?
SWMP Elements Stormwater Program Development Regulation Regulatory Compliance Drainage System O&M Capital Drainage Improvement Projects
SWMP Elements Regulatory Compliance Phase I & II NPDES Stormwater Permits TMDLs Water/Wastewater Permits Industrial NPDES Permits Development Regulations Post Construction Runoff E&S Control Capital Improvement Program Flood ControlWater QualityReplacement Operations & Maintenance Inventory Routine Maintenance Capital Maintenance
SWMP Future Goals 1. Meet the needs and expectations of your citizens. 2. Ensure future drainage system functionality. 3. Achieve compliance with regulatory requirements. 4. Balance protection of the local governments’ water resources with an individual’s right to develop their land. 5. Sustain economic growth for the local governments’ and the region. 6. Other community specific goals.
P R O G R A M Two Step Building Process FUNDING Courtesy of Thomas Brown, Boyle Engineering.
SWMP Responsibilities DepartmentSWMP Responsibilities Planning and Zoning Department Site Plan Review, NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit Compliance, CIP, GIS Inventory, Floodplain Management, Planning, Development Regulation Public Works Department O&M, Street Sweeping, Yard Waste Removal, CIP Code Enforcement Department E&S Inspections, Code Enforcement Water and Wastewater Department Water Quality Monitoring
Garden City SWMP Current Budget Current SWMP Cost Program Coordination FTEsSalary Time Dedicated to SWMP Total* Director of Planning & Zoning1$60,00025%$21,000 Finance Director1$75,0005%$5,250 E&S Inspectors2$70,00025%$24,500 Administrative Assistant1$45,00050%$31,500 Regulatory Compliance$10,000 Subtotal$92,250 Operations & Maintenance FTEsSalary Time Dedicated to SWMP Total Public Works Director1$65,00050%$45,500 Field Crew Personnel17$562,43560%$337,461 Spring Clean Up$7,500 Materials, Rentals, & Operating Budget$72,415 Subtotal$462,876 Capital Improvement Program Outsourced Engineering$45,000 Capital Projects$150,000 Subtotal$195,000 Program Total$750,126
Current SWMP Funding Revenue Sources Current Revenue Source 2007 Annual Revenue General Fund$600,000 SPLOST$150,000 Total$750,000
F unding Sources & Budget Status General Fund Revenues & Service Fees Funds a $750,000 (approx) program per year Limited funds budgeted annually for: Drainage system O&M Results in a reactive maintenance program Drainage Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Results in deferral of projects Regulatory Compliance New regulations require additional funding
SWMP Level of Service Matrix = Current Limited LOS Program TypeCost/Acre/YearTypical Level of Service Features Existing SWMP$50 - $100 Reactive maintenance programs, development regulation, inspections, some planning, some illicit discharge detection, moderate regulatory compliance, FEMA flood program, limited private detention system inspection Proposed/ Recommended SWMP $100 - $150 ADD: Proactive O&M of public drainage system, master planning, funded CIP program, WQ monitoring, enhanced land development regulation & enforcement, program meets minimal regulatory standards Potential Future SWMP$150+ ADD: Updated floodplain mapping, advanced floodplain and development management, comprehensive CIP, voluntary regulatory programs, BMP demonstration projects, watershed WQ monitoring, private detention pond O&M Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, City of Griffin
Future SWMP Funding Projected Expenditure ≈ $1.2 Million Program Coordination ≈ $220,000 Operations & Maintenance ≈ $660,000 CIP ≈ $320,000
SWMP Level of Service Matrix = Current Limited LOS = Proposed Expanded LOS Program TypeCost/Acre/YearTypical Level of Service Features Existing SWMP$50 - $100 Reactive maintenance programs, development regulation, inspections, some planning, some illicit discharge detection, moderate regulatory compliance, FEMA flood program Proposed/ Recommended SWMP $100 - $150 ADD: Proactive O&M of public drainage system, master planning, funded CIP program, WQ monitoring, enhanced land development regulation & enforcement, program meets minimal regulatory standards, limited private detention system inspection Potential Future SWMP$150+ ADD: Updated floodplain mapping, advanced floodplain and development management, comprehensive CIP, voluntary regulatory programs, BMP demonstration projects, watershed WQ monitoring, private detention pond O&M
Cost of Service (COS) Comparison Funding Gap = $450,000
Now its your turn…
Step 1: Community Overview Characteristics Key issues Step 2: Need for Program Expansion What are YOUR drivers? Flooding Regulatory compliance O&M Deteriorating drainage system
Step 3: Program Goals The enhanced utility will accomplish the following Step 4: SWMP Cost (Cost of Providing Service) Existing Future