What do you want to accomplish with this class? Get stronger Lose weight Get bigger Lose body fat Get in shape for a sport Increase vertical jump Get faster
Regardless of why you start training, if the goal is focused, you have a higher chance of reaching that goal. The goals above are all general goals and need more detail. For example, a student wants to ‘get stronger’. Well, get stronger at what? The goal needs to be more descriptive. So the student says “I want to increase my bench or the number of push ups he does in a minute.” Even these goals need more detail. A good goal for this student may be; increase bench by 10lbs or reach 40 push ups in a minute.
Goals need to contain 3 elements: 1. A goal needs to be “increase bench by 10lbs” 2. A goal needs to be “by 10lbs” 3. A goal needs to be specific measurable realistic For a 9 week period, the goal above is realistic goal.
You may be asking yourself what realistic might mean for you. This does take a little research or knowledge to know what ‘realistic’ is. The links below are great places to start researching things. Pay special attention to the following links you will find on Exrx.net : Beginner’s Page Exercise Information Weight Management Fitness Calculators
Now that you know the three elements of an effective goal, you now can create your personal goals for this class. Now it is your turn to develop your own goals. Print out this Goal Sheet and write down your goals. We will review these goals together to be sure they meet the three elements of effective goals.Goal Sheet Before you design a workout to help you reach the goal or goals you set for this class, you are going to want to research what some experts might suggest. On the next slide are some websites with a variety of information. When you go to these websites, some of the best information is in the ‘article’ sections. These article sections contain a wide variety of information from detailed instructions on performing a certain exercise to examples of complete workouts. Take a look at each and begin to formulate a plan to help you reach your goals. Take a look at an example goal sheet click hereclick here
ExRx.net Excellent site for beginners and advanced students. One of the country’s most highly sought after performance enhancement specialists. Well known power-lifting club. "As the industry leader in performance enhancement, we will deliver a positive training experience that improves speed of movement and strength of character."
Design Your Workout Now it is time to begin to design your workout. Here are the steps to get started: 1.You are going to look at sheet that lists the weight lifting exercises you are able to do in our weight room. Click here to look at it. If the exercise is hyperlinked, you can click on the hyperlink that will take you to a complete explanation of the exercise as well as a give you a visual of the exercise.here 2.Once you decide on the exercises you want, print one of the following workout charts. Chart A is a chart that work chest, triceps, and shoulders on Monday and Thursday with legs, back, and biceps on Tuesday and Friday. Chart B is the opposite of chart A which is legs, back, and biceps on Monday and Thursday.Chart A Chart B 3.Write down the exercises you want to do in the corresponding categories and days. You will then sit down with me to talk over the workouts and make sure that the best combinations to reach your goals.