National Disaster Management Agency An emerging National Platform: the progress of multi-stakeholder DRR mechanisms in Indonesia Sugeng Triutomo National Disaster Management Agency BNPB - INDONESIA
DRR in Indonesia National Action Plan for DRR (2006-2009) Post WCDR Kobe 2005 and ACDR Beijing 2005, BAKORNAS PB and BAPPENAS coordinated to formulate NAP DRR Disaster Management Law (No. 24/2007) Parliament initiative to draft DM law, enacted April 2007. Establishment of DM Agency (BNPB) in 2008 Integration of DRR into Development Plan DRR become priority in Annual Development Plan Allocation budget for DRR in 2007, 2008 and 2009 Establishment of National Platform Approach to multi-stakeholders from 2006 to 2008
Disaster Management Law Number 24/2007 Purpose of Disaster Management: In addition to protecting the public from hazard and to synchronize existing regulations, DM Law No. 24/2007 also serves the purpose to: “ensure the implementation of planned, coordinated and inclusive disaster management, taking into account respects for local wisdom, building public-private partnership, enhancement of spirit for mutual solidarity and charity, as well as creating peace in community life, nationhood and statehood”.
Basic Change in DM Indonesia has a legal framework for DM. Shifting paradigm of DM, from response to risk reduction. Integration of DM into development plan Government and local government must be committed to allocate budget for DM Establishment DM agency permanently Involvement people rights and obligation in DM policy and planning.
Disaster Management System is “an overall regulating system which include legislation, institution, planning, budgeting and science for disaster management, in order to ensure the implementation of disaster management is well-integrated and coordinated”
National System of Disaster Management Components: Legislation Institutional Planning Budgeting Science and Technology Implementation
Legal Framework for DM National: Provincial / District / Municipality Disaster Management Law No. 24/2007 Government Regulations Disaster Management Implementation Funding & Disaster Assistance Management Roles of International Institutions/Organizations and International Non-Government Organizations Presidential Regulations Establishment of BNPB Status and Level of Disaster (in progress) Ministerial Regulations Guidelines and procedures Provincial / District / Municipality Local Government Regulations Establishment of BPBD Governor/Head of District/Mayor Regulations
District/Municipality level Institutional BNPB ORGANIZATION President of RI Chief of BNPB (Minister level) Steering Committe Operational Line Ministries BNPB Officer, consists of professionals and experts Professionals Chief of BPBD at Provincial level Chief of BPBD at District/Municipality level
Planning DM Planning Action Plan for DRR Disaster Management Plan Contingency Plan Recovery Plan Action Plan for DRR Multi-stakeholder planning for disaster risk reduction for 5 years Integration of DM Planning into Development Planning and Budgeting Long Term Development Plan (25 years) Medium Term Development Plan (5 years) Government Work Plan (annually)
Budget/Financial Resources Development Funding (APBN/APBD) Allocated to government institution/departments for routine and operational activities, include DRR. Contingency Funding Allocated for preparedness to contingency situation On call Funding Allocated for humanitarian assistance/relief in the emergency situation. Social Assistance Funding as a grant. Funding allocated for post-disaster assistance to local government. Funding originated from public
Establishment of National Platform Formulation of National Action Plan for DRR (2006-2009) Reporting of DRR activities for UN-ISDR (2007 and 2008) Focus Group Discussion among stakeholders for DRR report. Approaching each stakeholder to establish National Platform Establishment of National Platform (20 Nov 08) Formulating the integrated program and activity.
Composition of Organizations Implementing DRR/HFA
Composition of DRR Activities based on Each HFA Priority for Action
Distribution of DRR/HFA Activities at Provincial Level
National Platform
NP Composition Government Politicians / parliament Private Sectors Related ministries and government institutions Politicians / parliament Commission for people welfare and budget. Private Sectors Indonesia Business Link, CSR Academician DM Centers and Studies of Universities/Institutes Non Government Organizations Civil society, professionals, Media TV, Radio and Newspapers International Community Convergence Group (UNTWG, Int’l NGO)
Challenges Each stakeholder will be represented in NP Committee, in organization basis. The operation of NP Committee, must be supported by permanent secretariat. NP Committee and Secretariat should conduct activities, publications, workshops, reports, Funding for operational must be shared by stakeholders. NP will become a focal point in global platform
National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) Thank You National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 36, Jakarta 10120 Telp. 021 345-8400; Fax 021 345-8500