Video AVI | AVI (short for Audio Video Interleave) first saw the light of day in 1992, when it was released as part of the Video for Windows (VfW) project. The aim of this project was to add digital video playback to the Windows operating system. It was first released as an add-on for Windows 3.1 and since then has become a bundled part of every new Windows distribution. format.html#AVI_history [see also WMV formats] MPG | Moving Pictures Expert Group MPEG-1 is a standard for lossy compression of video and audio. It is designed to compress VHS-quality raw digital video and CD audio down to 1.5 Mbit/s (26:1 and 6:1 compression ratios respectively) [ without excessive quality loss, making video CDs, digital cable/satellite TV and digital audio broadcasting (DAB) possible. [See also DivX formats] MOV | QuickTime is Apple’s computer video format. QuickTime uses many codecs, while Sorenson 3 and H.264 are among the best for delivering high-quality files with small file sizes. FLV | Binary file format that delivers "bitmapped" video, limited to one video and one audio stream per file, over the Internet to one or another versions of the Macromedia Flash Player. FLV content may also be incorporated in SWF files by ActionScript external references. Audio: AIFF/WAV | These are both uncompressed, lossless formats, which means it takes about 10MB to save a minute’s worth of music. aiff was developed for Apple’s OSX, and wav for PCs, although both formats are compatible with both operating systems. different-file-formats-available-part-1-audio /
Digital video editing | terms & concepts Linear vs. non-linear editing FCP : non-destructive editing (cf FCP file structure) HD : interlaced vs. non-interlaced (progressive) : ex. 1080i/1080p Frame-rates | 24 fps NTSC standard Timecode | droprate (;) vs. non-droprate (:) [hrs/min/sec/frame] Tip | Youtube to FCP convert (or.mp4) load audio separately as.aiff
MPEG Streamclip Instructions
EXTRA CREDIT Create a Google-based “ search story ” Use your own audio (replace default audio with aiff file) Embed your video in a post on your blog Example: EXTRA CREDIT Using FCP, edit the Nike World Cup spot from 3 mins to 20 secs. Fade in at beginning, out at end (with logo). Don’t just whack it down to 20 sec – create a shortened version of the story. Example: TIP | download YouTube vid as mov (or mp4) file; save audio as separate aiff file.