Ames Research Center Terminal Area ATM Research Branch Moffett Field, California Todd Farley (650) Time-Based Metering and the Multi-Center Traffic Management Advisor (McTMA)
Ames Research Center Agenda McTMA training, part 1 Time-based metering ² Why the push for metering? Why here? Why now? Autopsy of failed metering programs ² Metering: then and now The transition to time-based metering ² It can be done. Here’s how it’s going at ZLA… Introduction to McTMA McTMA system architecture What’s next? ² The game plan and your role in it
Ames Research Center Terminal Area ATM Research Branch Moffett Field, California Time-Based Metering The “M” word…
Ames Research Center Time-based metering “We tried that already. It didn’t work. You can leave now.” - Boston Center controller “This is the best feed of aircraft I have seen from ZLA ever.” - SoCal Tracon controller
Ames Research Center Time-based metering Why the push to go to metering? Theoretically proven to be more efficient ² Throughput ² Arrival delay ² Airborne holding … but what about workload?
Ames Research Center In practice: so far, so good ² At every TMA site so far, results from operational use have validated the benefits that theory suggests … including workload TMA: Single-Center vs. Multi-Center
Ames Research Center Time-based metering Why the push to go to metering here? We’ve tried the obvious places and it’s worked ² ZFW, ZMP, ZLA, etc. ZLA is the first facility to transition from miles-in-trail to time-based metering, and the results have been positive (more on that later) This is the Northeast Corridor… there’s more demand and tighter constraints here than anywhere The Northeast is the ultimate test Why Philly? RTCA recommendation Its location makes it interesting from a research perspective
Ames Research Center Time-based metering time·based me·ter·ing (tīm bāsed mē’t r-ing) n. 1. A traffic management alternative to miles-in- trail spacing to de-peak the arrival demand to meet a downstream restriction. 2. A sector control technique by which aircraft are vectored (speed, heading, and/or altitude) to meet a crossing-time restriction at a coordination fix. e
Ames Research Center Time-based metering In theory, a more efficient way of spacing traffic flows to spread out the demand to meet capacity. Time-based metering 10 miles in trail
Ames Research Center 100 nm Time-based metering In practice, works very well in airspace with large, open sectors that have been metering for years. for example, ZFW & ZMP … of course, that’s not the case here.
Ames Research Center Arrival airspace comparison ZNY characteristics Small, complex sectors Heavy crossing traffic Flights in transition
Ames Research Center Time-based metering Here’s the basic question: Is there a way to implement time-based metering in complex airspace that makes sense in terms of efficiency and workload?
Ames Research Center McTMA cadre Traffic management: Boucher, Kurz, Rosenberg NATCA CPCs: Golder, Kohler, Cummings Traffic management: Jay Conroy, Jack White NATCA CPC: Mike Dowd Traffic management: Mike Klinker, Barry Constant NATCA CPC: Bob Padgett Traffic management: Mark Evans, Doug Davis NATCA CPCs: Jim Bartel, Bob Weaver Traffic management: John Kelley NATCA CPC: Patrick Rodden NASA: Tom Davis, Todd Farley, Ty Hoang, Steve Landry, Kathy Lee MITRE: Kerry Levin, Dennis Rowe
Ames Research Center Terminal Area ATM Research Branch Moffett Field, California “We tried that already. It didn’t work.” Metering: Then and Now This is not your father’s metering system…
Ames Research Center Time-based metering predecessors En-Route Metering (ERM) 1970s-80s [R.I.P.] Arrival Spacing Program (ASP) 1980s-today Both failed to work in complex airspace
Ames Research Center Time-based metering predecessors Shortcomings are well understood, and surmountable ERM and ASP are Host-resident programs ² Subject to processing limitations of the Host ² Inaccurate trajectory estimates No wind data ² Inaccurate trajectory estimates Host-resident programs unable to interface with other Centers ² Unable to develop a common metering plan across Centers ² Adjacent Centers worked with uncoordinated arrival metering plans
Ames Research Center Time-based metering with McTMA McTMA is a completely different approach Not a Host-resident program; McTMA is a brand new, independent infrastructure of state-of-the-art computer equipment ² Superior computational resources make possible the use of far more sophisticated trajectory modeling and scheduling algorithms More accurate trajectory estimates
Ames Research Center Time-based metering with McTMA McTMA is a completely different approach McTMA has access to hourly wind updates (RUC forecasts) ² More accurate trajectory estimates The inherent advantages of the TMA approach over that of ERM or ASP have resulted in significant operational improvements at every facility that has upgraded from ASP to TMA Land more aircraft per hour 5-8% throughput increase Less metering
Ames Research Center Time-based metering with McTMA McTMA is a completely different approach McTMA is fully integrated between Centers ² Access to all relevant flightplan and track data ² Able to exchange metering data across Centers Adjacent Centers synchronized to a common arrival metering plan
Ames Research Center Terminal Area ATM Research Branch Moffett Field, California The transition to time-based metering It can be done. Here’s how it’s going at ZLA…
Ames Research Center LAX transition to metering Traffic management before metering Adjacent Center MIT initiatives or GDP or both MIT-based initiatives (jets) Call for release on satellite departures (ZLA and SCT TMU) Internal holding at SLI, DARTS, LAHAB No-notice holding by ZLA at SCT boundary Occasional unfilled gaps on finals Arrival numbers often below advertised AAR TMS delays common on IFR days
Ames Research Center LAX transition to metering Benefits for LAX arrival operations ZLA ² Vectoring occurs in High Altitude sectors ² Less coordination necessary (speeds/vectors) between SCT feeder sectors and ZLA sectors ² No-notice holding greatly reduced SCT ² Arrival flow to SCT based on all traffic and the runway availability ² Aircraft are staggered on merging routes (East gate) ² Speeds faster transitioning to finals ² Less space wasted on finals
Ames Research Center Traffic management initiatives for initial time-based metering trials Implemented to allow for safe transition to new procedures associated with time-based metering May 14 - TMI’s (regardless of AAR at LAX) ²30 MIT from East Adjacent ARTCC’s - ZAB, ZDV, ZLC ²20 MIT from ZOA ²SAN arrivals (from the East) routed south O/IPL (Sector 39) ²10 MIT - VTU Departures (from SCT) ²Altitude capping for arrivals to LA Basin/San Diego area airports (i.e. BUR/VNY, SNA/LGB, SAN/CRQ) June 4 - TMI’s back to normal operations. ²Dynamic application based on sector demand and workload LAX transition to metering
Ames Research Center May 30 ( Z) WX WX: VIS 3 MI, BKN 006, OVC 008. VIS North 2 MI No VAP’s LAX advertised AAR 64 due to heavy mix and 3 mile separation at THD East Winds at altitude Actual arrivals: z 69 Heavy/757 mix 38% 38% Heavy/757 May 30 metering trial results 38% Heavy/757
Ames Research Center June 7 metering trial results June 7 ( Z) WX WX: IFR OVC 008 No VAP’s LAX advertised AAR 68 Actual arrivals: z 69 (Heavy/757 mix: 43%) Actual arrivals: z 71 (Heavy/757 mix: 34%) 43% Heavy/757 34% Heavy/757
Ames Research Center June 10: no metering June 10 ( ): WX: BKN/OVC 020 (IFR) No VAP’s LAX advertised AAR 68 Actual arrivals: z 59 (Heavy/757 mix: 32%) Actual arrivals: z 61 (Heavy/757 mix: 36%) 3 A/C VTU/DARTS for +10 SAN +27 (Ground Delay)
Ames Research Center Transition to metering at LAX “It is difficult to compare metering vs. non-metering arrival numbers; however, I believe that if metering had been used (on June 10), the arrival numbers would have been higher, without the delays incurred today.” Gary Hobbs, STMC, Southern California TRACON SCT statement regarding June 10
Ames Research Center June 21 ( Z): WX WX: IFR OVC 020 No VAP’s LAX advertised AAR z Actual arrivals - 10 minute running totals z : Heavy/757 Mix - 10 minute % z running totals z Metering has provided a more consistent flow of traffic over long periods of time 41% Heavy/757 38% Heavy/757 35% Heavy/757 June 21 metering trial results
Ames Research Center June 27 ( Z): WX WX: IFR OVC 020 No VAP’s until 1815z AAR 1815z LAX advertised AAR: Actual arrivals - 10 minute running totals z Heavy/757 mix correlates to net hourly arrivals 29% Heavy/757 33% Heavy/757 37% Heavy/757 41% Heavy/757 June 27 metering trial results
Ames Research Center Traffic flow from the East is staggered reducing the incidence of vectoring within TRACON airspace.
Ames Research Center Internal traffic fits into overall scheduling plan as a result of TBM.
Ames Research Center ZLA transition to metering SCT testimonials for time-based metering “This is the best feed of aircraft I have seen from ZLA (to LAX) ever.” Doug Voelpel, SCT LA Area “We were busy (during rush on June 7), but we were never out of control and we consistently had enough aircraft to fill both of the finals.” Dan Boyle, SCT LA Area “Do you have to stop metering?” SCT TM (daily)
Ames Research Center Improved awareness results in: Fewer surprises Earlier knowledge of traffic and delay spikes Improved quality of information to controller More consistent flows reduce: No-notice holding Incidence of excessive ground delays Frequency of sudden need to create a “hole” in sequence, e.g., for aircraft in a low sector Fluctuation in flow rates into approach airspace Coordination with TRACON, TMC’s, supervisors Allows flexible traffic options Spacing is based on runway availability Delays can be effectively managed according to sector workload Enhanced credibility with airspace users Improved accuracy of delays and holding predictions Equitable distribution of delays counters perception of favoritism The bottom line
Ames Research Center Terminal Area ATM Research Branch Moffett Field, California Introduction to Multi-Center TMA Officially: TMA-MC NASA Jive: McTMA
Ames Research Center efficient arrival plan: one which effectively manages demand to meet capacity as closely as practical. What is TMA? Traffic Management Advisor TMU planning tool for arrival rush operations Tool for passive communication/coordination between ARTCC(s) and TRACON Time-based metering tool Purpose: Help generate and implement a more efficient arrival plan for the adapted TRACON & airport Seeks to manage these arrival flows while the aircraft are still in Center airspace Goal: improve throughput, ease workload, reduce delay, increase capacity, improve coordination between facilities TMA is being deployed nationally as part of the FAA’s Free Flight Program.
Ames Research Center What is TMA in practical terms… Predicts arrival demand TMA provides fresh (12-second update), accurate prediction of the arrival demand Matches demand to capacity Based on constraints entered by the TMC (e.g., AAR, meter fix closures, etc.), TMA computes a time-based schedule by which arrival demand will meet (and not exceed) the capacity of the airport & TRACON Provides metering targets Sector controllers implement the schedule by vectoring aircraft to meet crossing times posted on their radar displays
Ames Research Center What is TMA-MC? TMA Multi-Center is an extension of the TMA Single- Center to regions where more than one facility is significantly involved in arrival traffic flow management TMA-MC creates a network of TMA’s at adjacent Centers Enables transition to time-based metering in complex airspace Provides scheduling information at adapted runways, approach fixes, and upstream Center boundaries Facilitates regional collaboration TMA-MC is a priority research project for the FAA’s Free Flight Program, with a goal of providing capability in the field in the timeframe.
Ames Research Center System control & communication Atmospheric data Arrival time prediction TMC Flow Visualization Controller advisories Flight plan data Radar Track & Speed Controller commands Operational ATC Computer Constraint Scheduling TMA Workstations TMA basic system description
Ames Research Center TMA functions TMA (single-center, multi-center, whatever) essentially does three things: (1) Predict arrival demand more accurately than anything available today (2) Help TMU develop a better plan for the arrival rush via Timeline display (see next slide) and a much, much smarter scheduling algorithm than has ever been available with ASP (3) Produce metering lists to implement the overall arrival plan. The advisories are designed to distribute the metering delay (i.e., workload) upstream and/or downstream across different sectors, areas, and even facilities. The result is that separate flows into a common destination (PHL TRACON, for example) are synchronized to the overall master arrival plan generated in the TMUs.
Ames Research Center TMU timeline display
Ames Research Center DSR sector controller meter list
Ames Research Center Round 1: Multi-Facility Collaboration (March - June) TMA to provide TMCs in multiple facilities with consistent, accurate arrival information Each TMU to use TMA to help develop a coordinated arrival plan Develop the ops concept ² Determine hierarchy for decision-making between facilities Round 2: Metering (Fall ’03 - Spring ’04) Use TMA time-based scheduling ² Enable free-flow of heavily saturated sectors while metering others ² Transition to time-based metering in all McTMA facilities Develop operational procedures for metering in multiple facilities ² Determine costs/benefits of metering in complex airspace Field test phases
Ames Research Center Challenges for McTMA in NE Corridor Complex airspace Involves multiple facilities (TMUs, sectors, and TRACONs) Small sectors, restricted controllability Tower enroute control (TEC) traffic Crossing traffic flows Streams of metered traffic with unmetered traffic Transition to metering control techniques Potential benefits Accurate prediction: a reliable window on the next 90 minutes Smoother traffic flow: fewer ties, less airborne holding, more advance notice when holding is required Redistributed, more balanced workload
Ames Research Center Who’s involved NE Corridor Controller-in-the-loop, Real-time Simulation Benefits Analysis Controller Training Field Demonstration/Testing Technology Transfer AOZ (FFP2) Air Traffic WJHTC Requirements definition NE airspace procedures MITRE TMA operational expertise System design Algorithm development Human factors System-S/W development Installation
Ames Research Center Terminal Area ATM Research Branch Moffett Field, California McTMA System Architecture The plumbing…
Ames Research Center Airspace Schematic PHL ZDC ZNY ZOB ZBW
Ames Research Center PHL ZDC ZNY ZOB Track & flight plan data sources ZBW
Ames Research Center ZBW PHL ZOB ZDC ZNY Individual ARTCC TMA processors
Ames Research Center ZBW PHL ZOB ZDC ZNY McTMA scheduler
Ames Research Center ZBW PHL ZOB ZDC ZNY McTMA scheduler ETAs STAs
Ames Research Center ZBW PHL ZOB ZDC ZNY McTMA Timeline graphical user interface ETAs STAs
Ames Research Center ZBW PHL ZOB ZDC ZNY McTMA Timeline displays & control ETAs STAs
Ames Research Center Terminal Area ATM Research Branch Moffett Field, California What’s next? The Game Plan
Ames Research Center Field trials 1 and 2 MTWTFSS January MTWTFSS February 2003 Evaluate each TMA instance in standalone mode Objectives Confirm McTMA installations and network are stable Verify internal flight data processing Refine internal ETA computations Collect baseline data Expected result Each TMA node operating stably Reliable flight data processing within each TMA and between TMA pairs Accurate partial ETA’s
Ames Research Center Field trial 3 Transition to full McTMA network Objectives Connect and operate full McTMA network Verify flight data processing Refine end-to-end ETA computations Collect baseline data Expected results McTMA network operating stably Reliable flight data processing throughout the McTMA network Accurate end-to-end ETA’s TMCs familiar with timeline display, load graph display, and basic scheduling panels MTWTFSS March 2003
Ames Research Center Field trials 4 and 5 Round 1 operational evaluations Objectives Evaluate candidate operational concepts for coordinated arrival planning Conduct human factors assessments ² Usability, suitability, acceptability Collect baseline data Expected results Accurate demand forecasts Critical review of operational concept candidates User interface design requirements Scheduling performance data collected April 2003 MTWTFSS June 2003 MTWTFSS
Ames Research Center Simulation at WJHTC Objectives Meter competing arrival flows with overflight traffic Training ² Provide cadre with exposure to metering operations and techniques in the presence of competing arrival flows prior to the start of metering trials in the field ² Illustrate the workload benefits of regulating arrival flows using McTMA; Illustrate the workload costs of poor metering conformance ² Demonstrate how TMUs at different facilities can coordinate their decisions (e.g., departure releases) with respect to competing, external flows, and thereby avoid holding at their meter fix(es) Research ² Identify the need for requirements changes in the McTMA scheduling and/or delay distribution algorithms ² Assess the impact of unscheduled TEC flights MTWTFSS August
Ames Research Center Field trials 6 and 7 Round 2 operational evaluations Shadowing Objective Assess McTMA metering performance ² Activate McTMA advisories for shadowing TMCs use Timeline display to coordinate acceptance rates and restrictions Output fed into McTMA for shadowing exercises Controllers shadow the advisories for one rush, then debrief Shadow use of departure release tool by TMCs ² Assess metering advisories and human factors issues ² Collect data for performance metrics MTWTFSS September 2003 MTWTFSS October MTWTFSS November 2003
Ames Research Center Field trials 8 and 9 Round 2 operational evaluations Active metering Objective Assess McTMA performance and TFM operations in live traffic situations ² Activate McTMA advisories for live metering of PHL arrivals TMCs coordinate acceptance rates and restrictions Controllers use advisories for one rush, then debrief TMCs use advisories to issue departure releases ² Assess McTMA performance and human factors issues Expected results Coordinated, efficient, workable arrival rush planning and control January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 MTWTFSS MTWTFSS MTWTFSS
Ames Research Center Enough already Thanks for your time and interest For more information: better yet, just gimme a call or drop me a line: Todd Farley (650) See you March 4 th