Structural functionalism and media
Structural functionalism Heavy use of analogy – Organic – Mechanistic
Concepts from systems theory Social system Social structure Social processes Interaction
Unique concepts Function Dysfunction Manifest (function/dysfunction) Latent (function/dysfunction) Functional alternatives Functional requisites
Structural functionalism A form of systems theory – Looks at systems and subsystems – Interrelations among parts – Processes Maintenance, equilibrium Adaptation and change
Structural functionalism Structures – Repetitive behaviors Functions – Implications for system maintenance Early, conservative S—F assumed maintenance was the main (positive) goal
Structural functionalism Functions taken as the explanation for the existence of structures – “end explains (justifies?) the means” Reverses our general model of theoretical explanation
Structural functional analysis Identifies the structures of a system Defines the part played by such structures Examines the consequences of social phenomena for the systems of which they are a part, and Examines how new structures emerge
Methodological assumptions Assumptions: The conceptual assumptions underlying the approach can be divided into two basic areas: – the social system is the prior causal reality and the system parts are functionally interrelated, – all social phenomena have functions for the larger social system. Concerning these functions: they may be functional for the whole system or only part of it, there may be functional alternatives, there may be multiple consequences from particular phenomena, and finally, dysfunctions account for tension and change in the system. The approach assumes that systems can be identified and specified, that the boundaries are measurable.
Structural functional explanation Recurring behaviors (structures) are thought to exist because they in some way contribute to system maintenance (function) The identification of structures and the ways that they contribute are major goals Society is thought to maintain an equilibrium state (organic analogy) and if forced out of that state will adjust in ways that tend to reinstate equilibrium (though not necessarily the original equilibrium)
Structural functional explanation Certain functions are required for the existence of the system (society) – Functional prerequisites In some cases, more than one structure can provide the same function – Functional alternatives
Structural functional explanation Change is generated mainly from outside the system, as the system acts to maintain its status quo A second source of change is the existence of dysfunctions (actions that break down the system) – Implications of a structure for different subsystems may conflict
Manifest v. latent (Merton) Manifest functions are commonly recognized Latent functions are not commonly recognized – Often they are still the reason for structures to exist May be the “real” reason
Culture Basis for consensus – Main means of integration of parts (communication) Consensus brings pressure to bear on “deviates” in order to maintain equilibrium – Deviation considered a problem to be dealt with – The role of social control is to maintain system (in the interest of the population overall) – Source of deviance unclear Socialization through a wide array of social institutions, including the media
Lasswell’s functions “The communication process in society performs three functions: (a) surveillance of the environment, disclosing threats and opportunities affecting the value position of the community and of the component parts within it; (b) correlation of the components of society in making a response to the environment; (c) transmission of the social inheritance.”
Lazarsfeld and Merton “Increasingly, the chief power groups, among which organized business occupies the most spectacular place, have come to adopt techniques for manipulating mass publics through propaganda in place of more direct means of control.” “these media have taken on the job of rendering mass publics conformative to the social and economic status quo” Fear that mass media lower the ‘esthetic tastes’ of their audiences
Status conferral function “The mass media confer status on public issues, persons, organizations and social movements.” “Recognition by the press or radio or magazines or newsreels testifies that one has arrived, that one is important enough to have been singled out from the large anonymous masses, that one’s behavior and opinions are significant enough to require public notice.”
Enforcement of social norms “The mass media may initiate organized social action by “exposing” conditions which are at variance with public moralities.” – Publicity closes the gap between “private attitudes” and “public morality.”
Narcotizing dysfunction “this vast supply of communications may elicit only a superficial concern with the problems of society, and this superficiality often cloaks mass apathy.” “As an increasing meed of time is devoted to reading and listening, a decreasing share is available for organized action. The individual reads accounts of issues and problems and may even discuss alternative lines of action. But this rather intellectualized, rather remote connection with organized social action is not activated. The interested and informed citizen can congratulate himself on his lofty state of interest and information and neglect to see that he has abstained from decision and action.
“In short, he takes his secondary contact with the world of political reality, his reading and listening and thinking, as a vicarious performance. He comes to mistake knowing about problems of the day for doing something about them. His social conscience remains spotlessly clean. He is concerned. He is informed. And he has all sorts of ideas as to what should be done. But, after he has gotten through his dinner and after he has listened to his favored radio programs and after he has read his second newspaper of the day, it is really time for bed.
Social conformism “Since the mass media are supported by great business concerned geared into the current social and economic system, the media contribute to the maintenance of the system.” – Advertisement of products – Stories contain some element of approval of current structure of society – Fail to raise essential questions about the structure of society
Esthetic tastes Hard to determine overall effect Widening of audience for higher arts – Accessibility vastly increased
Conditions for media effects Monopolization – Little or no opposition in media to the diffusion of values, policies or public images Canalization – Rather than attempting to change or create attitudes or behavior, directing pre-existing behaviors and attitudes in the direction you want Supplementation of media presentation with interpersonal communication
Obstacles to media effects Limited exposure Distraction Selectivity Miscomprehension/non-comprehension Counter-propaganda
The Field Lasswell’s classic definition of the field: – Who Says – What – In Which Channel – To Whom – With What Effect?