The leaders in In-Die Tapping for over 40 years!
Automated Tapping Systems Capable of running millions of parts maintenance free Innovative designs including strip following, multi-spindle, bottom up tapping, rapid advance and servo User friendly - our twist-lock lead screw assembly allows tap, pitch, and tap height changes without removing the tapping head Cost effective
Our goal is customer satisfaction from design through final production.
Our Respected Customers
Press speeds up to 350 strokes per minute. Uses any standard roll form or cut taps. Removable twist-lock lead screw assembly. Lead screw tapping, insuring tap quality. Misfeed protection prevents tap breakage.
Capacity 2-56 to 1 ¼”-12” (or metric equivalent) Simple installation. Through-coolant capabilities. Change from die to die in minutes.
TH25 Top Down Unit Capable of running up to 350 stokes per minute. Ideal for parts with minimal strip lift. Perfect for high volume jobs. Perfect for high volume jobs.
TH25 Bottom Up Tapping Unit Capable of running at speeds similar to the top down unit. Used when strip lift goes beyond the capacity of standard top down unit. Requires minimal maintenance.
TH45 8-Spindle Strip Following Unit Increase production speeds 30-60% Self contained strip following unit.
Strip Follower designed for maximum tapping speeds.
TH-45 Strip Follower Two-Spindle Strip Follower. Tapping two 1/2-13 holes in a 25” wide strip.
Increases tapping production rates while maintaining stripper lengths and reducing tooling costs.
Custom units designed for your needs Custom units designed for your needs
Begins to thread as soon as material feeds into position.
Typically less expensive than individual units. Takes up less die space reducing die size and cost. Available in top down, bottom up, rapid advance, strip following and servo versions. This unit taps 8 holes in a single station greatly reducing die space.
Strip Follower available in all sizes
For jobs requiring multiple tapped holes.
Useful with larger diameter taps. Requires stripper travel similar to conventional tapping units. Can be used in top down, bottom up and multi-spindle applications.
Threading operation functions independently of the press stroke.
Unique to ATS units Miss-fed protection incorporated into the assembly. Prevents tap breakage Uses standard cutting or roll form taps. Uses any manufacturer’s taps
Misfeed protection incorporated into the assembly
Designed to use any tap of your choice
Change taps in seconds!!
Can Increase your production speeds 30-60%
Requires minimal maintenance
Courtesy of M.S. Willet Award Winning Die including our TH45 Bottom Up Unit 220 Cockeysville Road Cockeysville MD PH:
Four Spindle Bottom Up Tapping Unit
Courtesy of M.S. Willet Award Winning Die including our TH45 Bottom Up Unit 220 Cockeysville Road Cockeysville MD PH:
Courtesy of Atlantic Tool and Die Courtesy of Atlantic Tool and Die TH45 Strip Follower Tapping Unit, tapping eight m6x1.0 in an automotive application.
Courtesy of South Carolina Metal Products TH45 5-Spindle Strip Follower, tapping five 7/16-14 for the lawn and garden industry.
Coolant Ports allow for optimum press speed and extended tap life. Available for all ATS units. Minimal Die space required.
Compact design for any application.Compact design for any application. Optional lubricant system for HSLA steels.Optional lubricant system for HSLA steels. Not affected by metal chips or debris.Not affected by metal chips or debris.
Eliminating Tap Breakage For single or multi-spindle units.
ATS has a complete inventory of replacement parts available for all its tapping units. ATS has a complete inventory of replacement parts available for all its tapping units. Quick turnaround repair service benefits ATS customers by necessitating the minimal amount of downtime. Quick turnaround repair service benefits ATS customers by necessitating the minimal amount of downtime.
Automated Tapping Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 1033 Brick, NJ Phone: Fax: Web: