“DO YOUR OWN THING” Let’s Be Blunt Here: Go Ahead And "DO YOUR OWN THING" But You Might Go To Hell In Doing So.
INTRODUCTION: Sayings of each generation come and go. The Christian must be aware of slogans and phrases with the meaning and implied meaning that is carried along with such. To be ignorant of a word or word groupings is not enough, for Jesus says we will be judged on our idle words also. Matthew 12:36,37. Some "new sayings" are rejected at once by thoughtful and prudent people as being unworthy to adopt into their conversation vocabulary. Some of these sayings are repulsive at first hearing!
"DO YOUR OWN THING" First, the connotation of the saying shows no evidence of any actual standards. Judges 21:25 “and in those days there was no king in Israel, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes” Just anything will do, as long as it is your own thing, seems to be the implication. That is just a part of the post-modernism that is prevalent today. Second, and more serious, is that this becomes a "life style" for some -- a pattern.
"DO YOUR OWN THING" To the Christian, especially, this is foolish thinking. This "to each his own" and "live and let live" philosophy has been tried before and is deadly business! Surely, we would be foolish of all men if we fell into the same type of pattern thinking that caused God's hot displeasure in days gone by! One of the real practical reasons for the Old Testament being available even today is that we might know that: "Whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning..." Romans 15:4.
"DID THEIR OWN THING!" OF THE MANY THINGS THAT WE CAN PROFITABLY OBSERVE FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT IS THAT GOD EXPECTS AND DEMANDS THAT HIS WORD BE OBEYED EXACTLY. Just take a look at these careless souls that took the matter into their own hands You remember Achan, don't you? His story is preserved in Joshua 7. Earlier, in chapter 6, God had clearly defined the city as a "devoted thing" and the people were not to partake of it.
"DID THEIR OWN THING!" If they did, He said, "Ye would make the camp of Israel accursed and trouble it." Joshua 6:18. Yet Achan, knowing God's instruction deliberately took of the devoted things and caused Israel to be defeated in their very next battle. Sin was in the camp and no success could be had until it was removed. Achan trusted in simply doing "his own thing" and it cost him his life along with his family and possessions. Doing "his own thing" affected the lives of others.
"DID THEIR OWN THING!" Next, we find King Saul in 1 Samuel 15, proving to us that rank and position does not necessarily have its privileges. God, through Samuel, had given detailed instructions as to the destruction of the Amalekites. But we find Saul "doing his own thing" exercising right where he had no rights at all.
"DID THEIR OWN THING!" Saul even decided to blame the people for doing this thing which was displeasing to God. Thus proving he was not the leader that he should have been. He was so disappointing to God that the kingdom was taken from him and his seed. Yes, the least to the greatest are all under the same obligation to hear and heed!
"DID THEIR OWN THING!" Others also have confirmed this truth. The Sabbath-breaker who violated God's law in Numbers 15:32-36, was stoned to death. Nadab and Abihu who offered "strange fire" in Leviticus 10:1-11, were devoured by fire from heaven. Cain refusing to heed God's law concerning sacrifice, Genesis 4:1-8; Hebrews 11:4, was banished from his household and family.
"DID THEIR OWN THING!" Adam and Eve got into the same kind of trouble by "trying the wings of their own understanding" and flaunting God's clear instructions concerning their conduct in His garden. Genesis 3. And 2: They too were banished from the garden because they "did their own thing." Can we not learn and be admonished by these real examples of actual people? No greater lesson can be learned from the Old Testament than the simple fact that God rewarded the faithful and punished the disobedient -- both great and small.
CONCLUSION: So, whenever we hear people talking about "doing their own thing" let us remember that many have done such in the past and have had to pay the penalty for doing so. It is good for a man to mind his own business and not be sticking his nose into the business of others, but let us remember what Paul said in Romans 14:7-10. There is a very popular song that Frank Sinatra sings that says: "I Did It My Way." This type of idea might be good to a certain extent, but when it comes to how we are to deal with God and our neighbors it is not so good if we do differently from what is required of God.