Digital Literacies: learning futures Sue Watling #suewatling Centre for Educational Research and Development University of Lincoln, UK Staff Student Conference #ssc February 2012
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Digital Literacies digital literacy defines those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society
Social Media user generated content …and sharing… either appropriately or… inappropriately Image from
Misuse of personal information Inappropriate sharing Embarrassment Professional damage Disciplinary procedures Suspension Job loss
Digital Identities What goes online stays online Permanent digital footprints
… – redirect
Embarrassment Commonest mistakes –Hitting Reply All instead of Reply –Sending to the wrong person –Not pausing and re-reading Viral s –Indiscrete comments –You're dumped…because… –You’re useless… because…
Online identities
Presentation of Self: Online Erving Goffman (1959) Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Roles based on social expectations Presentation of self online requires strict boundaries between personal/private and public/professional identities
Social Media in Teaching and Learning Appropriate and inappropriate use of mobile technology in lectures/seminars Code of Conduct…
Digital Graduate Attributes Informed expertise with digital information Appropriate user and reuser; data protection Manager of a range of digital environments Matcher of appropriate tools for tasks Aware of public/private boundaries Stays safe; scams, phishing, viruses etc Sustainable; makes smart use of resources Critical thinker; potential for exclusion
Sue Watling #suewatling #ssc2013