UC Berkeley’s CS 10 The Beauty and Joy of Computing 2009Fa : 16 students (half course) 2010Fa : 90 students (full course) 2011Sp : 120 students (full course) inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/ Grant Winne r Award Winner Passed 1 st round! UC Online Pilot
2 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing 5 Pilots chosen by CollegeBoard, map
3 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing 5 Pilots : Comparison SchoolNameLanguageSizeContact Hrs MSCD Living in a Computing World Lightbot + Scratch 2060 UCSD Fluency w/Information Technology Alice + Excel90050 UWCS PrinciplesProcessing4050 UNCC The Beauty and Joy of Computing BYOB based on Scratch 3045 UCB The Beauty and Joy of Computing BYOB based on Scratch 9098
4 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing Grady SIGCSE 2007 Need to articulate, emphasize the “wonder and awe” of computing PBJA 1 SIGCSE 2008 Andrew McGettrick, moderator Dan Garcia (2 others) PBJA 2 SIGCSE 2009 Dan Garcia, moderator 4 others shared vision PBJA 3 SIGCSE 2010 Dan Garcia, moderator 4 others will share vision Rebooting Computing Summit “Magic & Beauty of CS” The “Passion, Beauty, Joy, Awe” theme Grady SIGCSE 2007
5 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing comes around the corner
6 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing BYOB adds functions, generic lists, BYOB (Build Your Own Blocks) developed by Jens Mönig w/design input and documentation from Brian Harvey & Cal Leverages awesomeness of Scratch (design, simplicity, multi-media, community of users) Adds just enough so that Scratch can be used in CS0 and CS1 Building a For Loop and calling it. Can you do this in your language?
7 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing Summary: design constraints of CS10 UC Berkeley’s first course for majors (CS61A)expects programming experiencen& recursion CS10 hits that in week 5, the same time as the old course What should ugrads know about computing? History, CS+X, apps that changed the world, hot research Computing is really fun, de-mystification Passion, Beauty, Joy & Awe Take every step to make attractive to women, URM Let them choose projects and paper relevant to them! Make all resources free, available (Berkeley way) Videos, notes, exercises, clickers, book!
8 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing CS3L (old course) Programming, programming, programming Prog Ideas: Recursion, Functions-as-data Scheme + Same as CS61A – some take CS3L for wrong reason Never remix code Maybe graphical, interactive by week 15 1 big Final project CS10 (new course) Programming ½ story Big ideas, HowStuffWorks, history, great applications, social implications too! Prog Ideas: Recursion, Functions-as-data Scratch CS10,61[ABC] each in a different language Graphical, interactive, musical by week 2 Share and upload code! Two projects + essay Discussion : Out with CS3L, In with CS10
9 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing Format (7 hrs/wk * 14 wks) Two 1-hr lectures / wk Two 2-hr labs / wk Pair programming!! One 1-hr TA discussion / wk Selected Reading Taken from great book (“Blown to Bits” by Abelson, Ledeen & Lewis) + articles + videos Current events play a big part (e.g., IBM’s Watson vs Jeopardy) Our course notes may make it into an e-textbook Format & Textbooks …
10 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing Peer Instruction in Lecture Increase real-time learning in lecture, test understanding of concepts vs. details Improves interactivity greatly! Ask multiple choice question 1-2 minutes to decide 2 minutes in pairs/triples to reach consensus. Teach others! 2 minute discussion of answers, questions, clarifications
11 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing Dan Garcia Lecturer SOE Luke Segars TA, Grad Student Brian Harvey Lecturer SOE Colleen Lewis TA, Grad Student CS10 curriculum leads …many Cal!
12 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing Ray Pedersen Albany HS Eugene Lemon Ralph Bunche HS Josh Paley Gunn HS High School Collaborators
13 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing CS 10 YouTube Testimonial Justin Barnes (L) & Ian Birnam (R) Ian: “The class itself was amazing … I had a really fun time … Building our own projects was great … The lectures were really interesting … I never really got into computing but because of this class now I’m really interested in computing and being a possible CS major. … Anyone even remotely interested in computers should take it!” Justin: “The class is incredibly engaging. The atmosphere is unlike anything I’ve ever taken here. I would recommend it to any friend. I’m a senior, but honestly, if I had taken this class earlier, I would have considered CS as a major.”
14 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing 45% Women, ~60% of top 22 students!
15 / 15 CE21 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing CS10 is complete, available for others Fall 2010 archive Spring 2011 w/updates Tiffany UNCC using it for her pilot Google will soon host the entire thing We’re working with UC Online project “Does it scale?” … yes! “It's a great way to think and expand your mind as well as important and interesting information to know--not to mention that our guest speakers, professors, and department in general here at Berkeley are all outstanding. “ “It is an excellent introduction to the basic concepts of computer science, and the programing language is easy to learn and understand.” “even as a non-major i would highly recommend it to those who want to learn about computing” Summary