Prevalence of Chronic Pain by Country


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Presentation transcript:

Survey of Pain in Europe – Final Report – Marketing Minds Specialising in Research™ Survey of Pain in Europe – Final Report – Sweden Report Delivered 22 July, 2003

Prevalence of Chronic Pain by Country – European Summary Based on Complete Screener Data – (Unweighted) PTLWG DFIUS LWG DFIUS LWG DFIUS DFIUS FIUS FIUS IUS IUS S S Stat testing at the 95% confidence level where: U = greater than United Kingdom, F = greater than France, G = greater than Germany, T = greater than Italy, S = greater than Spain, P = greater than Poland, W = greater than Sweden, Y = greater than Norway, D = greater than Denmark, L = greater than Finland, I = greater than Ireland, N = greater than Netherlands, B = greater than Belgium, A = greater than Austria, Z = greater than Switzerland, and E = greater than Israel Source: All screening criteria.

Age and Sex of Chronic Pain Sufferers II. Demographics of Chronic Pain Sufferers Age and Sex of Chronic Pain Sufferers Sex – Sweden – (n=300) Age – Sweden – (n=300) Average age 52 Years Source: SQ4. Record sex from voice. SQ5. How old were you on your last birthday? US Census Bureau International Database (IDB), Summary of Demographic Information. October 2002 estimates.

III. Profile of Pain Locations and Causes of Chronic Pain Most Common Body Locations of Pain Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers – Sweden – (n=300) Most Common Causes of Pain Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers (Unaided + Aided) – Sweden – (n=237) Source: SQ11. Where is your pain located? SQ12. Please tell me the illness or medical condition that is the cause of your pain. Q1. Is your pain caused by…? (Read list)

Duration of Pain Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers – Sweden – (n=300) Median Duration of Pain 9.0 Years Source: SQ6. For how long have you suffered from pain due to your illness or medical condition?

Intensity of Pain Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers Rating of 5-10 on a 10-Point Scale * – Sweden – (n=300) Tolerance Level for More Pain – Sweden – (n=298) * Respondents with scores of 1-4 were not eligible to participate in the study. Source: SQ9. Thinking about the last time you experienced pain, please give me a number from 1 to 10 to indicate the intensity of your pain.. Please use a 10-point scale where 1 means “no pain at all” and 10 means “the worst pain imaginable.” Q4. Thinking about the intensity of your pain when it was at its worst, which of the following statements best describes your tolerance level of this pain?

IV. Attitudes Toward Pain and Impact on Quality of Life Impact of Pain on Daily Activities Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers – Sweden – % Reporting Less/Unable 76% 75% 72% 65% 55% 52% 51% 49% 47% 44% 32% Source: Q5. As I read each item, please tell me how much your pain affects your ability to participate in [each] activity, whether you are “just as able,” “less able,” or “no longer able” to participate in the activity.

Mean Time Lost From Work Due to Pain In the Past 6 Months (n=113) Employment Status/Impact of Pain on Employment Status Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers Impact of Pain on Employment Status (Amongst Those Not Retired) – Sweden – (n=284) Employment Status – Sweden – (n=297) Mean Time Lost From Work Due to Pain In the Past 6 Months (n=113) 7.0 Days Source: Q38. Are you currently…? Employed full-time, Employed part-time, Retired, Not employed. Q39. In the past six months, how many days in total have you lost from work because of your pain? Q40. Does your current employment status or the hours you work have anything to do with the pain that you experience?

V. Physician Relationship People With Whom Chronic Pain Sufferers Report Discussing Pain – Sweden – (n=279) Source: Q7. With whom do you generally discuss your pain?

Length of Relationship with Current Doctor (Amongst Those Who Currently See a Doctor and Currently Treat Their Pain) – Sweden – (n=153) How Many Times Chronic Pain Sufferers Report Seeing Doctor for Pain During Past Six Months – Sweden – (n=297) Median Visits 0.8 Median Length 2.5 Years Source: Q10a. How many times in the past six months have you visited your current doctor for your pain? Q13a. How long have you been seeing the doctor who currently treats you for pain?

Reasons Chronic Pain Sufferers Report Seeing More than One Doctor for Pain (Amongst Those Seeing More than One Doctor) – Sweden – (n=201) How Many Doctors Chronic Pain Sufferers Report Having Ever Seen for Pain – Sweden – (n=286) Median Doctors 1.9 Primary doctor is a general/family physician Primary doctor referred Went to a specialist for the medical condition Was not satisfied with treatment Previous doctor was unable to control the pain Friend/relative recommended another doctor Previous doctor said he/she could not do anything more for the pain Went to a pain specialist Source: Q12a. How many different doctors (including your current doctor) have treated you for your pain? Q12b. Please tell me your reasons for seeing more than one doctor for pain treatment.

How Pain Sufferers Report That Their Doctor Evaluates Pain How Pain is Generally Evaluated (Unaided) (Amongst Chronic Pain Sufferers Who Currently See a Doctor and Currently Treat Their Pain) – Sweden – (n=151) Use of Pain Scales to Evaluate Pain (Unaided + Aided) – Sweden – (n=281) Those who did not spontaneously mention pain scale were asked if they had ever been rated on a pain scale Source: Q13c. How does the doctor who generally treats your pain determine how much pain you are in? Q14a. Has any doctor or medical professional ever scored you on a pain scale?

57% = Extremely or Very Satisfied Mean Satisfaction Rating* 3.5 Satisfaction with Doctor Treating Pain – Sweden – (n=261) 57% = Extremely or Very Satisfied Mean Satisfaction Rating* 3.5 * Higher = better Source: Q14d. How satisfied are you with the doctor who currently treats your pain? (Read list)

VI. Treatment of Pain Chronic Pain Sufferers Reporting Currently Treating Their Pain in Any Way – Sweden – (n=297) Use of Prescription Medications To Treat Chronic Pain – Sweden – (n=300) Source: Q11a. Is your pain currently being treated in any way? Q15a. Have you ever taken prescription medicine for your pain? Q16a. Are you currently taking prescription pain medicine?

Classes of Prescription Pain Medications Chronic Pain Sufferers Report Currently Using for Pain Based on Respondents Currently on Rx for Pain – Sweden – (n=138) Source: Q18. Which prescription pain medicines are you currently taking for the specific pain we have been discussing?

Most Frequently Used Non-Drug Treatments Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers – Sweden – Source: Q28. What other methods, remedies or treatments, apart from medications have you ever tried to relieve your pain for the medical condition or illness we have been discussing?

Time from Pain Onset to Pain Control Reported by Adequate Pain Control and Time to Adequate Pain Control Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers Chronic Pain Sufferers Reporting That Pain is Adequately Controlled – Sweden – (n=252) Time from Pain Onset to Pain Control Reported by Pain Sufferers Whose Pain is Adequately Controlled – Sweden – (n=116) Median Length 2.5 Years Source: Q34. Would you say your pain is being adequately controlled? Q35. How long was it from the time you first experienced pain to the time your pain was adequately controlled?

VIII. Where Sufferers Learn About New Pain Treatments Where Chronic Pain Sufferers Report Hearing About New Pain Treatments – Sweden – (n=228) Source: Q36. Where do you hear about new methods for treating pain?