Chapter 8 The Last Night
Chapter Re-cap Why does Poole visit Mr. Utterson? (p47-48) He is concerned about Dr. Jekyll- he is locked in his room Describe Poole’s disposition (character). Poole is not a very confident person- he is submissive, fearful, yet observant Describe the mood AND setting as Utterson and Poole walk to Jekyll’s house.(p48) It was a cold night, the wind was biting at their faces, Poole was so stressed about everything, he had to wipe his face even though it was so cold
List five details about Jekyll that raise suspicions in Poole. (p50-51) 1) different voice 2) crying and noises at night 3) seeing the strange person 4) shutting himself in his lab 5) asking for “pain” medicine What does the crumpled note in Poole’s pocket say? (bottom of page 51) It’s a letter from Jekyll telling the pharmacist the last sample sent was impure- at the end of the letter, we see sudden emotion “ for God sakes find me some pure” What do they decide to do about the eerie situation? What point of the plot does this represent? (p53) They are going to break into the room- this is the climax of the plot.
Who does Poole think is the strange figure in the cabinet? (p53) Hyde- he is the only other person with a key to the door- also dwarfish Highlight the description of the night at the top of page 55. What literary element does Stevenson use to enhance the setting and mood? The wind which only broke… tossed the light of the candle to & for- use of personification / pathetic fallacy
What is the appearance of the cabinet when they break in? (p 56) a fire in the fireplace, a kettle was boiling, a few opened drawers, papers neatly stack, thing laid out for tea- it was a quiet room What do the men find in the middle of the floor? (p56) The body of a man sorely contorted and still twitching- body of Mr. Hyde What does this quote mean?“…Utterson knew that he was looking on the body of a self- destroyer.” (p56) They are looking at a man who committed suicide Where do the men search for Jekyll? What do they find? (p57-58) They searched the entire wing of the lab- they find Hyde’s key, broken in half and rusty; book
What was odd about a book found in the cabinet? (p58) The book has insults written in the margins which are in Jekyll’s handwriting- it is odd because this was Jekyll’s favourite book. What do they find on the business table? (p58) A large envelope with Utterson’s name on it- it has Jekyll’s will in it- the benefactor has been changed to Utterson What does Utterson decide to do? (p60) He will read Lanyon’s note & then Jekyll’s confession at home, he will then return to Jekyll’s before midnight & call the police to report the dead body
Choose a Quote from “The Last Night” most suitable to accompany each of the images below
Over to You…. Based upon the evidence seen in this chapter, write a police report of what you think happened to Mr Hyde and to Mr Jekyll.