JOURNAL What avenue of social media do you use? How often do you use social media? What is the main reason you use social media? What impact do you think social media has on you and others?
CURRENT EVENT Headline/topic Interesting fact Publications info Your reaction
FINISH PRESS RELEASE Group 6- company creates a faulty product
SOCIAL MEDIA Read the info graphic on infographic/ infographic/ With your table create a cause and effect graphic organizer that addresses the cause of the changes in social media and the effects of those changes. Discuss as a class Each person write a reaction to why you think communication ways have changed and what you think social media will become in future.
TWITTER Y u no use good grammar? Look at the grammar on Twitter.
SOCIAL MEDIA AND ITS POWER BLOGS/FACEBOOK Read the following articles How would these situations be different without social media? So does this have power? Do you have power?
YOUR TURN… Think of or research a TOPIC/ISSUE and create a presentation to share with the class. For example: kony2012-an "invisible" issue made visible all because of social media. You will need background/history of the topic How social media impacted this topic This is a presentation, so you will need sufficient information. This will be due next class period.