The Anguilla National Warning System Anguilla Department of Disaster Management
Cap Backbone Capability Pop Ups that deny Popup blockers Feeds –SMS –Cell –Roster –Pagers –Variable Message Signs –RDBS –Cable TV Interrupt –FM Broadcast Interrupt etc. Feeds ANY CAP compliant client innately!
ANWS Interface to CapCon
BamBox Pop Up Department of Disaster Management Anguilla has entered the 24 hour cone for Hurricane Sam HURRICANE WARNING Anguilla is being affected by tropical storm force winds. Please go to the nearest shelter, quickly and bring your shelter kit. Do not bring alcohol or pets.
RDBS FM Broadcast Anguilla Pilot Project since Aug 2006 with ViaRadio Approved for implementation by ExCo Currently evaluating ruggedised communications offered via the Anglican Archdiocese (DataFM) for Secure Comms system Benefits to multiple systems include redundancy and 24 hr coverage for broadcast media.
FM Interrupt Breaks into primary radio broadcast station Flashes strobe for 10 seconds (DDM defined) Broadcasts the emergency message live, text to speech or as a wav file. Utilises pause for the RDBS system to alert, then provide the same warning or notification via text to speech translation.
Other CAP Applications
Future Goals Support the CDERA Tsunami Warning Initiative Interface with PDC/UWI auto-notification via CAP Continue to evaluate and add CAP Client applications Offer best practices to partner countries Define redundancy Location for Aff network Activation (St Maarten, Antigua, Belize? etc) See Anguilla become recognised as the leaders for development and implementation of Alert, Warning and Notification Systems in the Caribbean !
Discussion - Decisions Hazards and risks (legislation) Levels of alert, warning, notification What tools for what levels Day and time for monthly live test Location of Backup Station Location(s) for Interrupt Training recommendations and schedule Policy and protocols development Roll out planning/schedule