Series Hybrid Vehicle Cooling System Simulation Simulink Based Vehicle Cooling System Simulation; Series Hybrid Vehicle Cooling System Simulation 13th ARC Annual Conference May 16, 2007 SungJin Park, Dohoy Jung, and Dennis N. Assanis University of Michigan I’ll present my research on the series hybrid vehicle cooling system simulation.
Outline Introduction Configuration of HEV cooling system Summary Motivation Objectives Simulation and Integration Hybrid vehicle system modeling [VESIM] Cooling system modeling Configuration of HEV cooling system Summary This is the outline of my presentation. First, I’ll briefly highlight the motivation and the objectives of my research. And then I’ll show you how the cooling system simulation is conducted. We used two system models for this study. One is the vehicle system model and the other is cooling system model. The vehicle system model is called VESIM. VESIM has been a key numerical tool for the ARC research activities. We configured a VESIM for a series hybrid electric vehicle. I’ll present how we integrated these two system models and show you detailed approaches of component model. By using the models, I’ll show you three configurations for HEV cooling system and the result of configuration comparative study will be presented to highlight the importance of cooling system configuration. Finally I’ll summarize the results.
Vehicle thermal management and cooling system design Motivation Additional heat sources (generator, motor, power bus, battery) Various requirements for different components Objective Develop the HEV Cooling System Simulation for the studies on the design and configuration of cooling system Optimize the design and the configuration of the HEV cooling system Compared to the conventional vehicle, hybrid vehicles have additional heat sources such as motor, generator, power bus, and battery as shown in the figure on the right. And these additional heat sources should be operated at different temperatures. For example, motor and generator should be operated under 95 C, power bus under 70, and battery under 45C. In addition, they don’t operate simultaneously. For example, engine and generator run together in series hybrid vehicle. But, motor operation is directly related to the driving cycle and it is independently. As a result, hybrid vehicle cooling system is much more complicated than that of conventional vehicle. So, the objective of this research is to develop the HEV cooling system model to study design and configuration. The second objective is to optimize the design and configuration of HEV cooling system to minimize components sizes and parasitic losses. Conventional Cooling System HEV Cooling System
Overview of Cooling System Simulation Cooling system model use simulation data from the hybrid system model Minimizes computational cost for optimization of design and configuration Driving schedule Let me explain why and how we use the vehicle simulation for cooling system simulation. To calculate the heat generation from each components, we have to know the operating condition of each component such as engine speed and torque, motor speed and torque, battery voltage, current, and resistance. This information was obtained from the VESIM and delivered to the cooling system model as input data. and then the cooling system simulation is conducted. So, even if I change the design of cooling system, I don’t have to run vehicle model again. This method will minimize the computational cost for design and optimization of cooling system. Hybrid Propulsion System Model [VESIM] HEV Cooling System Model
Hybrid propulsion system configuration and VESIM Engine Generator Power Bus Battery Motor Wheel Engine 400 HP (298 kW) Motor 2 x 200 HP (149 kW) Generator Battery (lead-acid) 18Ah / 25 modules Vehicle 20,000 kg (44,090 lbs) Maximum speed 45 mph (72 kmph) Engine Generator Vehicle Motor Battery Controller Power Bus This is the schematic of series hybrid electric vehicle that we used for this study. In a series hybrid vehicle all the engine power is converted to electricity and it is stored to battery or directly used by motor. The motor is powered by the electricity from engine or battery depending on the driving mode. Motor also functions as a generator in the regenerative braking mode. The figure on the bottom is the snapshot of VESIM in Matlab Simulink. And the specifications of the vehicle is summarized in the table.
Hybrid vehicle power management Discharging mode Charging mode Braking mode Battery is the primary power source When power demand exceeds battery capacity, the engine is activated to supplement power demand Engine / generator is the primary power source When battery SOC is lower than limit, engine supplies additional power to charge the battery Once the power demand is determined, engine is operated at most efficient point Regenerative braking is activated to absorb braking power When the braking power is larger than motor or battery limits, friction braking is used Series hybrid vehicle operates in three different driving modes Discharging mode/ Charging mode/Braking mode depending on SOC and driving condition. In discharging mode, battery is the primary power source. But if the power demand from vehicle is larger than the battery capacity, the engine is activated to supplement the power demand. In charging mode, the engine is the primary power source. If the battery SOC is lower than its low limit, engine supplies additional power to charge the battery. The engine is operated at its most efficient point that is shown on the right hand side. In braking mode, the motor works as a generator. But if braking power is larger than the motor or battery’s capacity, friction braking is applied.
Vehicle simulation Vehicle simulation model [VESIM] Vehicle driving cycle Cycle simulation results ( engine / generator / motor / battery) Engine Speed Generator Speed Motor Speed Battery SOC This slide shows the driving cycle simulation result from VESIM. The simulation results are used for the calculation of heat generation in the cooing system simulation. As you can see, the motor speed follows the vehicle speed but other components are controlled by the power management controller based on the driving mode. Engine BMEP Generator Torque Motor Torque
Cooling system modeling; Configurations Motor Generator PowerBus Radiator1 Radiator2 T/S Electric Pump Engine CAC1 Parallel Circuit Mech. Block Fan Turbo Charger Configuration A Radiator A/C Condenser T/S CAC2 Mech. Pump Fan Oil Cooler Now let me switch to the cooling system modeling. The first step of the cooling system modeling is to configure the system. I configured a relatively simple notional configuration as shown in this slide. In the configuration, all the electric components are in one cooling circuit. However this doesn’t look so reasonable because the electric components such as motor, generator and power bus don’t operate simultaneously and have different operating temperatures. So, We decided to develop new configurations more systematically. HEV Cooling System Model in Matlab Simulink
Guide Lines of Cooling system configuration Criteria for system configuration Radiators for different heat source components are allocated in two towers based on operation group The radiators are arranged in the order of maximum operating temperature Electric pumps are used for electric heat sources The A/C condenser is placed in the cooling tower where the heat load is relatively small Battery is assumed to be cooled by the compartment A/C system due to its low operating temperature (Lead-acid: 45oC) Component Heat generation (kW) * Control Target T (oC) Operation group** Engine 190 120 A Motor / controller 27 95 B Generator / controller 65 Charge air cooler 13 - Oil cooler 40 125 Power bus (DC/DC converter) 5.9 70 C Battery*** 12 45 D * Grade Load condition ** The heat sources that generate heat simultaneously during driving cycle are grouped together. *** Maximum speed condition / Lead-acid To develop the cooling system configuration I made some guidelines. To develop the guide lines for the cooling system configuration, we summarized the heat generations under grade load condition, target operating temperature of each components ,and groups of components that operate simultaneously. These are shown in the table. The grade load condition will be explained in later slide. Based on the results, I developed several guidelines of configuring the cooling system . - radiators for different heat source components are allocated in two towers based on operating group. This guide line is made to minimize the fan power consumption by removing redundant operation of fan during driving cycle. -The radiators are arranged in the order of maximum operating temperature - Electric pumps are used for electric heat sources . - The A/C condenser is placed in the cooling tower where the heat load is relatively small - Battery is assumed to be cooled by the compartment A/C system due to its low operating temperature (Lead-acid: 45oC)
Configurations Configuration C Configuration B Power Generation Based on the guidelines in previous slide, I configured two cooling systems In config B, every electric component has their own cooling circuit because the target temperature and the operating mode is different from each other. All the components related to the power generation are in one cooling tower and all the components related to the vehicle propulsion are in another cooling tower. Config. C is modified from Config B by adding a by-pass line to the oil cooler. This is because the heat load from oil cooler is much smaller than that of engine. Vehicle Propulsion
Modeling Approach Component Approach Implementation Heat Exchanger Thermal resistance concept 2-D FDM Fortran (S-Function) Pump Performance data-based model Matlab/Simulink Cooling fan Thermostat Modeled by a pair of valves Engine Map-based performance model Engine block Lumped thermal mass model Generator Power bus Motor Oil cooler Heat exchanger model (NTU method) Turbocharger Condenser Heat addition model Charge air cooler Each cooling system configuration has many components models as listed in this table. Each component was carefully modeled with different fidelity depending on its influence and sensitivity to the cooling performance. Let me go over the main sub models. Heat exchanger is radiator. -> HX slide Pump model is performance data based model. . -> PUMP slide Cooling fan model is similar to pump model. -> FAN slide Thermostat is a pair of valve. -> TS slide For electric heat sources, Lumped thermal mass model is used. For example, generator is biggest electric power source. -> GEN slide Oil cooler is one of heat exchanger model. -> OC slide
Modeling Approach: Heat source Heat Input and Exchange Model for Engine Block and Electric Components Lumped thermal mass model Heat transfer to cooling path (Qint) and to outer surface (Qext; radiation and natural convection) Engine Map based engine performance model Heat rejection rate as a function of speed and load is provided by map Turbo Charger Map base turbo charger performance model The temperature and flow rate of the charge air as functions of speed and load are provided by map Schematic of Heat Exchange Model at Engine and Electric components Engine heat rejection rate
Modeling Approach: Heat sources (cont.) Oil Cooling Circuit Heat addition model : heat is directly added to the oil Heat rejection rate as a function of speed and load is provided by map Condenser Heat addition model: heat is directly added to the cooling air Constant value is used for heat rejection rate Charge air coolers 2-D FDM-based model In contrast to radiator, heat transfer occurs from air to coolant Generator Heat generation is calculated using a 2D look-up table indexed by speed and input torque Lumped thermal mass model Heat generation from generator is calculated using two dimensional lookup table for the efficiency indexed by the rotor speed and input torque.
Modeling Approach: Heat sources (cont.) Motors Heat generation is calculated using a 2D look-up table indexed by speed and input torque Lumped thermal mass model Power bus Power bus regulates the power from electric power sources and supply the power to electric power sink Heat generation is determined by battery and motor power
Modeling Approach: Heat sinks Heat exchanger (radiator) Design variables Core size Water tube : depth, height, thickness Fin : depth, length, pitch, thickness Louver : length, height, angle, pitch Based on thermal resistance concept 2-D Finite Difference Method Structure of a typical CHE The radiator is modeled based on thermal resistance concept using two dimensional finite difference method. It can predict the radiator performance as a function of design parameters such as core size, tube size design, fin design and louver design. Design parameters of CHE core Empirical correlation for ha (by Chang and Wang) Staggered grid system for FDM
Modeling Approach: Heat sinks(cont.) Oil cooler Finned concentric pipe heat exchanger model for Oil Cooler Counter flow setup NTU approach is used to calculate the exit temperature of two fluids Water cooled oil cooler is modeled. In order to calculate the exit temperature of coolant and oil, NTU method is used. Schematic of Heat Exchange at Engine and Electric components NTU Method
Modeling Approach: Delivery media (Coolant) Coolant Pumps The coolant flow rate is calculated with calculated total pressure drop by cooling system components and the pump operating speed Performance map is used to calculate the coolant flow rate The mechanical pump is driven by engine and electric pump is driven by electric motor In the model, the coolant flow rate is calculated by total pressure drop across the cooling circuit and the pump speed. Performance map is used to calculate the coolant flow rate. Flow rate Efficiency Flow rate Efficiency Performance Maps of Mechanical Pump Performance Maps of Electric Pump
Modeling Approach: Delivery media (Coolant) Thermostats Two way valve with Hysteresis characteristics Coolant flow rate to re-circulate circuit and radiator are determined by the pressure drops in each circuit Valve lift curve of T/S T/S valve lift with hysteresis As you know, thermostat prevent overcooling of engine by re-circulating the coolant . The flow rate to re-circulate circuit and to radiator circuit are determined by pressure drops in each circuit. Coolant flow calculation based on pressure drop
Modeling Approach: Delivery media (Oil/Air) Oil Pump Map based gear pump model for Oil Pump Cooling fans Total pressure drop is calculated from the air duct system model based on system resistance concept Performance map is used to calculate the air flow rate Map Based Gear Pump Model Condenser Fan & Shroud Total air flow rate is calculated by pressure drop across grille, condenser, radiators, and fan and shroud and pump speed. Performance map is used to calculate the sir flow rate. Grille Radiator 1,2
Test conditions Test condition for sizing components and evaluating cooling system configuration The thermal management system should be capable of removing the waste heat generated by the hardware under extreme operating condition Grade load condition is found to be most severe condition for cooling system Grade Load Maximum Speed Off-Road Once the model development is completed, test condition of cooling system is needed for sizing components and evaluating the cooling system configuration. Since the thermal management system should be capable of removing the waste heat generated by the hardware under these extreme operating conditions, I evaluated the three extreme conditions. These three conditions are Grade load, which is up-hill driving schedule, at 35mi/h and 7% grade up-hill road. Maximum speed condition, at 45mi/h and flat road and the Off-road driving at 35mi/h on prescribed off-road profile. Among the three driving conditions, Grade Load condition is found to be the most severe condition to cooling system. So, I selected the driving condition for cooling system design and evaluation. Ambient Temperature 40 oC Road profile of off-road condition
Configuration test; Grade Load (30 MPH, 7 %) Engine Speed Engine BMEP Battery SOC Grade Load These plots are the results from VESIM under grade load driving condition. The result shows that the vehicle is switching between the charging mode and the discharging mode. The simulation is conducted for 30 minutes to get stabilized results of all cooling system components. These results are fed into the cooling system model to study the design and the configuration of cooling system. Max. SOC: 0.7 Min. SOC: 0.6 Initial SOC: 0.6
Configuration A and B Config. A could not meet the cooling requirements of electric components Configuration A Configuration B Generator Generator Motor Motor I compared configuration A and B first. As you can see in the plots, Configuration A couldn’t meet the cooling requirements of electric components. As you can see, motor is over cooled but power bus is under cooled. This is because the heat sources are connected in parallel in one circuit but their target temperatures are different from each other. But configuration B could satisfy all the cooling requirements of electric components. From these result, it can be concluded that proper configuration of cooling system is important for hybrid vehicle components, because the electric components work independently and have different target operating temperatures PowerBus PowerBus
Configuration A and B Configuration A Configuration B Performance of one CAC in Config. B was better than that of two CAC in Config. A CAC1 CAC CAC2 And then I compared the performance of CAC in Config A and Config B. The result showed that the performance of one CAC in Config B was better than that of two CAC in Config A. As you can see in the plots, The charge air temperature at the exit of CAC in Config B is lower that that of Config A even though it has two CAC. It’s because the CAC in Config B is in independent circuit.
Configuration B and C Configuration B Configuration C Config. C is designed by adding a coolant by-pass line to Oil Cooler in Config. B Power consumption of pump is reduced by 5% adding the bypass circuit I compared configuration B and C. Configuration C is modified configuration from Config B by adding by-pass circuit to oil cooler because the heat load of oil cooler is much smaller than that of engine. The results shows that the power consumption of the pump in the engine cooling circuit is reduced by 5%. This is because by-pass circuit reduces the coolant flow rate to the oil cooler, and , as a result, the pressure drop across the oil cooler decreases. This shows that parasitic loss of cooling system can be saved by optimal configuration of cooling system.
Summary The HEV Cooling System Simulation is developed for the studies of the cooling system design and configuration The HEV cooling systems are configured using the simulation In hybrid vehicle, the heat rejection from electric components is considerable compared with the heat from the engine ( Grade Load : heat from electric components ≈ 98kW, heat from engine module ≈ 240kW) Proper configuration of cooling system is important for hybrid vehicle components, because the electric components work independently and have different target operating temperatures Parasitic power consumption by the cooling components can be reduced by optimal configuration design Optimization study of cooling system is conducted using developed model (Symposium II, “Optimal design of electric-hybrid powertrain cooling system”) Let me summarize this study. The optimization study of cooling system for hybrid vehicle will be presented in Symposium 2 room this after noon.
Acknowledgement General Dynamics, Land Systems (GDLS) I’d like to thanks to general dynamics land system. This study has been partly supported by GDLS. Thank you.
Thank you!