1 Monitoring Progress of HFA Implementation in the Arab Region
2 Title – Arial 22 – Bold – Red Jfskdl ñlfk Text – Arial 18 - Black
3 Reporting on progress from Arab Region : National HFA Reports submitted online 2008/2009: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Syria, Yemen (22%!!!) One in-depth country review case study Egypt One drought risk reduction review– Djibouti Progress review reports sent 2007: Comoros, Djibouti, Morocco, Mauritania Regional analysis and review of progress (coordinated with the League of Arab States and UNISDR - submitted to 2 nd Global Platform 2009)
4 GAPS Identified!!! Weak and incomplete Institutional Frameworks Inadequate technical capacity to implement DRR Weak knowledge and info base for DRR Weak coordination regional/national, national/national, national/local Difficulty in reorienting from DM to DRR Scarcity/limitation of adequate financing for DRR Ensuring the sustainability of the set national agenda and policy to adopt the DRR
5 Actions to bridge Gaps! Political commitment to be asserted through regional policies on sustainable development Capacity development, training and guidance for countries to accelerate HFA implementation Support HFA Progress Monitoring & Reporting Focus on knowledge including enhancement of data on risk, hazards and vulnerabilities Use 2009 review as a benchmarking exercise to inform future plans and regional strategies. Undertake a comprehensive, in-depth review with wider stakeholders engagements ( ).
8 Thank you United Nations, secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Regional Office, Cairo, Egypt Tel: /3/4 Fax: and Luna Abu-Swaireh,