Ammonia Poisoning Symptoms Red, inflamed gill; gasping at surface Treatment Add chemical to absorb excess ammonia; decrease number of fish tank
Dropsy (Malawi Bloat) Symptom Bloated; raised scales loss of body color Treatment Bacterial infection- use medication and change 25% of water every other day
Ichthyophtirius (Ick) Symptoms Small white spots on body Treatment Parasite infection- use medication and quarantine new arrivals to tank before adding
Fin Rot Symptoms Loss of fin tissue; lethargic on bottom of tank Treatment Bacterial infection- use medication; change water frequently; quarantine affected fish
Fish Fungus Symptoms White to gray, mold- like growth on fish Treatment Medication and regular water changes
Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE) Symptoms Small dents or holes on head or side of fish; lack of desire to eat Treatment No definite treatment; use best water and fish food available
Nitrate/ Nitrite Poisoning Symptoms Fish are lethargic just below surface of water Treatment Use test kit to check levels; perform water changes; possibly decrease numbers in tank
Oxygen Starvation Symptoms Nearly all fish at water surface, possibly gulping for air Treatment Decrease temperature of tank; increase aerators to provide more oxygen
Pop-Eye Symptoms Eyes seem to be “popping” out of their sockets Treatment Bacterial infection- use medication and change water frequently
Swim Bladder Disease Symptoms Fish have difficulty staying level in water Treatment No definite treatment; small frequent water changes (10% per week) recommended
Velvet (oodinium) Symptoms Similar to Ick, but with small yellow or gray spots, fish may rub on sides of aquarium Treatment Parasite infection- use medication; prevent by quarantining new arrivals to tank for a few weeks.