Hot issues - climate change Initiatives in Poland Maciej Maciejewski Tomasz Walczykiewicz Bonn, 19th-20th of November 2007
Hot issues - climate change Flood alert in Cracow, 8th of September 2007, photograph by Tomasz Walczykiewicz
Hot issues - climate change Flood alert in Cracow, 8th of September 2007, photograph Tomasz Walczykiewicz
Hot issues - climate change Project proposal elaborated by IMGW: Impact of the climate change on environment, economy and society (changes, impacts, ways of limitation, proposals for science, engineering in practice and economy planning)
Hot issues - climate change Source of financing: Operational Programme Innovative Economy (IE OP) Financed from the EFRD
Hot issues - climate change It is assumed that the highest values of performance indicators of the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy goals will be reached under this programme. The focus of the IE OP is to increase the number of innovations by increasing R&D outlays, the development of cooperation between the B&R sphere and businesses, as well as dynamising the entrepreneurship potential. The investment should be responsive to the needs of the Community market.
Hot issues - climate change The programme supports innovativeness at least at national level. Innovativeness at local or regional levels will be supported and promoted through Regional Operational Programmes. The main goal of the innovative economy Operational Programme is the development of the Polish economy based on innovative enterprises.
Hot issues - climate change IE OP contains 8 prioritites: Research and development of new technologies R&D infrastructure Capital for innovation Investments in innovative undertakings Diffusion of innovations Polish economy on the international market Information society establishment and development Technical assistance
Hot issues - climate change Priority Axis 1. Research and development of new technologies Objective of the priority axis: The objective of the priority axis is to increase the role of the science sector in the economy through R&D activity in the directions recognised as priorities for the social and economic development of the country.
Hot issues - climate change Key tasks of the project: 1.Climate change and its impact on environment in Poland and estimation of economical effects 2.State of atmospeheric pollution in Poland and its impact on the quality of life –possible solutions 3.Sustainable management of water, natural and forest resources 4.Natural disasters, civil protection, internal public safety 5.Development of the new methods of forecasting, warning systems
Hot issues - climate change 6.The Baltic Sea - element of the climatic system and its role in creation of risk conditions 7.Determinants, risks and possibilities of realization of water supply program in view of climate change 8.Preventing of degardation of the artificial reservoirs (technical aspects, sediments) 9.The development plan of the Vistula basin
Hot issues - climate change Schedule of the project: Leader of the Project –IMGW Coordinator of the Project: M. Maciejewski Other institutes from Poland will be involved
Hot issues - climate change Thank you for your attention