Felipe Jácome, Vice President
Maximizing Board member & volunteer involvement – have you considered the AAA strategy for effective fund raising? The nonprofit Board’s role in philanthropy, development and fund raising The AAA Categories: Ambassadors, Advocates & Askers Benefits of the culture of philanthropy using the AAA model Summary and Conclusions
Individuals, foundations and others give because you meet needs, not because you have needs! A donation to your organization is an investment through your organization on behalf of the community Philanthropy is based on shared values and is increasingly about issues and impact, not institutions (it is not about you…) Fund raising is not about money, it is about relationships based on shared values
Engages Board members in full-contact fund raising: why this is important & what is required Is a an innovative strategy for tapping & enhancing volunteer energy, sincerity and motivation Engages your Board in fund & donor development as well as communications
Ambassadors ◦ Make friends for the organization ◦ Build relationships with the community you serve Advocates ◦ Describe what the nonprofit does and make the case personally through sharing their interest and passion ◦ Are assets for long-term Board member & volunteer recruitment Askers ◦ Are the face & voice of the nonprofit ◦ Make the “ask” for your nonprofit ◦ Are the organization’s “front line” fund raisers
Is a role that everyone must play all the time (Board members, Volunteers & Staff) Are critical in the cultivation of prospective donors & in maintaining proper stewardship of existing donors and resources Must be well oriented & coached about the organization’s impact in the community Must also be masters of the “elevator speech” Provide leadership for donor renewal or commitment Ensure that all your Board members are confident, well-informed Ambassadors!
Whether at work or in the car pool – these individuals share strategic and timely information They may also advocate for your nonprofit with elected officials, other organizations, partner agencies, institutional funders, or potential board members Are informed and integrated into your strategic development plan and believe in the vision & mission of the organization Are well-coached about organizational needs, advocacy techniques and responding appropriately to inquiries
Enjoy asking Are well informed & well trained Are thoughtfully “matched” with prospective donors and others Form task-oriented teams with other Board members & staff leaders Staff organizes “the ask” so the Asker’s focus can be on the single purpose of getting (or renewing) the gift Are able to build on the previous work of Ambassadors and Advocates
Involves all Board members in donor and fund development and the culture of philanthropy Constantly renews -- observe term limits, support active volunteer programs, emphasize personal involvement in ways that develop confidence and build commitment to the mission Enhances transparency, accountability & outreach, and encourages effective stewardship Identifies individual partners who share your volunteers’ values to join in supporting the mission
Without involvement, there is no commitment. Mark it down, circle it, underline it. Stephen Covey You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee. John H. Holcomb The AAA Strategy was authored by Kay Sprinkel Grace and recently presented as part of the Bank of America Nonprofit Impact Series, on May 25, For more information: or Voice Her book is titled: The AAA Way to Fundraising Success -- Maximizing Involvement, Maximizing Results, which may be ordered at
For More Information regarding this presentation: Felipe Jácome Vice President 1940 E. Silverlake Road, Suite 402 Tucson, Arizona, USA (520) voice (520) fax Developing People to Provide Quality Health Care!