Steven Proudfoot Director of UK Operations Asset Skills UK Academy for Business Services Supporting the FM Industry in Scotland
Welcome Asset Skills Uk Academy for Business Services, Property and Housing Supporting employers and providing access to: Accredited training and qualifications SVQ’s and Apprenticeships in Facilities Services/Management Pre-employment training and work experience programme Women and Work training subsidy
Background Asset Skills The Sector Skills Council for Facilities Management, Cleaning, Housing, Property and Parking Employer led Licensed by government Supporting employers to raise the skills of the workforce Working closely with BIFM and other partners
To address skills issues in the FM sector: Succession planning and limited access to younger entrants Lack of career pathways supported by qualifications Accessibility of industry specific qualifications National coverage of industry specialist training providers WHY an Academy?
Academy Membership Offer Access to a network of specialist providers meeting quality standards Referral service for member employers – grouping demand for training and making programmes viable Proactive management of employer requirements Advice on funding and collaborative funding bids/projects Support with accreditation of internal training meeting national standards Online forums of employers/candidates and providers/assessors Development and promotion of case studies Niche training provision
Academy for Business Services 24 employer members already, inc.: G4S, OCS, ISS, Europa, Compass, Carillion, Mitie, Serco, Rentokil Initial, etc Account manager assigned to each member Supported by existing Asset Skills structure 304 learner referrals in England 2010/1
Membership Costs Membership costs – cost effective for employers Employer 1-50 staff – Annual membership £50 Employer staff – Annual membership £100 Employer staff – Annual membership £500 Employer 5001 plus staff – Annual membership £1000 Referral charges to learning provider Now let’s take a look at some of the opportunities the Academy is already offering it’s members in Scotland…
FM Modern Apprenticeships New accredited work-based programmes – Modern Apprenticeships in Facilities Services (Level 2) and Facilities Management (Level 3) + core skills Level 2 – brand new qualification - attracting younger entrants Level 3 – more experienced member of staff (team leader), includes technical certificate - ILM Level 3 in Facilities Management
SVQ Level 2 in Facilities Services Mandatory Units Health and safety Promote and maintain service delivery Customer service
SVQ Level 2 in Facilities Services Optional Units x 3 Personal and teamWork safely at height developmentMaintenance and minor repairs Contribute to effectiveness andMaintain pool water quality efficiencyDeal with routine waste Control the use of resourcesDeal with non-routine waste Grounds maintenanceClean and maintain internal Site security and safetysurfaces and areas Control the use of premises by customers
FM Modern Apprenticeships Network of 5+ providers nationally (+ internal provision): Anniesland College, Glasgow (working with 5 employers inc Mitie) Dundee College (P&K Council school janitors) Edinburgh Telford College (NHS) Glasgow City Building (North Glasgow HA) T.I.G.E.R.S. Government funding, 16 – 19 years old
Government Funded Cleaning Pre-Employment Programme 2 week training programme covers: cleaning skills employability skills workplace skills 3 week work placement Employer commitment – genuine job vacancy Employer benefit 3 week on-site opportunity to assess candidate pre-trained new staff member
Women and Work Training Subsidy for female staff in cleaning or FM Strand 1 – any training (up to £300 grant) Strand 2 – management/supervisory (up to £750 grant) Employer minimum contribution - £95/12½% 85 places left Training must be complete by mid-February 2012!
Keeping in touch Join the UK Academy for Business Services Quarterly FM Employer Forum (8 November 2011, Scottish Government, Atlantic Quay, Glasgow) Employer visits Barometers
Asset Skills Academy for Business Services Prospectus available Website : / Call