Ignite Stage, Geneva, Switzerland 3:30 PM May 22, 2013 African Center for Disaster Risk Management African hub of new knowledge on Disaster Risk Management Resilient Communities, Sustainable Environment
The Birth The Center is a product of a consultative fact finding mission initiated by Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector (DRMFSS) in conformity with Disaster Risk Management Policy, Disaster Risk Management Strategic Program and Investment Framework of Ethiopia. The Business Plan was developed based on the strategic guidance provided by the DRMFSS with technical support from United Nation Development Program (UNDP), Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Cordaid. In December 2012, the Disaster Risk Management Resource Center as an entity was formed through the Memorandum of Agreement between DRMFSS and Addis Ababa University (AAU). The Center resides at the College of Natural Science and sharing the same building with the Climate Science Centre (CSC) in Addis Ababa University. Officially launched April 18, 2013 and followed with a First International Master Course on Disaster Risk Management (April 22-May 3, 2013)
The Vision Center of excellence in enabling resilient communities and sustainable environment through Disaster Risk Management and climate change adaptation and mitigation. African Center for Disaster Risk Management
The Mission To achieve an effective disaster risk management system through the building of community resilience, awareness raising, strengthening of institutional mechanisms, enhancement of knowledge and skills, and facilitation of the exchange of information and experience. African Center for Disaster Risk Management
The Emphasis The center will provide services to Africa as a hub of new knowledge in Disaster Risk Management. African Center for Disaster Risk Management
The Emphasis The Center will give emphasis on the integration of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation and mitigation and ecosystem restoration management African Center for Disaster Risk Management
The Emphasis Promote South-South exchange and collaboration amongst African countries African Center for Disaster Risk Management
The Emphasis The Center will build champions to enable decision makers, practitioners, communities and organizations in different countries of Africa to achieve resilience. African Center for Disaster Risk Management
The Roles and Services African Center for Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Management and Sharing Knowledge Acquisition and Generation Research and Community Outreach Policy, Partnership & Networking
Policy, Partnership & Networking Technical assistance for policy formulation and revision Legislation DRM/CCA/CCM regulations Land use and natural resource policy Strategic planning on DRM and CCA/CCM Promotion of government policies on DRM and CC Technical assistance for land-use planning Technical assistance on urban development and subsequent risk management DRM and CCA /CCM mainstreaming into development policies and programs Design special programs for promoting new DM policy and strategies African Center for Disaster Risk Management
Knowledge Management & Sharing Institutional and Individual Capacity Development Provide high quality training services (training manual development, training curriculum development, training delivery practical exercises in the field, study tours, case studies etc) in selected technical areas at continental. national and sub-national levels Professional development programs (certificate courses) Accreditation Specialized leadership trainings for policy makers and change agents Maintenance of an international roster of Institutional and Individual Capacity Development African Center for Disaster Risk Management
Information Sharing Networks African Center for Disaster Risk Management Universities Professional Organizations Organizations (UN agencies e.g. UNISDR, NGOs, CSOs) Private Sector Specialized Research and Training Institutes including Vocational Government and Sectorial Ministries (African Union, IGAD) Resilience Initiatives Knowledge Pool
Achievements African Center for Disaster Risk Management National Launch April 18, 2013 Conducted the First International Master Course on Disaster Risk Management, April 22 - May 3, 2013 with 25 participants coming from different region of Ethiopia, Somali Land, Kenya and the Philippines Second International Master Course on DRM - July 15 to 26, 2013
For more Information Website: African Center for Disaster Risk Management
Thank You! African Center for Disaster Risk Management