Charting for Success: Linking to the local CIS program Gary Chapman, MSW, EdS National Director, PLCs CIS National Office
Charting for Success 102 Charting for Success 101 Semester One Semester Two
Combining Experience and Research Charting For Success 2007 Performance Learning Centers CIS Network National Office
Goals of CFS Engage students in planning and preparation for post-secondary trainingEngage students in planning and preparation for post-secondary training Increase the number of graduates ready for college and post secondary successIncrease the number of graduates ready for college and post secondary success Help students transition to post-secondary education by teaching parents and students the valuable link between high school and collegeHelp students transition to post-secondary education by teaching parents and students the valuable link between high school and college
Creating a College-Going Culture High Expectations School Environment & Parent Involvement Goal Setting Skills Development College Exploration, Exposure, Application Financing College Pod creation- positive peer cohort Parent involvement and education Cross-Curricular involvement Scholarship Search Acceptance & Award Letters
Advisory An advisory is a small community within the school created so that all students are known well by at least one adult.An advisory is a small community within the school created so that all students are known well by at least one adult.
Advisories provide guidance and counseling to help students establish the connection between what they are learning in school and their goals beyond high school.Advisories provide guidance and counseling to help students establish the connection between what they are learning in school and their goals beyond high school. They also help students establish a routine of focusing on planning, organization, and working toward their goals similar to that of a working professional’s.They also help students establish a routine of focusing on planning, organization, and working toward their goals similar to that of a working professional’s.
PERFORMANCE LEARNING CENTER Student Road Map to Success C H A R T I N G F O R S U C C E S S S E R V I C E L E A R N I N G Referral Interview/Intake Process Individual Development Plan Instructional Day Scheduling Capstone Graduation Career/ College Graduation Mentor Program College Readiness L I F E S K I L L S
CFS- How it works Two modules for students to follow, 101 and 102Two modules for students to follow, 101 and 102 Each module contains 24 lessons, 12 lessons per semesterEach module contains 24 lessons, 12 lessons per semester Lessons designed to progressively build upon knowledge and experiences to lead to a prepared, informed transition into post- secondary choicesLessons designed to progressively build upon knowledge and experiences to lead to a prepared, informed transition into post- secondary choices Parent sessions and cross-curricular lessonsParent sessions and cross-curricular lessons
Key Topics Self- Awareness + Career Exploration Personal Finance Basics College Exploration, Application Financing College
Career Exploration for ALL Students Career Interest Inventory Resume Writing Portfolio Development Job Shadowing/Career Panels “Students who link expectation that college degree is essential to their desired career are 6x more likely to matriculate. (“Reclaiming the American Dream, 2006)
Financial Literacy Budgeting Bank Accounts & Credit Cards Savings Facts: In a 2006 Capital One survey 49% of teens said they are eager to learn more about money management, but only 14% have taken a class on the topic. 2004 VISA survey of college students: 56% were unprepared to manage money.
Lesson Format PurposePurpose Learning Objectives)Learning Objectives) Course LogisticsCourse Logistics –Time Frame –Materials Needed –Handouts –Additional Resources Lesson StepsLesson Steps Extensions/ModificationsExtensions/Modifications Important TermsImportant Terms Future PlanningFuture Planning ReferencesReferences
101-Semester Semester 2 1.How to be successful at the PLC 2.Intro to CFS: Preparing for the Journey 3.Individual Development Plans 4.Your State’s Mentor Site 5.Study Skills 6.Learning Your Style 7.Who Am I? 8.Career Interest Inventory 9.Career Exploration 10.Dress for Success 11.Communication Skills 12.Dress for Success, part 2I 1.Individual Development Plan- revisited 2.Job Shadowing Preparation 3.Job Shadow Day: Post Visit Reflection 4.Financial Basics 5.Budgeting 6.Lunch & Learn: Giving Back 7.Post High School Basics 8.Entrance & Placement Testing 9.Mock College Fair 10.College Visit Prep 11.Tour Debrief 12.Charting for a Successful Summer
102-Semester Semester 2 1.How to be successful at the PLC 2.Intro to CFS: Preparing for the Journey 3.Individual Development Plans 4.Your State’s Mentor Site 5.Designing your Future 6.Finding your Field 7.Spring into Fall 8.Spring into Fall 2 9.Tour Time 10.College Entrance & Placement 11.Mock Admissions Review 12.Alumni Connection 1.Individual Development Plan- revisited 2.Finding Free Money 3.Preparing for Financial Aid Season 4.FAFSA Completion 5.Professional Communication 6.Job Shadowing 7.Credit Basics 8.Making your Admissions Decisions 9.College Financing 10.Portfolio Preparation 11.Portfolio Presentation 12.Making the Move: Transitioning to the Next Step
Parent Events 101 Parent Kick-offs Managing your Money Financing College Dress for Success Lunch & Learn 102 Parent Kick-offs College Admissions Timeline Alumni Connection Financial Aid Information Session FAFSA Completion
Cross Curricular Lessons Financial Literacy Survey (Math/Business) FDIC Money Smart Modules (Math/Business) Drafting Admissions Writings & Resumes (Language Arts) Post Secondary Application Completion (Language Arts) Financial Fitness for Life: What’s the cost of spending and saving? (Math/Business) Financial Fitness for Life: All about interest (Math/Business)
What Can the Local CIS Do? Purchase Material/Resources Listed in the manuals (or get a $500 sponsor) Engage local Colleges, Technical Schools, & Military (mock college fair, campus visits, job shadowing, INTERNS) Engage Businesses & Non-profits (job shadowing, sponsorship of lessons & events, portfolios)
What Can the Local CIS Do? Find ways to assist the school leader in creating a college-going culture (find sponsors for college application fees, placement testing fees) Engage Partners as panel members for Student Portfolio Presentations, Lunch & Learns Publicize the parent events and provide incentives
Tools & Talents = Marketable Skills Charting For Success Curriculum + Students, CIS/PLC Staff, Parents/Guardians, Business & Non-profit Partners Springboard of Careers/College
college aware Contextual Skills and Awareness All students are aware of college as an option and of its importance (Transitions Team + ACs+ LFs) + college eligible All students take courses necessary for college entrance (Transitions Team + LFs) + college prepared Habits of Mind, Academic Knowledge and Skills, Academic Behavior All students master necessary competencies for college (i.e. no remediation required) (ACs + LFs) COLLEGE READY
Value Added for CIS Students Customized for 1 st generation, low SES New CIS/SEB Curriculum format Electronic, reproducible handouts Delivered in small cohorts, peer pods Cross-curricular lessons Parent/student workshops Accountability for completion (award credit) Special Glossaries & Resources, websites
Value Added to CIS organizations Relevant to TQS Standards & 5 Basics (Core Function, Site & Business Ops) Related Activities/Level 1 Services Potential Easy to Use SEBC Lesson Format Flexible, adaptable to CIS Class and After School Settings Volunteer Mentor Training Tool